Chereads / POBRE VILLA / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4 - CasaBlanca

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4 - CasaBlanca

"Here's looking at you, kid. "

It sad to think that the funeral was a small event, Ryan's mom only invited his close friends and family.I was there and I was shocked to see Jackson again, he looked different.He had on a black suit and navy blue tie along with a light blue dress shirt and black dress shoes.He also had a buzz cut and an earring on each ear.

After the service, we went to pay our respects at the casket, I looked at Ryan one last time as I felt the guilt of knowing this was my fault.Jackson approached,

"Que Dios Le Bendiga …" he said as he did a Hail Mary.We stood aside each other as he added on

"It's awful we'd have to reunite this way…..god imma miss this man…."

He said as I stood there in silence, he started to walk off as I looked at Ryan emotionless face and start to follow him.We got out of the place as we were in the parking lot of the place.Jackson kept his distance from the place as he started to smoke a cigarette.He saw me as we stood aside each other,

"It's ducking ironic I'm smoking these things and he's dead…" he said as he dropped the cigarette and stepped on it, he then got out his pack and threw it into a trash can nearby.He tried to lighten the mood as he said

"So you excited for your prom man, you gotta be …" I couldn't say a word as he added on

"Who you gonna take that girl you always liked ?" I still was silent as he started to walk off and head for his car.

"Well I'll try to keep in touch, goodbye man, I really did miss this place ….." he said as he took a quick breath of fresh air, he started his car and drove off. I stood there in complete dismay as my mother and father called upon me, I walked back in.

May 24, 1997, Prom was upon us tonight, I didn't dress at all but I was prepared for something else.I plan to feel a bit of revenge for Ryan, I got myself on two pistols, a Beretta 92F and a Walther PP.I felt I had to serve justice, Martin is a man I shall show consequence to.I got dressed as I had on a some simple denim pants and work boots I got from my dads closet.I also wore my school assigned shirt, it was a white shirt with red writing on it saying "Coolidge 97' ", I had on my dads jacket on, it was wine red and had a little name tag patch that said "Million dollar Man ".I had the Beretta tucked inside the jacket and had the Walther PP in the left side pocket of the jacket.I started to head to Martins home, I had the full intention to kill him.Im going to kill that bullshit bodyguard and make what happened to Ramón Novarro look like child's play.

I was a couple blocks from his home as I see police cars at the home.It was being raided as anyone can tell if he's been doing this for so long, it was bound to happen.I merely stood on the street with on lookers and other nosy neighbors as he and the people inside were dragged out in handcuffs, he started rambling all sorts of things as those two girls had been covered in blankets and aided to a nearby ambulance for medics help.I shit you not, one of those girls were shown as missing in a town out in Texas, god knows how the hell she ended up here.

The party was over in minutes as the police asked the people in the streets to kindly go back inside,

"Funs over folks, go home now, please and have a Goodnight …" said one cop as the dozens of so people left.I walked away calmly and tried not to get noticed as I went back home.My Batman-esc type of things I was going to do is done for now, I felt angered and left empty handed.

I got to a light as I walked and the car full of people looking like their getting ready for prom.They saw me and said "aye pretty boy wanna join us or what ?"

I felt destroyed, these people living on like we didn't just lose someone.I never noticed these people in my life and I think they never noticed me around school so this makes no difference to me.I stopped in front of their car as the light was nearly turning orange.I looked at them in an angered look and I slowly went into my jacket as it looked like I was bringing out a gun, I only got out my hand and made a gun gesture.They jumped a bit as I said "pew pew ….hehe…." I kept walking as one remarked "asshole !" As they drove off.

I got home as my parents were both in the living room watching tv together.

"Aye prom over Already ?" Asked my mom as I simply said

"Yea, I had a good time …."

I went in my room and l locked the door, I just couldn't contain myself much longer.My closest friend is dead, I haven't felt loved in years and I have no one to talk to about it.

June 18th 1997, Graduation day, the last day on earth for some.I sat there as I couldn't focus I was staring at the ground in sadness.We we're assigned to get up and get ready to be called upon.An hour flew by and I was tired of standing but suddenly I was up next,

"Dolton De Villa …." There was cheering all around as I walked the stage with no smile and I simply shook the principals hand and went on with my day, it was noticeable but it didn't matter, they went on with calling more names.

