Chereads / Edwina: Love Story in 31 Days / Chapter 1 - Part 1: Edwina's Love School

Edwina: Love Story in 31 Days

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Chapter 1 - Part 1: Edwina's Love School

Dedicated to:

To all Women and Ladies.

Let the fun Begin

Life has been unfair to me as a young lady. Edwina laments while she was on a commercial bus. An old lady sat closer to her and she felt her pain. She asked: Young lady, if you do not mind, May I ask why you are in such a bad shape this morning?

She starred at her. And she said, I am OK. This is exactly what most young ladies in such situation will say. The old woman said I know what you are going through. And she said I want to help you. Edwina did not mind her. She just continued in her sadness.

She began to think broadly: the what IF's began to form deep thoughts on her mind. Then out of pride and may be shame of sharing her failures in the matters of love, she decided to ignore the old woman.

She said in her heart: who is this woman anyway. She does not know our modern way of falling in love and all the problems and failures it comes with it. Well, I will not talk to anyone, she said to herself.

The old woman got down from the bus. And she said one thing to Edwina: "Young Lady I love you, you are special and beautiful". She said to her: "If you want to talk to me, please I am the owner of this hotel at the bus stop. Come and let's talk.

Edwina began to cry. She asked herself? How special am I? How beautiful am I? And the old lady said she loves me? Oh nooo….. Why is this happening to me? I was expecting this to come from one of my boy friends and not this old woman. Ahh Ahh.. Who am I?

A week went by…

She was at a relationship conference. She said to herself: this time I will catch him young and not allow an old lady to propose love to me. Edwina got the game or that special word called LOVE all wrong.

That has been the foundation of the failures of all her love relationships. She repeated this cycle for years and dated several other young men. She went by her word: 'catch them young". And she did that but couldn't keep them.

Life is love. I have heard it several times. But I think like any other skill, Love should be understood and learnt over time. That was the thoughts of her. And she went on to think deeply: May be the romantic love is different from relationship love? She laughed.

She asked herself: Why am I so concerned about these guys who don't value me?

While she thought about that, she met Mark who starred at her at the conference. She decided not to mind him. Then she walked to him and said Hi. Mark didn't mind her and she stood there confused. Rather, Mark had a girl friend who was talking to her friend at the same place Edwina stood.

While Mark looked at his girlfriend, Edwina thought she was the one that Mark was staring at. What will she do now? And how will she take it? She made a decision to leave the conference and go home shamefully. And of course continue her deep talk.

She got to the road side and she waited for a taxi. She waited for a while and she saw a white 4x4 coming towards her. It was the old lady again.

Edwina began to talk to herself: Is this old woman a witch or an angel or a demon? Why is she tormenting my life like that? Or she has been sent from my home town to destroy my love relationships? I have to avoid her now or confront her and ask her who sent her. May be it will be one of my ugly aunts. I know them very well. They know I am prettier than them so they will do everything to destroy my love chances.

And while she said all these to herself, the old lady sat in her car which was parked right in front of her. She said to her: Young lady, we have met again. Another broken heart? She started laughing at her. And Edwina said: Madam please leave me alone.

The old lady said: I am Winifred. And you are? She said Edwina. She said come with me. Let's take a ride.....

That was the beginning of the "2 Love: 31 days when Edwina experienced real love"

Let's talk about Edwina: Who is she? And why is she so desperate to fall in love and be loved?

Edwina is a young beautiful lady who grew in a town called Overcum. She was very dedicated to whatever she did. She loved to travel, read, dance and sing. She was very fun to be with but she didn't know it too well by herself. That was one of her failures in love. She feared herself instead of having faith in herself. This explains that she had low-self-esteem. This also means she didn't know herself that much.

I do not blame her. She lost her parents when she was very still a child. She lived with a lot of people because of her young age. But instead of them loving her, they rather treated her badly. That was the beginning of her low self-esteem. They didn't value her and they even envied her because she was very pretty. This she didn't know.

She believed every word they said about her. It shaped her life and brought a lot of failures to her. That is all what love is about. Love is beautiful. It is meant to make us happy and special. Her life also reveals why we should know and love ourselves before we can love others and also be well-beloved.

The old lady was now ready to help her.

Sometimes certain people come to our lives for a purpose. All we have to do is to learn how to accept, value and love them. And to do this, we have to know what these people are made up of. That is why it is clearly stated in the Bible that "Ye shall know them by their fruit". And if we know what this fruit is, then life will be easy for us.

Edwina was lucky to have met her but she did not know. She doubted her severally but the old lady was on a mission to help young ladies to find their soul mates and find true love.

They took a ride to a beautiful island near the sea. And there the old lady gave Edwina a cup of fruit juice. And she asked her: how does it feel to drink on an island near the sea?

She said, Hmmmm. It feels like love. It is cool love. Cool air love, it is. They laughed and the old lady said Love should flow like music, water or air. She said if there is blockage to love, it will be very difficult for someone to love and beloved. Love is a matter of understanding. We understand to love.

While she continued to talk, Edwina looked at her and started crying. She said I was taught the wrong meaning of love with all my life experiences. I now know that there is more to love. And it begins with me.

Then she said to the old lady, I think I will call you my Earth Angel. My aunty Glow. They continued to laugh and laughed until they were happy. And they laughed all the pain away.

