Chereads / The Unleashing / Chapter 5 - Chapter 5

Chapter 5 - Chapter 5

When Bella arrived home, she quickly showered and stood in front of the mirror looking at her black and blue bruises all over her torso.

Yes Bella crime fighting usually comes with pain and bruises but luckily no civilians was injured badly, she mumbled as she checked the time and saw she only had a few hours of sleep left.

When she awoke and looked at her clock on the wall, she saw that she was running late for work already. She quickly threw on a black bodycon dress that stopped just below her knees but clung to her body showing off her curves and smooth skin. She briskly wrapped her hair in a messy bun and applied some very light makeup.

Within ten minutes she was out the door headed downstairs. Bella quietly opened up the locks to her small office and pressed played on her voice machine.

Hey Bella my husband finally settled out of court and because of your investigative work I was awarded even more than what I expected. Let me take you out to show my thanks! Call me okay…Patricia.

Good for you girl, you deserve it! Slimy, dirty pig of a husband! He deserved everything he got, Patricia!" Bella muttered as she stirred a cup of coffee and then walked to her desk to get some work done.

Bella was a loner by nature. She had lived in the city for almost fifteen years and she didn't have much friends. She had decided years ago, that by having friends she would be endangering their lives and her life as a matter of fact. Conveniently neglecting, that her identity was unknown since she wore a costume.

She had gotten accustomed to being alone and convinced herself having no one around made her life simpler without complications. As a matter of fact she above all people knew, from being an investigator and working on her past cases, that  genuine people were hard to come by.

From her office Bella heard the front door open and she looked at her time to see if it could be her receptionist.

Hey Bella, I'm here. Bella heard her receptionist call out to her

Hey Donna, I'm in my office. What time is the first client's appointment?Bella asked

It's for half nine so they should be here any minute now! Donna said as she stepped into Bella's office with two cups of coffee.

Donna was a tall, slender girl with wavy hair and brown skin. She was one of the few people who understood Bella's ways completely and had been working for her for  over three years now.

Bella I need you help please! Donna said as she placed a cup of coffee on the table and sat down on the opposite side of Bella's desk.

Bella concerned with what Donna had said, stopped reading her file and looked up.

What's wrong Donna? How can I help you? Bella asked

Bella you remember when I told you that my parents had died in a car accident and left me with my teenage sister to raise? Donna asked eyeing Bella

Yes I recall you mentioning that! Bella replied

Well my sister is now twenty and have become quite the handful. I haven't seen her in a week and she have not called me nor am I getting through to her on her cellphone. Donna said worriedly

Is that a normal behavior of hers, Donna? Bella asked softly

Actually it's not. Usually she just spends a day or two at her friend's place but then she comes home. And she even calls when she's doing that. I made a missing person report already but so far the police have no leads. I'll pay you for your services Bella but you're my last hope! Donna said with tears filling her eyes.

Don't be silly Donna, I won't charge you. Where does she usually hang out? And I'll need you to send me a picture of her! Bella replied

Hill View Bar is the only place she goes when she not with her friend Jane. And Jane said she left her place five days ago to go across there to meet up with another friend but she didn't tell Jane who that friend was! My sister's name is Tracy and this is a picture of her that I'm sending to your phone! Donna said as she looked through her gallery to get an image of Tracy to send to Bella's phone

Okay I'll check it out after my appointments okay. Don't worry Donna, we'll find her,  I promise! Bella said and picked up her cup of coffee and began drinking.

Thank you Bella, you don't know how much this means to me! Donna said and got up and left Bella's office.

Bella sat looking at Tracy's picture for quite a while until the phone rang and Donna informed her that her first appointment had arrived.

Send them in Donna after they finish the paperwork. They are the Steven's right? Bella said and after confirming the name with Donna, she hung up the phone.

After several minutes Bella saw an old woman and an old man walk through her door.

Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, my name is Bella Martin and I am the private investigator that you made an appointment to see. Bella said and put out her hands to give them both a handshake.

After the introductory, Bella motioned for the couple to sit while she went around her desk and sat down also. She pulled out her notepad and a pen and waited to write.