It ended as I didn't feel a need to say any goodbyes to people I simply left.My mother was furious on the ride home as my father didn't really care,

"I mean Christ you couldn't let me get some more pictures with you and your friends …." I simply said

"I have no friends …." My mother asked angrily

"The hell you talking about, Jackson and them huh ?" I responded

"Jackson doesn't go here anymore, the rest of the morons are gone too and we all know what happened to Ryan …." They were both mad

"Aye watch you're fucking mouth !" Said my father as my mother gasped

"Should feel ashamed, it's your big day and you're acting like a big baby …"

My brother couldn't make it as by now he set out to a good paying job in Iowa.We got home as I headed straight for my room, mother followed in anger as she threw a pillow at me as I head up the stairs "yea go, go hide, you better find a job you slob …." She said as she headed for the kitchen.They did plan to go to a little party that was ready at my aunts home but I guess that's cancelled now.I worked my whole life only for it's reward to be a drowsing delight.

November 20, 2000, remember when people thought the world was going to end, all that Y2K propaganda.Stupid times to be in but I wasn't one of them, I had my self fixed right, for the last years I went on with my life and always went to the cinema any chance I got, I still am lost in this world as I plan on going to a one year career college.I just left the movie theater after watching "Requiem Of A Dream " I only gave it a chance because of its message, I watched and I cried when I got out, It just reminded me of Ryan.I sat on a bench near the theater as I waited for my father to pick me up,

"May I join you ?" Asked a girl as I moved over and said "yes go ahead …"

I was clear of tears as she sat there I assume also waiting for a ride.She was reading

"Of Mice And Men " by John Steinbeck.I glanced over as I said "I love that book …." She looked over with a smile and said

"Yea it's pretty good…." She went back to reading as I brought out my wallet to put my extra change I forgot I had in my other pocket.She looked over as she saw my school ID very visible as she said

"You went to Coolidge high ?" I turned and said

"I'm sorry ?" She then repeated "Coolidge high, you went there ?" I nodded and said

"Yea, I graduated in 97' " she burst in a smile and said

"Me too …." I was surprised as well as I said

"Really, never noticed …." We both held a little moment of peace as she said

"Wait I think I remember you, you're Dolton right ?" I nodded again and said

"Yea …." She then smiled more and said

"Oh I had you in English class for 10th grade …" I then puzzled it together and I said

"Laura ?" She then nodded and laughed and said

"Yes ….wow, what are the odds …."

I felt embarrassed to not tell as I said

"Yea what are the odds, so what have you been up too ?" I asked as she said

"Well I'm currently looking for work, Im nearly done with college, you know I'm majoring in Psychology…."

I was impressed as she said

"You ?" I felt embarrassed to say what I was really going to do so I said

"I'm also looking for a job and I plan on attending college soon, you know maybe go to California and try one of those big names like CSUN or UCLA…" she looked a bit impressed as she asked

"Any chance, you busy this weekend ?" I was stunned as I said

"Not really …."

She added on

"Well I'm getting a couple of old friends I'd say and just going to hang out, if you wanna come along … you need my number ? "

I thought about and nodded and said

"Yea, hold on …." I got out a pen and was ready to write it down on the ticket I still had from the movie.She gave me her number as my father approached

"Come on !" He yelled as i got up and told her

"It was nice talking again, see you this weekend …." She went back to her book as she said

"Yea, see you then …." I got in as we drove home.

The ride home was silent as always but I noticed my father looking a bit resting, he was sleeping while driving.He nearly crashed as I yelled "dad watch out man !" He got back up as he stopped perfectly at a red light.

"Christ- fuck I'm sorry kid, shit you wanna drive ?" He asked as I said "alright …"

We quickly switched seats as he got out and full around the car and got in the passenger as I moved over to the drivers.The light turned green as I started to drive,

"Dad you alright ?" I asked as he sighed and replied

"Imma gonna tell you something but you don't say shit to your mother …."

