As Vidar is walking out of Segals home, he starts to feel an eerie feeling down his spine. Sprite, while inside Vidar, says "I know you feel that too right?"
Vidar quickly turns around and notices a small source of light coming from a nearby graveyard. He follows it and as it gets brighter he notices that it is coming from a Calamity Rune made of stone. It whispers to Vidar "I have been waiting for you."
"Who are you?"
The Calamity Rune explains "I hold within the spirit of a Griffin. I am here to help you on your mission to save your sister."
Vidar then touches the Calamity Rune. The instant he touches it he is given a vision from the past, of a Griffin fighting in a war.
Vidar asks, "What am I seeing Sprite?"
"I'm not sure how but I vaguely remember this, it's something that was taught by the Griffins."
"Me and you have a lot of catching up to do Sprite."
After the vision has ended, Vidar focuses as he sees a figure who calls himself Burrmi.
"Who are you?"
"I am someone who held you at your birth" Burrmi responds.
Burrmi nods his head in agreement and says,
"Indeed I am my child." He continues,
"When I died, my soul and years of experience passed on to the next living child. During that time, of great battles and destruction, I needed to keep you safe so that one day you could carry out the legacy me and your mother, Vestla, started."
"Why do I have no memory of this?"
"Because a part of your mind is locked away to keep you from hurting your own mind, especially when you were so young, had you remembered back then your mind would have been lost forever."
"How do I regain those memories and your experience?"
Burrmi holds his hands to Vidars chest and forehead simultaneously and says "You must look deep within yourself my son. Sprite is inside you, allow him to guide you on your journey in remembrance and intake knowledge and experience you need to become the Griffonborn I know you can become."
"You know about Sprite?"
Burrmi chuckles "Why of course I do, he was with me before you."
"There is so much more I need to ask you papa."
"I know my son, but there isn't much time left. I must warn you of a shadow figure, I know not his name or his motive but be vigilant and strong for what lies ahead."
"What does that mean?"
"Look deep within my son, allow Sprite to guide you, look deep within and become what you were always meant to become. I left you everything you need in Sprite. I believe in you!"
Burrmi slowly fades away into a white cosmic energy Vidar pleads with tears running down his face,
"No! Wait! Will I ever see you again?"
Only a whisper is heard,
"When the time is right you will know how to contact me again."
Vidar, now balling his eyes out, begins to glow in a purple aura. His eyes begin to glow as he transforms into the Griffonborn state of the seven echo elements. Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Lightning, Cosmic, and Void all swirl around him. As tears are streaming down his face he lets out a huge scream that pulsates wind in all directions of him. A few seconds after Vidar calms down and drops to one knee in exhaustion. He looks up at Sprite,
"Sprite, did you know we could do this?"
"This transformation is new to me, even I do not understand it. This is a new form. I recall Jeremy explaining it before but I've always thought it was a myth and folktale"
"So this is a taste of a Griffonborns true power?" Vidar wonders.
"Yes, though I believe you will have to explore it and learn its full potential."