Chereads / The Unleashing / Chapter 13 - Chapter 13

Chapter 13 - Chapter 13

Early the next morning, Kyle walked out of his room just in time to see Charlie sneaking out of Karl's room. He quickly snuck up behind her and spoke ,

Ahem! Good morning Charlie! Had a wonderful night I assume! Kyle said while Charlie jumped as she quietly closed the door.

Charlie was flushed and red with fright,

What the fuck Kyle? You want to give me a heart attack? Charlie said in a whisper, embarrassed and not wanting to draw attention to them and how it would looked to the rest of the household.

No you and Karl want to give me a heart attack! Tsk, tsk Charlie and Karl is doing the nasty. Kyle sang mockingly.

Kyle your mind is polluted and it's too early in the morning for this! I'm going to get ready and we're all going to visit James! Charlie said and stomped off angrily while Kyle stood snickering.

As soon as Charlie had walked into Lizzy's room and shut the bedroom door, Kyle immediately opened Karl's door letting it bang loudly against the wall.

Karl who was sleeping quickly flew up and looked at Kyle whose face had a devilish smile plastered over it,

You sly little bastard! I just saw Charlie come out your room and she looked disheveled. You guys doing the nasty baby bro? Why didn't you tell me you scamp! How long have this been going on? Kyle said laughing with a broad grin.

Kyle not now! It's been a long torturous night and I'm not in the mood for your shit! Karl said as he flung off the blanket and walked into the bedroom.

Charlie is the kinky type? I never thought she would be that type but good for you brother! Did she use the whip on you and have on leather lingerie? Kyle asked giggling.

Karl came out while brushing his teeth,

You have one fucked up mind! The truth is we didn't think how emotionally hard it would have been for Charlie to stay in Lizzy's room and I heard her crying so I invited her to sleep in here and mentioned I would have slept with you. However,  Charlie asked that I stay and we stayed on our sides of the bed until she woke up and left this morning! And that's what happened okay! Karl confessed and continued brushing his teeth.

Our bad with the room thing, we should have thought of that! Then I'm very proud of you for having so much control over your wolf that you could have done something so nice Karl! We all know how you feel about Charlie and that my brother was awfully sweet of you! Kyle said apologetically

And that's another thing, my fucking dumb wolf made my eyes stay wide open and my manhood hard as a rock until Charlie left the room! Karl complained as he spat into the sink and washed out his toothbrush.

And by definition of the word we in the last statement, as in we know how I feel about Charlie, who are we talking about? Karl asked.

Me, Lizzy, James, Mom, Alpha, Giles, Jo… Kyle continued but was interrupted by Karl.

What the fuck! Does the entire pack know? Karl said sarcastically

Possibly! You've been walking around with those puppy eyes any time Charlie's around for quite some years now. Kyle said smiling.

Fuck you Kyle! Fuck you! Karl said

You know I'm beginning to see the affects of not sleeping when you just mentioned you didn't sleep at all! Kyle exclaimed

So you understand why I can't deal with your shitty behavior today, right? Karl said as he walked out of the bathroom and began to change.

You poor baby! I'll go make us some coffee then, since you had such a terrible night. Kyle teased as he walked out and headed for the kitchen.

Just a little after nine in the morning, Kyle, Charlie and Karl walked through James's hospital room. He was sitting up and smiled broadly when her saw Kyle and Karl. But as soon as he saw Charlie he broke down and began to cry uncontrollably.

Hey man, take it easy. We'll get her back, I promise you that! You just need to get better and come join the search! Kyle said as he walked to him and patted his shoulder.

That's the truth! Karl added as he walked close to the bed.

Charlie walked to him and hugged him and it made him cry even more. Several minutes later when James had finally cried enough and gathered himself, he looked at the team and then at Charlie,

Charlie, did you tell them anything? James asked as he eyed her.

No I didn't! It wasn't my place to say anything James. I promised Lizzy I won't have told anyone! Charlie answered

What are you both talking about? What haven't you told us that Lizzy didn't want us to know? Kyle asked concerned and eyeing them both intensely.

