Chereads / The Unleashing / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Bella Martin was on her way to her parent's house deep within the Dark Moon Mountains after learning about the asteroid impact scheduled to hit the mountains. She knew that it was not something she should have been worried about since her mother was a witch and could easily protect herself and her father, who was human, should anything go wrong. But she felt obligated to leave school to head to her home after hearing the announcement on the television and the cancelation of her classes. Maybe guilt played a major part in her decision also, since she had not visited them for several months.

Her life at college was completely different from the quiet forest and mountains that she had grown up in. She loved the city and the lively environment and spent hours sitting on the park bench watching and observing strangers. The lights, the music and the bustling pace of everyone made her excited, not to mention the tasty food that was just a phone call away. As she continued on her journey, she suddenly began to hear a clattering sound coming from her engine.

Oh common baby, don't fail me now! We're almost home my darling. Bella said lovingly as she gently patted the dashboard of her flaming red Toyota Celica GT.

However, a few minutes later after her persistent coaxing of the car, it came to a complete stop. Reluctantly, Bella stepped out of the car and had to dart to the side to avoid being hit by a speeding car.

What the fucking hell, take your blasted time you maniac! Are you fucking blind! was words Bella hurled at the vehicle as both her arms flared in the air as the black car sped off.

Bella then spun around and went to the front of her car and opened the hood. Immediately large gusts of steam emitted from the engine and after checking it out after the steam had disappeared, she knew she was going no where with her busted radiator.

She thought about calling her dad at that very minute, seeing he was a wizard at fixing cars but then decided against it since she did not want him out so close to the asteroid impact time. Instead, she had planned that she would simply secure the car and leave it until tomorrow and fly home on her broom through a short cut in the forest, the place which she spent hours growing up in.

As she looked around and tried to figure out her location she soon realized she wasn't that far from home and could make it within twenty minutes. Just as when she had closed the bonnet and was about walk to the front door to retrieve her bag and lock the car, she heard the loud roaring of a car and the squealing of wheels as it sped around a corner and approached her. Instinctively, she walked to the side of the road and waited for the vehicle to pass her after experiencing the car incident less than half an hour ago.

Kyle arrived at Twin Peak under twenty minutes and began to let out several explicit profanities as soon as he pulled in, since he did not expect such a large number of juvenile lycanthropes to be there on the peak.

He raced out of his car and began searching franticly for his siblings. Fifteen minutes later, he located them both and told them about the asteroid and informed them of their mother's instructions. On hearing what Kyle had said to them, the siblings knew that they had to leave at once and quickly began to gather their telescopes and bags.

Karl however, being quite the responsible and considerate of the siblings, immediately tore away from them and made his way to the music stage and grabbed the microphone from the singer. The artiste, who was singing terribly by the way, looked very annoyed when Karl snatched away the microphone from him. Karl, disregarded his looks and then made the announcement about the asteriod heading towards the mountains and warned everyone that they should go home. When he was done, he quickly handed back the mic to the singer who resumed his out of tune song as Karl headed back to his siblings.

Unfortunately, instead of scrambling to get out of the party and head back to their individual packs like the minority had done, Kyle and his siblings heard loud cheers of excitement from the remaining party delinquents. Kyle looked at his watch and saw that time was running out on them, so he quickly signaled Karl that it was time to leave. Kyle then grabbed Lizzy's hand and began dragging her through the crowd as they headed for the carpark.

Kyle wait! Charlie has to go with us because she came with me! We can't leave her here! How will she get home? Lizzy shouted and pulled away from Kyle's hand.

And where is your best friend Lizzy? Because I'm not seeing her being your twin beside you as I usually do! Kyle asked sarcastically

Kyle she went to the bar to get us some drinks! Let's go there and meet her! Lizzy demanded and began slowly walking towards the bar.

Karl had arrived next to his siblings with his best friend, James, behind him and began to look confused,

What are we waiting for Kyle? Let's go! We'll barely make it if we don't leave now! Kyle shouted as the music began to loudly play again.

Lizzy is looking for Charlie and then we'll leave! Help us find her! Kyle shouted back.