Aunty Glow said on a serious note, Edwina, you are a beautiful lady. You are special. If it is beauty, I mean it. If it is character and attitude, I mean. You failures in the journey of love is as a result of you not knowing yourself. When a guy tells you that you are beautiful, you do not believe it and this make these guys go away.

Guys are drawn to women who know themselves and are confident and happy to be who they are. They just love ladies like that. They sometimes try ladies by misinforming them about their figure or a part of their body.

For instance, one day I was in a shop near my hotel. And I saw two young people. I mean a guy and a lady. They stood close to each other. All I heard from the gentleman was the lady's eyes looked like a Chinese lady's eyes.

I smiled. And I looked at the lady's eyes. I said loudly in my heart and mind. Is that what he thinks or he is deceiving her? The lady was happy and she laughed. But I was sad because this lady had beautiful large blue eyes but not small and beautiful like the eyes of a beautiful Chinese lady.

That is what I mean, Edwina. I will dedicate one month which will be exactly 31 days to help you love yourself, others and the experience of when you are loved. Love is beautiful. God created the world with love.

Love is 100% capacity to serve.

Love is 0% resistance.

Love is 0% fear.

Love is 100% faith.

Love is 100% adaptation.

Love is 100% commitment.

Love is unconditionally.

Love will always prove itself.

Love is a great force.

Love lives and not die.

Love is kind and hopeful.

Love is maturity.

Love is everything good.

Love is our mission.

Love is a learning process.

Learn to love.

Until you have peace and happiness, you cannot really love.

What is Peace? What is Love? Edwina asked Aunty Glow. She was marveled. Aunty Glow explained:

Peace is a gift from God after we have overcome and developed our inner peace through spiritual growth and development. Peace is a choice. We can have peace when we have the right information to understand life and how to live it.

We are happy when we understand ourselves and others. We are also happy when we accept reality and others. And we understand that we are all different. And we are in a world where both good and bad exist. When we have achieved these two, then we are ready to love and be loved.

It will not be surprising, Edwina that you are going through all these love failures for a great purpose. Either to be a Marriage Counselor or a Relationship Coach. I will take you through your life chart as your Relationship Coach if you do not mind.

Edwina was very happy and she responded quickly. Yes, yes, that will be great. She responded as if a gentleman just propose love to her. But not looking too far, our old lady just did propose love to her by telling her that she will help her.

This explains why we all need a Life Coach in our lives. Someone who will understand us and value us and help us to live the life we have been created to live. And that was what our old Glow did for Edwina.

Isn't she so lucky? That is where jealousy and envy comes in. Those who didn't know what she has gone through as far as love relationship is concerned, her failures and the rejections. When they see her with a potential gentleman after 31 days of hard love work. That is life, just accept it and protect yourself from such negative energies. Instead we should learn to ask how people made it and not just judge by what we see now. The NOW has a lot to it than we can explain and comprehend.

From my experiences, old Glow said I will teach you a lot of things theses 31 days. We will not only learn but we will also practice it as well. And I assure, you will love and be loved.

From day 1 to day 31, I will help you understand a lot of things which include the following:

Part 1: Edwina's Love School

1. When Love is not Fondness, affection, desire or physical attraction.

2. Learn to Love by loving yourself

3. Love means total freedom

4. Love is the ability to have excellent relationship that benefit all involved

5. Love is universal

6. Human qualities related to love

Part 2: The Love Practice

7. Love is like water

8. What Love is not

9. Love is neutral

10. Love is not a feeling

11. Love is enjoying everything we do

12. How to handle emotions and feelings

Part 3: She met Him

13. Understanding of Love

14. Attitude of Love and their outcome

15. The Seven and more tools of Love (VRATATA and more)

16. Tools that take away

17. Differences between Fondness and Love

18. The Purpose of Love, Affection, Feelings, Emotions and Instinct

Part 4: They fell in love

19. Love is a decision

20. What we need to know before we form a couple

21. How to learn to live as a couple

22. The importance of healthy communication

23. False feelings that can damage a couple's relationship

24. Tools for Couples

Part 5: Yes, she loved and was loved and they loved.

25. Keep to Love

26. Happiness in relationship

27. Principles of Love in relationship

28. Love Verses Ignorance

29. Creating true relationships of Love

30. Trained to Love

31. Managing Disagreements

And of course I want you to know that Love is real.

Edwina said waaaaaaw, is that it? Then I know nothing about love. All I know and have seen is the affection side and the "I love you's."

This is intense. I am ready to learn. Thanks a lot aunty Glow. I am very grateful and glad to have met you. You are also special.

They continued to talk and Edwina continued to shower appreciations to old Glow. And all she said was please wait till the 31 days end. Then you can shower me with these and I will receive them because you will not say them to me alone but to the handsome gentleman who will be with you.

She laughed more and more and this time loudly. She thought, eeei if this is what will bring my love one to me, I will sacrifice my time and learn. Yes I will. Said Edwina.

Then old Glow said, when love is not fondness, affection, desire etc. what will love then be?

Edwina got up and hugged old Glow and they left the island. It was the next day. The journey of 31 days to Love and be loved has begun...…

Part 1: Edwina's Love School

When Love is not Fondness, affection, desire or physical attraction.

Learn to Love by loving yourself

Love means total freedom

Love is the ability to have excellent relationship that benefit all involved

Love is universal

Human qualities related to love