Chereads / The Unleashing / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3

Present day

A fire blazing werewolf along with another werewolf that controlled the weather was battling an abnormally enormous black werewolf and was losing badly. Next to them was another rogue, but this one being a vampire, that was thrashing wildly and shouting,

Get out of my mind you fucking bastard! the vampire's screamed as his eyes became red and banged his head to the ground. Just then a water shaped werewolf began sending long lines of pressured water into the rogue vampire, causing him to fly backwards and fall to the ground.

Kyle we could use your help right now, you know! the red eyed vampire shouted as he looked at Kyle in an undesirable way. At that exact time, Kyle had just ripped out the jugular of another rogue lycanthrope and stood breathing heavily.

Karl do I look like I'm fucking twiddling my thumbs here? Fuck sake let me ketch my breath! Kyle snapped as he began to run towards his siblings with a wooden stake in his hands.

As Kyle was doing this he noticed that Lizzy and Charlie needed help badly,

Karl ketch! I have to help Lizzy and Charlie! Kyle said and threw the stake towards the wildly trashing vampire. Just before he could catch it however, the vampire shoved Karl out his mind and had began to get up from the ground. James quickly tried to restrain the fighting vampire.

Karl quickly went back into his body and caught the wooden stake and sent it directly into the heart of the strong rogue vampire causing him to suddenly turn to ashes in James hands.

Kyle on the other hand, powered up and turned into a stone werewolf and began punching the enemy that was badly beating Lizzy and Charlie. While he continued the assault, the rogue started to become smaller and smaller in size and as soon as he was regular size, Kyle gave him a final powerful punch and he fell down

Now! Kyle shouted

At once Lizzy, who had changed into a creamish coloured huge werewolf,  ran in and ripped the jugular out of the rogue lycanthrope that was lying on the ground and killed him.

Kyle then bent down and held his knees and began breathing heavily as he gasped for air. The team came together and stood close to Kyle as they all began to power down.  

These damn rogues are getting harder and harder to fight each time we have to kill one! That or I'm getting too old for this shit! Kyle muttered as he shapeshifted from a werewolf to a human.

You're telling us like we didn't battle just now Kyle. And if I remember clearly we all took on more rogues than you! Karl said irritated

Yea but they were much smaller than the one I had, so shut your face! Kyle answered.

Come on everyone, let's go home! I need a shower to cool off from this heat. Does anyone know what time it is, by the way? Lizzy asked as she spun around and began walking towards the Land Rover.

Hmm, using my acute werewolf instincts and judging from the moon along with my knowledge in sundials, I would say it's a lottle after seven. Karl boasted.

As soon as Karl said that, a long splash of water came pouring out of James's hands, causing Lizzy's body to let off large flames of steam that rose into the air.

Really James? Really? You went and did that! Lizzy turned around and shouted.

At once, her both hands came up and in her palms were two small balls of fire. The spinning balls glowed brightly and began to get bigger as Lizzy continued looking at it.

Liz, I was only trying to help cool you off. No need for payback! I'm sorry my love, please don't hurt me! James said teasingly as he grinned.

I'll surely get you back for that another time my sugar.  And you, above all people, know I'm true to my words. Lizzy said teasing back

Charlie can you give me a blowout please?  Lizzy turned and asked her best friend.

I've got you girl! But I don't think I can help you with that hair!  Charlie said and raised her hands and began to send long gusts of wind directly to Lizzy that caused her to dry off.

Could you guys quit showing off with your powers and let's go home please. Some of us are exhausted! And hungry as a matter of fact. Karl said in a irritated tone.

Karl are you okay? You seemed a little distracted today! Maybe even grumpier than usual and even your fighting skills was deplorable in that last fight! Kyle said genuinely concerned about his brother.

Kyle I saw yours and it wasn't much better than deplorable either so you shouldn't be talking! But I'm not sleeping well these days because the dreams are back! It started slowly at first and gradually moved up until it has become worse now. I can't close my eyes without it happening and me seeing her! Karl answered in an irritated tone

Karl we've all searched tirelessly for years for her. We don't know who she was or what she was doing there with a broken down car in the first place. Worst of all, is that father and the rest of the pack didn't see her around the car wreckage when they found us after the asteroid hit. It was like she was never there! And he told me that he ordered the pack to search for her several times. Kyle said

Common Kyle, I don't care what father or the pack says, we all know she was with us that day! Hell, her head was lying on my lap when the asteriod hit! She has to be alive and out there! Lizzy intervened

Maybe she didn't survive! After all she was a human and maybe us being werewolves and superior beings helped us to survive and not her! James said trying to avoid the long heated debate they usually had every time they spoke about the young woman Kyle had hit with his car so many years ago.

So what? You're trying to say that she turned into ashes from the asteroid impact like ashes after killing a vampire? I think that could happened because she was not complete human but mixed with vampire. Charlie said pondering the idea.