After a few minutes of the group glancing around, James saw her

There she is, he shouted and pointed to Charlie trying to balance two drinks in her hands as she pushed through the crowd that was gathered at the bar.

Charlie, Charlie! Lizzy screamed and she saw Charlie look at her and smile.

Charlie pushed through another group of intoxicated werewolves and then began walking towards the group.

We have to go! An asteroid is headed for us and not a meteor shower. It's expected to hit the mountains around nine. Lizzy shouted so that Charlie could hear her.

Immediately the drinks fell from Charlie's hands and fear came over her face. Several seconds later, she grabbed on to Lizzy's hand and they all pushed their way towards the carpark.

Get in quickly! Kyle said as he ran into the driver's seat.

And as soon as they were all in, Kyle floored the pedal causing it to swerve in the lose dirt before getting back on to the road. Just barely over five minutes into the reckless driving, Karl spoke

Kyle I'm telling you now, if you have to drive like the madman you are, I think I'd rather stay here and wait on the asteroid than b killed in an accident! Clearly my chances seem better here with the asteriod right about now, he said staring at Kyle with opened eyes into the rear view mirror.

Karl not fucking now! Because of both of you I am out here when I should be helping father prepare with the pack so shut the fuck up and leave the driving to the professional! Okay? Kyle snapped as he turned around to make eye contact with Karl.

Kyle look out! Lizzy screamed which caused all the occupants to begin screaming also as Kyle tried to steady the beast of a car.

Unfortunately though, Kyle's car had already swerved to the edge of the road and his front bumper came into contact with the individual standing on the side of the road. The impact sent the person flying into the air and landed several feet away from the red car that stood at the side of the road. The victim was hit with such force that it caused their bag and laptop to scatter across the road.

Kyle what did you do? Did you kill someone? Stop the car now! Now Kyle! Oh my God, oh my God! Lizzy screamed at the top of her lungs and began to panic.

Kyle slammed on the brakes and the tyres screeched for several seconds while the car swerved from side to side before finally coming to a stop. Kyle looked at his watch and at the rear view mirror to see if the person was moving.

While he was doing these things, Lizzy flew out of the car and ran towards the individual lying at the side of the road.  And Charlie, Karl and James quickly turned around and peered through the back wind shield to see if the person was moving.

Yup! The professional just killed that person and now he's going to be driven in jail by large, well endowed convicts. I feel so sorry for your ass Kyle. Karl said sarcastically.

Shut the fuck up Karl or I swear I'll throw you over the next cliff and tell our parents I could not find you! It's because of you I hit that person! Kyle roared angrily causing Karl, James and Charlie to completely become silent.

As soon as Lizzy arrived next to the person she realize it was a young girl, not older than herself. She immediately turned her flat on the road and felt for a pulse. When she felt one she quickly began speaking to the girl.

Miss, miss are you okay? My brother didn't mean to hit you. We're so sorry. Can you hear me? Please say something so I'll know you're okay? Lizzy said as tears began flowing from her eyes from the adrenaline.

The woman's eyes opened for a brief second and then closed as Lizzy continued to look at her. Several seconds later, Lizzy could hear the woman groaning with pain.

Kyle she's alive and conscious! Come help me get her to the car, we have to help her. Run fucking faster dammit! Lizzy shouted to her approaching brothers and James.

Wait! I smell a human Lizzy! We can't take her back to the pack! Karl stated as he approached the woman and Lizzy on the roadside. As soon as he got closer, he took a longer sniff above them and began to shake his head

Oh yeah this girl is definitely a human and would probably die from the injuries sustained from the car hit, I'm sure! You all do know that humans are considered the weakest species! Karl confirmed.

So what the fuck does that mean Karl? We're all going to leave her at the side of the road knowing it was Kyle who did this to her and turn a blind eye? Are you for fucking real? What about the asteriod impact? Lizzy screamed at Karl

Well look on the bright side, if Kyle's driving didn't kill her the asteriod would surely finish her off, being human and all! Karl said

Karl shut the fuck up! Mother always says if you have nothing good to say then say nothing at all and I think now is a good time to do just that!  Kyle said and glared at his brother angrily knowing fully well he was not leaving the young woman there.