So how can I help you today? What matter would you like me to investigate? Bella continued

Our twenty two year old granddaughter is missing and the police can't seem to find her! Mrs. Stevens said and began to sob uncontrollably.

Immediately Bella got out a box of tissues from her drawer and handed it to her.

Tell me everything! Bella said and began to take notes about what the Stevens's had to say.

Forty minute later they walked out of Bella's door and headed out of the office. Bella wanted to wrap up all her appointments by 2pm and visit the Hill View Bar for lunch but unfortunately she had another appointment schedule that had not arrived and was running late.

An hour later, her last appointment arrived and filled out the paper work. When he spoke with Bella, the young and handsome gentleman was also missing his young sister and needed her Bella to investigate the matter. In total, Bella had three young women, including Donna's sister, all missing within a two week period. She instantly knew from experience that this was no coincidence so she grabbed her jacket and bag and walked out of her office.

And as soon as she approached Donna's desk she saw the fear that was plastered on Donna's face, after reading the information forms filled out by the clients, about the other two young girls that were missing.

Donna don't do that! I'll find her I assure you I will. Where is this famous Hill View Bar located? Bella asked knowing fully well that all three girls were known for hanging out at the same bar.

After Donna had given her the directions, she jumped into her car and began on her journey to have herself a few drinks.

After leaving the pack early the next morning and going to check into the house that they would be staying for the next several weeks, Kyle, Charlie and Karl headed to the hottest Bar spot in the area to try to get some information.

So Lizzy says that her friends who lives in the city say that Hill View Bar is the hottest place to be right now if you looking for fun. Charlie said from the back seat of the car

It's been years since I went into a bar. I wonder if they have changed much. Karl said softly

What? You've been to a bar already Karl? With whom and why wasn't I invited? Kyle said in amazement

Kyle not because I'm the favorite child does not mean I don't know how to have fun! I just know how not to be caught, unlike you! I've been with friends Kyle and you weren't invited because honestly my friends think you're gay. Karl said grinning

What? Why the fuck would they think that about me?  Kyle asked angrily

Let's see, we've never seen you with a girl nor woman and you're always with guys! Karl said sarcastically

Charlie have you ever been to a bar? Kyle asked when he heard her giggling in the backseat.

Kyle I'm no longer the little girl in ponytails that followed your sister around. Off course I've been to a bar. Hell even Lizzy and James have been with us to numerous bars. I mean we are adults now! Charlie said

Charlie remember the time when James and I got so drunk that you and Lizzy had to drive us home and James ended up vomiting on Lizzy. The next day I had the worst hangover and promised myself that I would never drink so much again. Karl said and laughed loudly

Amm I think it was you who vomited on me Karl and not the way you remember it! Charlie said and began to laugh.

Kyle instantly took up his phone and place it to his ears and began laughing even louder than anyone in the car and for quite a while.

Bro it's not that funny! I just had a little too much to drink, that's all! Karl said

I'm not laughing at that Karl! I'm actually laughing at this. Listen carefully! Kyle said and played a recording of Charlie and Kyle's confession along with their story about Lizzy and James

I wonder how the Alpha will feel after learning about this new surveillance information seeing that you don't get caught and you're the favorite! Kyle said and saved the recording to his phone

Kyle you won't! I can't believe you did that! I swear if you send that to father I will use my powers to get into your mind and unscrew the remaining slack screws. Karl said with annoyance

Yea Kyle that was a real sneaky move on your behalf. Quite beneath your standards if I must say so myself. Charlie replied

Common children, be nice to your Daddy okay or this recording may accidentally be sent to father with the rest of our report.  I guess Charlie and you would be sponsoring drinks tonight! Kyle said and laughed loudly again as he looked at Karl

Okay we're here! Kyle continued

What's the plan? Charlie asked

Well it's our first day so no need to get in trouble! Let's just have some fun and see who notices us and slides us some information. And no getting drunk Karl! Kyle answered and laughed

Okay, sounds good to me. Charlie said

Best child common because I'm quite thirty for some expensive cocktails. And no vomiting in the Land Rover, okay! Kyle said mockingly as he existed the car and began to stretch out his legs.

Five minutes later, the three walked through the bar's entrance door into a semi lit room with loud music and which was almost packed to capacity.