God I could only imagine what he'll say, is he cheating on mother, are we moving, does he owe someone money, is he leaving us -

"I have cancer and only got 3 months left-" not what I expected.

"What ?" I said as I nearly crashed but stopped myself,

"Look I want no sympathy or crying okay ? No one knows this but you, don't tell no one; I'll do it …." I had my jaw drop as I said

"Alright….but-" he smacked me in the head and said

"I did don't say nothing, just ignore it, I don't wanna talk about it, people look at you like a fucking Alien when they hear this, they see you as a fucking foreigner … I'm not human ….." he said as we nearly got home, Im still stunned.

"So who was that girl back there, one of your girlfriends hehe?" He asked as we both laughed a little and I Replied

"No just an old friend, haven't seen her since high school…..was gonna hang out with her this weekend …." My dad looked impressed as he said

"I approve…." I was confused and said

"Oh man, not like that- and the hell you mean you approve ?" I laughed a little as he added on

"Nothing, just know you're not getting any younger kid, you need a woman in your life but remember what I always tell you and your brothers …." He says as we entered the driveway of the home.

"Never go for any girl that'll just open what's in between those legs, get to know her, don't get someone crazy like ya mother here ….hehe, okay ?" He asked as I said "ok …" he kept egging me on as we got out the car and said "alright ? Okay …. now how was that movie ?" We headed inside as we talked more and I just realized, I lose my father in 3 months.

That weekend arrived as I borrowed father new car, a 1999 Toyota Camry.I was wearing our school t shirt and khaki pants with some chuck Taylor's, I got asked by Nate to pick him up ad I met him at a park that was in route to her house.

I was listening to "I Feel The Earth Move " by Carole King as I saw Nate standing there as he noticed me too.

"Sup moron …." I said as he smiled and got in,

"Man how you been ?" He asked as I started to drive.

"Well since I can trust you imma say this and you can laugh if you want, I'm going to a one year college to learn all sorts of shit like welding and air conditioning and shit like that ….."

he looked a bit dumbfounded as he added on

"A career college ? That's cool man, no shame in education, no matter the way you learn it …."

The song ended and it started to play "Keep Yourself Alive " by Queen.

"Yea I hope this shit works I mean I'm learning how to weld and bend and even could get a good paying job when I'm done with the program …." It silent for a moment as we were nearly there.

"You got gum by any chance ?" He asked as I said

"Look in glove compartment…." He looked as he rummaged through papers and mail and other sorts of documents as he found a pack called "Duck Gum ".He opened the pack as he chewed on one and put away in his packet,

"Pass me one …" I said as I had my hand open.

I started to chew on it as he put the pack back, we arrived.

"Do you know who'll be here ?" I asked as he said

"Cool guys, you might not know them well but I remember them well, those bastards; come on man ."

We walked towards the home as he knocked, now I felt like the awkward one.

Who I assume is one of Laura's siblings opened the door

"Hey y'all Laura's friends ?" He asked as Nate replied


He opened the door more as he said

"They're in the backyard …."

We walked in as we past by the living and into the backyard, the music was all in Spanish; I didn't understand it all too well.All I heard was a song called "La Puerta Negra " by Los Tigres Del Norte, don't know what the hell they're saying but it sounded nice.

We entered the backyard as I look around and saw old faces that I could never give a name too.I mean I know them, I remember them from school but I can't think of a name for them.Nate went on his way to see his old friends sitting together as I saw Laura dancing around with who'd I assume are some relatives.I don't know if this is a little reunion or someone's birthday, it felt like Marc's birthday.The song started to changed to another by the same band, "Contrabando Y Traición ".Laura noticed me and approached,

"Hey , glad you can make it - was it easy getting here ?" She asked as I replied

"Yea, you like to dance huh ?" I laughed as she said

"Nothing wrong with feeling free …." We both stood there for a second as a woman called upon Laura to dance some more.