Liz is pregnant and we were going to tell the family when we all met for her birthday dinner next month. She wanted to surprise everyone. James said as a fresh batch of tears rolled down his face.

Kyle's hand clenched as he looked out the window and mentally began picturing Lizzy telling them the good news and the entire situation hurt him tremendously.

Then tell us what happened so we can find her faster and get her home! Karl said immediately.

We were getting ready to leave the house to go next door for dinner when the door opened and two rogue vampires came in and we all began to fight. We had the upper hand until two others came in with wolfbane and weakened us. Then three of them began punching and kicking me while one held back Lizzy and then I blacked out and when I awoke I was here. James said.

So they didn't say anything at all? Kyle asked

Nothing other than don't hurt the woman, orders from the boss himself! James replied and began to cry.

I let them take my mate and unborn litter away. James continued crying as his body shook uncontrollably.

James we'll find them. Just do as Kyle says and get better and come and join the search okay. Charlie said as she hugged James and tried to comfort him.

James, we found some books opened in the study with historical caves in the mountains. Do you know anything about that? Karl asked.

No that was Lizzy. She asked me the night before about checking out caves with her and said that she was trying a new hobby. I found it strange with the pregnancy and all but I agreed so maybe that was why she was researching them. James explained.

Thanks James, you rest and get better and join us okay. We have to get back to the city. Kyle said and walked away.

Seconds later Karl and Charlie said their goodbyes to James and followed behind Kyle. They all walked back to the main house and met their parents having breakfast together.

Kyle's body immediately tensed when he saw his Alpha and Karl nudged him a little to remind him to keep cool.

Alpha, mother! Karl said as he kissed his mother and bowed at his father

Charlie and Kyle also made a quick bow and kissed Jean's cheeks while saying good morning.

We just came to say we're leaving for the city now. Kyle said with a serious tone after kissing his mother

Why so early? Join us for breakfast and you'll leave after! Jean asked as she motioned for them to sit.

We can't. We have to get back to the city to check out a lead! Kyle said even though the breakfast on the table looked quite delicious and watching Charlie and Karl's regretful expression even made him feel more guilty for saying that but he refused to be around his father.

Yea we do. Besides Kyle promised to get us breakfast on the way, right Kyle? Karl said with a raised eyebrow.

No I said there's pizza in the fridge at the house! Kyle replied with the intention of purchasing them lunch.

Okay my darlings, be safe until we meet again. Jean replied.

Before you go, the investigator found bugs in Lizzy's place and I found this in my study so I want you all to check your rooms before you leave. the Alpha said and pulled out an electronic bug and showed them.

Kyle, Charlie and Karl all looked surprised.

What the hell? How did we miss that at Lizzy's place earlier? Then that means someone with access to Liz's place and the main house is in on this! Karl said as he grabbed three of the muffins from in the basket on the table.

The investigator is so young and vibrant. I'm positive you both would get along wonderfully. You both should meet! Jean said looking at Kyle.

I very much doubt mother but thanks for the heads up with the bugs! We'll check our room now! Kyle said and bowed and walked away.

Karl and Charlie followed behind and ran up to meet Kyle who was briskly walking down the corridor towards his room.

Here, catch Kyle! Karl said and threw a muffin at him.

But you still have to buy us lunch when we get to the city for your arrogance okay. Karl continued.

Whatever! Kyle said as he greedily began to eat the muffin.

After several hours, they all came out with electronic bugs in their hands. Kyle asked Karl to take them back to the Alpha while Charlie and he waited in the car for his return. When he finally arrived, Kyle drove off and their was silence for quite a while.

I've been thinking that we should start looking into the surrounding caves on the mountains. Seeing that the place was bugged, it can't be a coincidence that right after Liz and James had the conversation about caves that she was kidnapped. Kyle said.

I think that's a good idea because I found it strange that she would want to check out caves seeing that I know how Lizzy was never keen about being out in nature. She literally hated to be hot and sweaty! Charlie added

Well it's settled! But the mountains is a huge expanse of land! We have to have a plan, maybe even split up in teams. Karl said as they continued towards the city.