She doesn't smell all that human to me but I don't know the other smell that she's mixed with. James interrupted

That's true, she's mixed! She has to be supernatural because why would she be alone in this part of the mountains alone? Where was she headed? Possibly the Vampire or Witch's community! That means she'll heal faster so this entire situation doesn't look that bad! Charlie rambled from over them after taking in a long smell of the woman.

Whatever she is, we're not leaving her here alone and that's final! You can leave us here if you want, but I swear I'm going tell dad on both of you as soon I get back to the settlement and you both know he'll possibly behead you for doing that! Lizzy shouted

Lizzy calm down. We'll take her with us! I'll explain to father that it was my fault and as soon as the asteroid hits and it is safe to go out we'll get her to a hospital. We won't leave anyone behind unless it's Karl! Kyle said sympathetically to calm his hysterical sister down.

James and Karl help me get her into the backseat with Charlie and Lizzy. Kyle ordered

It was only when she was being placed into the car and the light shone on her, did Kyle realized how young and beautiful the woman truly was. Her hair was black, long and curly. Her skin was light brown and she had the most luscious pouted red lips he had even seen. Her smell was celestial and it was like he became mesmerized by her beauty as his heart immediately tightened and his entire body became overly hot.

Dude could you stop staring at her and start driving? You're looking at her like she's dead! For heaven sake it's almost nine and the asteroid is expected to arrive soon. Karl said to Kyle who was unaware of how long he stood staring at her. Karl's words had snapped him back into reality and he quickly leap into action.

Yea! I was just making sure she was breathing Karl. Kyle replied and got out the back seat and ran back into the driver's seat and began speeding towards their home..

Several minutes however, after they started back driving, the group of adolescents began to see thousands of streaks of shiny light fall from the sky.

Hurry up Kyle, it has begun already! Oh my gosh, I'm seeing my life flash before me right now! I don't want to die!  Karl shouted causing everyone in the car to panic.

Charlie began sobbing loudly,

I don't want to die too! I have so much that I want to do still, she cried

I didn't even tell my family I love them or even hug my parents. James said sadly

Kyle please hurry up! Lizzy said nervously

Guys calm down we're almost at the gate. Kyle said trying to not sound afraid and at the same time reassure everyone else in the car that they would make it to the main house.

Several meters away, the Dark Moon pack gazed, petrified with fear, at the thousands of lighting streaks falling to the ground and the quickly approaching huge flaming ball of fire that was headed directly at them. Several seconds later they watched horrified as the huge ball of flame slammed atop into the black Ford Mustang car that was headed towards the main house.

Kyle, Karl, Lizzy, Charlie and James all heard the loud bang and felt the immense shock waves as the asteriod pummeled into the car and sent it flying up in the air. Fortunately for the passenger however, as soon as the car received part of the asteriod impact and began rolling, all their bodies flew out the vehicle.

Noooooooooooo! the Alpha and Jean shouted together in unison after seeing what had happened to their kids with the asteriod.

Straight away, they both shape-shifted into werewolves and  began to wildly run towards the wrecked vehicle from the main house with the rest of the pack members behind them. Thankfully, half and hour later the pack was able to find all of the five barely alive werewolves. Then Alpha Czar heard Kyle mumbling about the other girl. He went closer to Kyle and listened carefully and then he heard him,

Alpha you have to help the human girl. Kyle mumbled over and over again.

What other girl are you talking about son? The Alpha asked slowly wondering if Kyle had sustained a concussion and was simply saying nonsense.

Daddy there was a human in the car with us that Kyle hit on our way here. She's hurt dad, find her please! Lizzy manage to say just before she went unconscious.

Alpha Czar and Jean's eyes opened widely when they heard what their Karl and Lizzy had said to them.

Look for a human in the wreckage! Now before we're too late! She can't be far! The Alpha commanded to his pack members as they began to desperately search the bushes for the human girl.