"Well I'll see ya around man, have a drink over there if you want …" she said as she sped off to dance again.I gave another look around and you wouldn't believe, that same girl from English class I always liked is here.I saw her differently, she had her hair in braids and had blonde hair and a nose piercing.She was wearing this denim pants, black boots and a black crop top.I was thinking of going for it but to hell with that high school lovey dovey bullshit, I proceeded to go to where the drinks were, it was in this little cooler.I got out a orange-flavored Fanta soda as someone approached,

"Dolton ?" He asked as I said

"Yea, hi …" I didn't know who this was until they said

"I'm John Murphy man I had you in Mr.Z's class on 10th grade …." I laughed and said

"Oh yea, god those were dumb times man …."

We both laughed as he said

"You remember when me you and some guys vandalized the b hall bathroom, that damn security guard was trying to get us but we hid in the library ….hehe …." We laughed even harder as I said

"Yea, god that was a dumb fucking day but we got away with it …hehe …."

We took a moment to let in this nostalgic feeling as I asked

"So what you been up too ?" He took a moment as he replied

"Im majoring in criminal Justice …'s a hassle but it'll pay off in the end …."

I was really impressed as he asked me

"What you been up too ?" I still felt embarrassed as I said

"Well uh I'm currently free lancing for now, you know hopefully find work by the end of the month…" he nodded as he said

"Oh okay, good luck with that man-hey you wanna join us over there…." He pointed to a table with about four people.

"Sure…" I replied as we both headed for the table, I still see Nate catching up with old friends as I walked by.

"Look I came with this Motherfucker man …" he pointed me out as his old friends laughed.I sat down with John and these four familiar faces, again I have no name to place them with.

They all had a conversation as John introduced me again,

"Hey y'all remember Dolton ?" They we're friendly as one man went "hell yea I do, the

Motherfucker that threw a trash can -hehe…." They all laughed as I did too, I know what he's referring too.In my 10th grade chemistry class the whole class just had a chaotic day, the teacher was yelling for us to settle down but nothing.The class ended and as we left some kid decided to carry out the trash can of the class and throw it out on to the outside.A teacher who was nearby saw but didn't know who threw, she thought it was me.I ignored it as I went on with my day but I was summoned to the principals office the next day, I didn't say nothing I just simply said it wasn't me.I remember dad smacking me around at home telling me why I'm acting like a garbage man.

"Well how you been man ?" Asked a man as I sat down, I exhaled as I replied

"I'm been around you know ….".

He gave me an excited look as John said

"You know Dolton we've all had an idea that I'd love to let you in on …." The four men had mix feelings of what John said as I asked

"What ?"

He took a moment as he looked around the table to see them all nod, I wondered what the hell he wanted.

"Well, all of us here have been devoted to work on making our own film, you see I have an uncle that works for MGM, he could get our movie out there and my fathers help fund the film…..and if you'd like you could be part of it in any way you want …."

I was struck as I thought about it for a moment I heard my names getting called in the distance.

"Dolton, dolton !" Yelled Laura as she waved at me to go over,

"I'm really interested, let me think about it ….."

I said as I got up to go to Laura, the song playing was "Los Chismes " by Chalino Sanchez.

"Hey-" I said as she grasped my hand and forced me to dance.It looked goofy, jumping and moving around like this as we held hands but it was fun.I have to say the most easy but fun dancing is any dancing at a Mexican party.

"No sabe, se Va caer !" Yelled some men as they see dance, they laughed their ass off but I didn't care; this is the most fun I've had in years.We danced like we had nobody watching, or at least she did, I danced like I knew everybody was watching us.I was stiff like a mannequin but she was dancing like Leslie Caron.She was laughing her ass off as i was still trying to figure out what to do with each step.The song was nearly over as she tried to do a spin, we both fell.She was still laughing as I said "you alright ?" She exhaled and said "yea "

We got up slowly as we held silence,

"You wanna go sit down ?" I asked as she replied

"Okay …." I followed her to her little table where she had some friends there, still I felt alienated.

"Hey …." Said a person as Laura said

"Hey I don't know if y'all remember Dolton, look at him now ….hehe…." We sat down as someone said "Hey man ….." I can assume none of them knew who I was or cared why I was being presented.

"What's up …" I said as they all went back to their conversations, Laura glanced at me and asked

"So how you been ?"

