Chereads / Unforgiving Side / Chapter 4 - Reconciliation

Chapter 4 - Reconciliation

"Lady... Lady wake u-" I held my little sisters hand mid air as she was about to tap me again, flung it away from me and went back to sleep. Not that I was actually sleeping anyway. "Lady wake up or I'm calling Mom" she paused. "Lady wake up right now!" she paused again as if giving me time to make my decision. I didn't make a move or even twitch.

"That's it!! MOM LAD-" she slowly shut up after she saw the death glare I was sending her way. Great, now my eyes are open. I just wanted to sleep and not wake up early today no matter how many times anyone told me to. I just needed sometime to find that energy and will to get up. But alas, I'm here, ready to step back into reality's cold and ruthless arms. I just wish I didn't have to. I wish I could stay in Dreamland forever. No, not forever, I'll stay there forever after I finish creating my family there too, minus him-that-I-shall-not-mention of course. I wish my life was just perfect and we could eat whatever we wanted everyday and everytime. But then again, wishes are real, but so is reality and reality doesn't grant wishes.

"Will you get up today? or you're planning to stay in bed all day?? " My mom's..... no I don't feel like calling her that now, instead I'll call natural incubator. Yes, temporarily until I feel better. So my natural incubator's voice said with her normal sarcastic and irritated venom dripping off every word. I just stared at her blankly. She looked pissed. "Why aren't you answering me?" She paused for a second to take a good look at my face." Oh God you're not lost in thought again are you? I thought you would've learnt your lesson by now, maybe I shouldn't have begged your father to stop yesternight.... next time I won't! " okay so that temporal natural incubator nickname? Make it permanent. I simply got up from the bed on the floor that I was laying on and made my way past her all while keeping a blank face but her voice stopped me again.

"Don't you know how to greet?" I slowly turned around, made a very obviously sarcastic smile and with a voice dripping with sarcasm, I bowed and said, "Good morning your highness" She looked ready to pop but she said nothing and simply walked past me into the kitchen. I mentally gave myself a pat on the back. She has to understand I'm her daughter, the sarcastic venom just runs in our blood I guess. Lucy came to stand beside me. She was only about 4 inches shorter than me. I'm like 4'11. Then she looked at me straight in the eye "I know mommy didn't mean for what happened yesterday to happen-" oh yes she did. " - and I know daddy gets super angry sometimes-". sometimes? " -but they still love us. That's one thing I know for sure" Then she walked past me into the kitchen. What was that? did my 6 year old sister just give me a cheesy heart felt speech? Just what things goes on in her head that I don't know?!

It doesn't matter. She's still just a kid anyway. I slowly made my way into the kitchen and took my stuff that I'll need to take my bath then went out to fetch water from our polytank which was only half full. After fetching, I carried the bucket and began to walk. "Lady wait!" I turned around to see my mo- sorry, my natural incubator standing there with a different bucket filled with water that had water vapor coming out of it. Oh God...

"here take this instead, for your...." she couldn't complete her sentence as we made an exchange. Serves her right! wait.... my whole body is aching this amount of hot water will kill me! "I can't use this wat-" she turned away from me and went inside with my first bucket of water in hand. Damnit. Can't she have mercy on me after what she made her husband do?! I started to walk towards the bathroom all while grumbling on the way.

After taking my bath I did all my house chores and ignored the hot cocoa tea with sliced fresh bread. I don't think it's really fresh though..... Anyways my little sister actually remembered this time and told me mom says it's mine. She remembers to tell me the one time I'm not hungry for food. What a useful little sister. Cue eye roll. I finished with my chores and went to the living room to watch television with my little sister. She was watching SpongeBob SquarePants and I liked it but just not today. I looked around... mom's not here, she's probably in her room. Why though? it should be around 10am now and she should be sitting here on her phone ready to ruin our day by telling us to tune the television to a news channel for midday news even before it's midday. But she's not. Weird.

"-Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SpongeBob SquarePants!!

He-" my sister paused her singing to look at me with a weird look. It's a mixture of disappointment and fear. "Lady why aren't you singing? we always sing SpongeBob's song together" I gave her a blank stare. She turned away from me and watched the cartoon without singing again . After a while, the theme song played again and she looked at me expectantly but when she saw that I wasn't going to say anything she got up and run into our parent's bedroom. I would've been given a good scolding if I were to do that. After I few minutes I heard my natural incubator call me. "Lady! come here right now!" I got up almost robotically and made my way to the bedroom. I swear if Lucy has gone to put me into any trouble whatsoever I'll- I froze as I entered the room. Sitting there on his bed in all his glory was my father. No not my father. My sperm donor. "Why don't you want to play with your own little sister? " mom's voice said. But I couldn't hear her. My eyes were still focused on the man starring back at me and I could hear my heart thundering as blurry memories from yesternight came back in painful flashbacks.

"Lady I'm talking to you! respond before I get angry!" She looked at my da-damnit, sperm donor I mean. "James, this is what I was talking about. She always spaces out everytime I talk to her. It's like the burden of the whole world is upon her. I still kept looking my father in the eye. Then he let out a breath slowly through his mouth. "Come"

He said. I stayed rooted at the spot. "Lady I said come." not wanting a repeat of last night I started to shakingly walk towards him. Then he motioned for me to sit beside him on his bed,between him and my little sister. After I did, he turned to look at me but I kept my head down. "I've been working day and night everyday to clothe you and keep a roof on your head and also feed you. I barely eat twice a day. Yesterday I had to come home early because I was told my services wasn't needed again" oh no...." Yes Lady. I was looking forward to eating my favorite food that I shared with my first daughter that when I got home and I saw it scattered on the floor I lost all control." he took my hand in his big black hands. " I forgot about the reason why I was doing all this in the first place. To make you happy. I've decided to take you somewhere-"

" -i wanna go too!!! please dad take me too!!!" my little sister said bouncing up and down on the bed.

" -Quiet. I'm talking so do not cut me off is that clear?" she mellowed and whispered out a " no". He turned to look at me again. "As I was saying, I'll be taking you somewhere, you'll love it but it's a surprise. Quickly go get dressed and help your sister too." I also whispered an okay and went back to the living room to pick an outfit. I was scared yet excited low key. We got ready and my sperm donor along with my natural incubator who was carrying my little spawn from hell at her back, boarded a taxi with me and after a few minutes.....well not a few about 20 minutes, we arrived at What? there's no other way to call it. It's just a vacant piece of land with nothing on it. There nothing here! I turned to look at my family to see my little spawn also spotting the same perplexed look I had. My sperm donor walked towards me. "Look at every inch of this land Lady because it's ours." I froze in shock. " Ours?"

My dad laughed. Oh so it's a joke, I almost believed it- " Yes ours" -or not. I laughed. I can't believe it! but- "How did you get the money to buy a land dad?" He looked at my mom then smiled at me. " Don't worry about that my Lady. Just know that this land is mine and will one day be yours. Ours." I looked around again but this time I didn't see a vacant land. No I saw mansions and a pool and cars of every kind. I looked at my dad then run to hug him. "Thanks a lot, best surprise ever!! You're now officially called Dad again." He pulled back a little. Why what did you call me at first? Damnit. I gave out a nervous laugh. "Oh my God do you see that? " I said pointing to absolutely nothing. What? would you want your father to find out what you call him in your head when you're pissed?No? I thought so. I love mine though. He's definitely not what I thought he was. He's everything else and more.