I'm just trying to make some sense of it everyone! We're not completely sure what happened to her! James continued

I agree, we're not sure what happened to her. But she was with us when the accident happened because I remembered holding tightly on to her. And besides didn't we determine she was mixed with vampire or witch? Because I specifically recall you mentioning that she was mixed with human and something you've never smelled before! Lizzy asked James

Yes I did but common guys, have you all ever seen a witch look like the way she did? That girl was beautiful! James answered

For years we've been hunting and killing rogue lycanthropes and the vampire species that was given super strength when the asteriod hit the Dark Moon mountains and you're trying to tell me that a human, mixed with whatever, who was in the car and received a direct impact with all of us, didn't survive? I know for one I didn't have the power of changing into fire before the incident! Lizzy said slowly

Lizzy is right! She is probably out there looking extremely sexy and using her powers to hook rich husbands and then take them on vacation and slaughter them with her powers! Karl said with wide eyes

Okay then! No more crime watch for you when you can't sleep! Kyle said as they all looked at Karl puzzled.

She's alive and she's out there. Every time I've dreamed her I see her with all our powers fighting against rogues like us. I've even seen her with you Kyle! he continued

What? You never told me about that! Kyle said astounded at what his brother just confessed. Especially knowing that since that day so many years ago, her image was still imprinted in his mind.

It was a few days ago Kyle. And it seemed like you were standing on a stage and she stood smiling next to you in a white gown with a flower in her hair. Odd thing though was that you both were looking down lovingly at five pups! Karl replied

It was a nightmare I tell you. I couldn't go to sleep until the next day! Karl continued

What? The mystery woman is Kyle's mate? Well I'll be damned! Wow and you guys are going to have five pups too! Your own little army! Charlie said laughing

Now Charlie, Karl did not say they were going to be mated or the pups was his. For all we know she was all dressed up and looking pretty to probably push Kyle over the platform to his death. God knows I would want to do that same thing if someone impregnated me with a litter of five!  Lizzy said jokingly joining in with Charlie's laughter.

Honestly speaking here, maybe this dream was as close as Kyle would come to being with a woman! With the amount of male friends he has I would swear he's on the other side. You want to say something to us Ole chap? It's okay, you can come out you know, we'll still love you the same! Karl said and began chuckling.

For a team of supernatural fighters that was just getting all their asses whooped by a few rogue werewolf and vampires, you all sure have jokes today! Kyle answered unapologetically.

Damn Kyle, that was hurtful to the bone! Because you damn well know that those rogues were huge earlier.  Karl said as everyone grew silent.

Come on, let's go home everyone. I really can't stand to be around any of you much longer so this will be a quick drive. Kyle commented while still feeling a little embarrassed after what Karl had just said about him not being with a woman.

As Kyle drove the team home, he thought about how long it had been since he'd been with a female. A few years after the accident he started to date other women and werewolves while still searching for his mate but his mind kept remembering the young woman he had hit with his car.

Soon after that, he devoted years of his life searching for her and trying to find her identity but he found nothing. Maybe it was time to start back looking for his mate seeing that Lizzy already was mated to James. And Charlie and Karl was interested in each other but kept denying each other's feelings for one another.

The drive back to the main house was quiet and Kyle was ever so grateful for it. It was a rare occasion when the vehicle was silent with his team in it but tonight, it seemed everyone's thoughts was elsewhere.

Are we still taking Mom and Dad into the city for dinner to celebrate their anniversary tonight Kyle? Lizzy asked as they neared the front gate.

Yes Liz, we're expected to arrived there for eight so don't be late because you know how Dad becomes fidgety when he stays too long in the city. I called and made the reservations last month. Kyle responded casually.

I'm quite amazed he agreed to go in the first place! As everyone of us here knows, that our Alpha is an introvert. I swear the only two people he enjoys to be around is mom and Giles. Karl said sadly.

Mom wanted too go to that restaurant and that's why he agreed. I don't know if you've all noticed but Mom can convince Dad to do just about anything! Kyle replied

Go Miss Jean! Guess she knows how to work her magic on the Alpha. Charlie said aloud.

Yep, she always gets her way in the end! Can't wait for her to tell me how she does it! Lizzy said and laughed as she opened the door and existed the vehicle

Let's go my love! she continued as she walked over to James and took his hands and they began to walk towards their newly constructed home next to their parents house.

Who's you lucky guy that's your date tonight Charlie? Incase I need to rearrange the seating. Karl asked as he raised his eyebrows at Karl.

Unfortunately I don't have a date to take. Since the pack have learned of my super powers over the years, my dating life has become non-existent Kyle! Help me with a hook up please? Maybe you can get me a date tonight? Charlie said begging

Awwh Charlie, that's so sad! I can possibly help with the hookup, but not the date because most of my friends are busy tonight. Hey I know! Maybe Karl can accompany you since he's dateless also. Kyle said and walked away laughing leaving Charlie and Karl in an awkward position as they both mumbled at the absurd suggestion.