The music felt a bit louder as it was playing "Nas Is Like " by Nas, I reached and said

"I'm alright …." She nodded and went back to dozing off as I looked around to see Nate going with his friends somewhere, he saw me and signaled a thumbs up, I hope he's alright.

Laura got up as she asked me "you wanna go for a walk, this getting too crowded ?" I got up and said

"Sure …". We left through the living room as who I'd assume is Laura's relative asked where's she's going as they argued in Spanish, I couldn't understand it.We got out the front door as we see people in front of the home chilling on the streets, I saw Nate again talking with his friends and getting high.Me and Laura started to walk around the neighborhood as she was a bit tipsy.

"Whoa you alright, we could've just drove around if you wanted -" she cut me off by saying

"Na fuck that man, walking feels more free.."

I don't know what the hell that means but doesn't matter, this was an interesting time in my life.

We spent about an hour or two going on this walk until we ended up at a park.It was dark and felt sketchy so I asked

"You don't want to go back home ?" She smilingly said

"No, this much better, just alone time like this ….." we sat on a park table as we looked around to see the tree submerge in darkness and the timid street lights slowly fade away.

"You think this could last forever ….?" She asked me as I asked

"What ?" She slowly looked over at me as she looked into the distance as her eyes popped in horror.I looked over but saw nothing,

"What's wrong ?" She slowly got up and started walking in a panic as she replied

"We gotta go …." She saw something I couldn't see but it didn't matter I went to comfort her as I stopped her and said

"Hey relax- relax, okay; everything's okay ….." she was calmed down a bit as I saw her pull out a cigarette packet and a lighter as she said

"I'm sorry- sorry for that….can you take me home ?"

We walked back around to her as house as we continued talking about the most bizarre things.

"Yea but if you think Aliens would suddenly come here and say "hey I made breakfast " sounds real; it's sounds fucking stupid …." She said as I replied

"No I'm not saying it's real I'm just saying the possibility- " she cut me off as she still trailed a cigarette in hand,

"Possibility- ha; only possibility is an alien would come down and kill us all- not be no gourmet chef all of a sudden …."

We nearly got to her house as the party was still happening, she put away the cigarettes and threw out the one she had lit and went back to acting casual.We got to the front door as I still saw Nate talking with his friends.

"So you gonna stick around some more ?" She asked as I sighed and said

"I'd love too but I gotta get going, hey but if you'd like, let's go to the park again in a more better time ?"

She give a big smile as she said "sure, is next Friday okay; maybe around 2 I'll meet you there ?" I was stunned as I said

"Alright …." She walked inside as she flirtatiously looked back and said

"Goodnight cowboy …."

I walked away with a grin as focused back to Nate, I walked towards them.

"So I'm thinking the opening scene is the most important, it'll keep the viewer interested …" some of them debated this as I said

"Hey man, you ready to go ?" Nate turned and said

"Oh shit, uhh what time is it- Jesus Christ it's 1 in the morning- alright let's go- let's go - let's go- let's go !"

His friends laughed a bit as Nate walked to the car in an excited mood.I started the car as I told him

"Seatbelt…" he asked "what ?" I repeated and said

"Seatbelt man -" he then laughed and said

"Oh yes, my bad- the fucking seatbelt …." I started to drive as Nate was in a daze.He turned to me slowly as I gave him a glance a gave a little chuckle,

"What the fuck you looking at …." He giggled and said

"I might be looking at the next Marlon Brando …" I laughed and said

"Get the Fuck outta here man -" he started to get serious as he said

"No- no no I'm serious man, this movie could possibly work, you know cinema like it's basic knowledge; you'd be great …."

I thought about as I put the radio on as it's playing

"Good Times " by Styles P.I stopped at a red light as I said

"Alright what am I gonna do, am I a supporting, lead or am I a quick cameo type of thing ?" Nate changed his demeanor quickly as he said

"You'd be a supporting actor but you'd be remembered, he'll you'd probably steal the whole film spotlight…."

I got him home as he got out, "thanks man …" he said as he stood there for a minute and turned,

"But hey this week we're shooting a scene and we'll need ya, so be posted…."

I nodded as he walked inside, I drove home with too many things to think about, my little park date with Laura, this movie thing and college too; hell I don't even know my characters name.