School. A very strong synonym for heaven. I missed school so much during the two weeks break. I missed it so much that I didn't remember why I even disliked it in the first place. I missed my friends, the black board, the wooden hard, like super duper hard chairs, I even missed my teachers! Not homework though. I hate homework.
In fact, any weirdo or Anyone who likes homework is an alien.
No offense to those who actually like homework, it's just....I mentally shivered.
You get my point.
Today was the reopening day of school and I was up by 5am ready to start preparing for school.
I'm normally known as 'the late comer' which isn't fair because I try my best to get to school on time. It's just more difficult for me on two skinny legs, a little sister who stops to either watch or pick up anything she sees on the ground and a long distance from my house to school.
But I'm planning to change that nickname. I woke up extra early today just because of that. I'll become the earliest girl ever.
I kinda prefer the name 'the late comer' than
'Earliest girl ever' though.....
Doesn't matter!! I've got to make a sacrifice.
I quickly but quietly started to make my way to the kitchen so I can prepare for my bath.
Last thing I want is my parents finding out I'm awake by this time and by the way, I'm not in the mood to see them or even talk to them.
Dad has been so cold and distant towards me since the land situation. That was about three days ago. And mom? she won't stop being paranoid. Just yesterday my uncle came here to visit in his new black Vitz but since mom didn't know he had a car now and the visit was unexpected, mom started to panic because we were the only ones at home. We being Mom, Lucy and I. Dad has left early to go somewhere. I don't know where since he has no job anymore.
Anyways. Mom changes our names and gave us unofficially new fake identities in a matter of seconds. Motherly instinct is what she called it. Only to find out it was Uncle Nate.
I finished my bath quietly then I checked the time on the clock hanging above the refrigerator as I passed by to enter the living room where my little sister was sleeping. 6:08am. Time to wake up sleepyhead. I bent down beside her sleeping form and woke her up very gently.....
"Wake up!!!! I don't have time to waste, today is a reopening day!!!!!" I whisper-screamed whiles shaking her vigorously.
Okay so maybe that's not very gentle but it's as gentle as I can be on a reopening day!.
Lucy groaned.
"mmm, stopppp I want to sleeeeppp"
She turned away from me started to drift off again.
Oh no you don't.....
My shaking became even more vigorous but the little spawn didn't wake up. I'm getting pissed off now. I stopped shaking her. Then I brought my lips closer to her ears.
"Wake up or I won't play with you anymore"
She didn't budge.
Time to use the big guns
"Wake up or mom and dad find out about the pillows"
Lucy's eyes shot open like lightning.
What? it's not blackmail. It's simply a warning.
"You wouldn't!" she shouted. I quickly covered her mouth shut.
"Do not get your butt in that bathhouse and out in five minutes and I will. Don't dare me. You know I don't joke with dares."
She was now in a sitting position on the matress on the floor that we both share, plus my brother when he comes back from boarding highschool.
Lucy and I were done dressing up and everything by 6:45 we we're ready to hot the road.
Mom gave us our lunch and turns out dad already left home earlier.
Lucy and I started to walk to school.
About halfway through Lucy suddenly started squeezing my hand tightly. First it wasn't so tight but then she increased the pressure. I know why she's doing that. It's probably because of how fast I'm making us walk. I'm practically dragging her along.
Then she whispered my name.
"Lady....Lady...." I ignored her. I don't have time to listen to her protests. 7:30 am is when in supposed to be in school. Classes start at 8:00am. I get there around even 7:30:01 and I'm toast.
"Ladyyy.....I think someone's following us"
That caught my attention. I immediately did a discreet scan like I normally see them do in action movies. There. A black Corolla was behind us but apart from how slow they were driving, nothing showed that they were following us.
"What makes you think they're following us?"
I asked my sister lowly.
"They've been driving like that behind us since Aunty Vida's store"
Damn. That's like a mile away.
Mom had warned us several times about strangers. She always said, 'when a strange car or person tried to approach you, just look straight ahead and keep walking'
so I did that exactly. My heart was thundering in my ears and all I could think about was Lucy's safety. I didn't know what to do and there was nobody around. There never is around these places.
What if they follow us into school and come get us after school when we're walking home?
With that thought in mind I changed cause by making a sharp turn to my left then kept walking like I know absolutely were I'm headed. I don't. Lucy kept quiet but I could hear her heavy breathing.
"Don't worry. We'll be fine. We've got God remember? he'll protect us."
She nodded then tried to calm down.
I continued taking turns untill I arrived at a crowded place. I think we're in a market.
They won't be able to come here with their car. It's too crowded.
I saw a familiar store even though it was closed. Aunty Abigail. Mom's friend. Mom sometimes bring us here. We're about a mile away from school but I know a shortcut that is only half a mile away from school and safe.
I took that shortcut and told my sister to go into the school first.
"What? where are you going? what if that car is still there?"
I looked at her face with a serious look
"I promise they're not there and I have to buy something around before I enter the school."
She didn't seem convinced but nodded anyway and entered the school.
Of course I'm not going to buy nothing.
That car that was following us. I have a guess who it was but I want to find out myself.
I looked back to make sure my sister was safely in the school.
Or should I stay? I mean it's my first day and most important day that begins a new term
I looked at my wrist watch. 9:03am.
Nope. Nada. If I'm going to get whipped for being late on my first day then today isn't important at all. And about it being the first day of the term? There'll be many more terms to come. I started to move in the direction I saw the car moving.
I've got business to handle.