Chereads / Unforgiving Side / Chapter 5 - No Man's Land

Chapter 5 - No Man's Land

"What, so I don't deserve a hug too?" my mom's sweet voice said with hints of laughter in her voice. I slowly pulled away from my dad and run to hug her too. "You deserve more than a hug mom. Both of you do. And I promise I'll make you so proud one day." My mom gave me a pat on my braided black hair.

"I know you will my sweetheart. With determination like yours? I know you will." After a few more seconds I pulled away from her and my dad showed us around the land. You'd ask, what's to see on a vacant 1 plot piece of land? If that's how you see the land, vacant that is, then nothing. You'll see nothing. But if you see the land how I see it, then there's so so much to see. I felt that maybe once, just this one time, maybe I've defeated reality and maybe I can create my very own reality by bringing my Dreamland to life! oh this is so great and amazing! I can get my own room and paint it purple and black! and also I'll-

"Alright it's enough now, let's prepare to go back home." I turned to look at my mom with a look of despair on my face.

" But mom why?"

"Yeah what's wrong Mabel" My dad asked.

" What do you mean what's wrong? you brought us here to see the land right? well we've seen it and we all enjoyed but now it's time to go. We spent enough time here already. ". No no no.

" Mom please let's stay for just 10 more minutes. Pleasseeeee. Daddd!!" I turned to look at my dad for support. He looked at my mom

" Mabel, what's wrong? Why do you want us to go home? " My mom gave him a certain look that said 'You know why' Then after a few seconds of looking into each other's eyes my dad seemed to finally understand what mom was trying to tell him. He slowly moved towards her and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Mabel if that's what you're worried about then you can relax. This land is for us, thus, it's safe."

I'm confused. What does he mean by rightfully ours? Of course it is! I mean dad did buy it right?

Mom shifted her shoulders that dad's hands fell off her.

"I don't care James. Let's just leave. Both the kids are here and I'm beginning to feel very uneasy." Now dad looked angry

" What is your problem woman?! I am the man and I said we're safe. Don't you trust your husband woman?!!" Now he was shouting. This is quickly going south.

" I do trust my husband but guess what! I think about my children's safety too!"

Now they were both shouting.

" How dare you raise your voice at your husband! Did your mother not teach you any manners!!" I feel like crying. Just then my little sister started sobbing.

"Momma....Dadda... please stop....." She said in between sobs.

This is all my fault. I shouldn't have resisted when mom said to go home. Or let dad turn against his wife. I'm so sorry Mom...

Just then we saw two black SUVs come to pack right in front of us. And one by one, three guys each slowly descended from the car. One guy in particular caught my eyes. He was the last but one to descend and he was in clear glasses unlike the other five who looked like damn assassins with their black tops with black jeans and black shades with black bracelets. And I thought I liked black. These guys probably don't know any color but black.

The man in clear glasses walked up to us.

That's when I realized my parents had gone quiet. I turned to look at them and saw that my mom was super pale and my dad looked scary.

" Well well well, if it isn't the land thief"

The man in clear glasses said. He sounded like how any 50 year old man would. Old.

Wait. Did he just call my dad a land thief? how dare he?!

"Oh look! he even brought his family of tiny land thieves!" He said then laughed with the assassins. Hey, they do look like assassins.

"Do not talk of my family in that manner." My dad said sounding different. He moved to stand in front of me. There by semi blocking the others from seeing my little sister and I.

"And I am no land theif. You know that. This land is rightfully for me and therefore for my family too and I only want this land because of them. You are the one with no business here." Yeah!! Tell him dad!!

" Well will you still want this land if you have no family? Since, as you just said a moment ago, you're doing this for your family, so if you loose your family you'll have no need for the land then?"

Dad became quiet. What is this man trying to say? I watch a lot of American movies so I think this man is trying to threaten my father. Well not on my watch. I stepped in front of my dad and looked at oldie clear glasses in the eye.

" Well it's good he won't be loosing us anytime soon then." I said with my tone firm.

" No, Lady please stop. Come here" my mom said pleadingly.

"No mom" I turned to look at mom

"Nobody messes with my family." I turned to look at oldie clear glasses again.

"You can't just come and insult my family and just get away with it. No, not while I'm here"


Like nobody moved or even blinked kinda silence.

" I see you've got a very loud mouth here Mr. Hamilton. She seems to like to speak for herself and those she loves" Oldie slowly said.

I suddenly felt really proud of myself.

"It will be such a pity to see her go first"

My mood just went straight to south . A deadly feeling of dread settled in the pit of my stomach.

" I'll let this trespassing slide for just this once, but for your family's sake, especially her, don't step here again." With that being said he turned around, followed by the assassins who probably are really assassins, and walked into his car and drove off.

Silently dad stopped a taxi and we sat Inside and started our journey back home. After all this all I could think was.....

I'm on someone's hit list...


Because now, someone's on my hit list.