The next morning, the lady investigators match to the queen dowager's chambers to collect her her royal seal and escort her out of the palace to the temple. "Call out the queen dowager." Lady Yu orders lady Jung

"Yes, my lady." Lady Jung whispers with tears in her eyes and walks in to call out the queen dowager.

"Finally, we are getting rid of this terrible woman for good." Lady Yu whispers in her mind, but she hears a very loud scream from inside.

"Your majesty!" Lady Jung screams loudly with a lot of pains in her voice.

The entire lady investigators were shocked to hear such noise, they exchanged short glances at each other.

"What is that?" Lady Kim asks.

"Do you think I should go in and check?" Lady Yu asks her colleagues.

"I guess so, you are the eldest in the inner court present here." Lady Nam replies.

"Alright." Lady Yu nods. "You both should stay her and control the girls for me. I will be right back." Last Yu walks in and what she sees is something so shocking that her heart starts racing like a horse. "Queen dowager your majesty!" Lady Yu screams loudly.

The entire situation is now getting so tensed, the people outside have no idea on what is going on. Left with no choice, Lady Kim and Lady Nam rush inside to see what is happening. Getting inside, they both see the queen dowager laying dead, she has blood on her mouth and a small bottle of an unknown substance close to her.

"Your majesty!" Lady Kim calls loudly and goes all fours on the floor.

"Queen dowager your majesty!" Lady Nam screams and goes all fours on the floor too.

Lady Yu picks up the small bottle and sniffs it. "The queen dowager poisoned herself." She whispers.

"What?" Lady Kim asks.

Yes!! The queen dowager was a terrible woman but no one had never expected it or thought of it that she would go to the extent of taking her own life. Even the lady investigators who were happy about her being stripped off her title felt extremely bad. They are even aware of the fact that this would implicate Suk-bin more, the death of the queen dowager can always be traced back to her.

After some minutes, the news already spread like a wild fire all around the nation, people were already giving direct blames to the king for giving orders stop strip his mom off her position and title and they concluded that was the reason she took her own life. As culture demands, the queen dowager's body was taken care of and the her attire was changed.

Sitting close to her was her only son. He sits helpless and stares at his mom's body with tears flowing freely off his eyes. "Mom, can you ever forgive me for this? Will you ever find a place in your heart to forgive me for bringing this on you?" He asks sobbing loudly and he holds her hands, it is so pale and cold. "Please, come back to me. I promise to be a responsible son, I promise to listen to all you say from now on."

The queen runs in and her mother in law's position forces her to stop. Her mouth goes agape and her eyes widens. "Mom, your majesty!" She screams loudly and bends over her touching her face. "Please,wake up." She whispers. "Mom, please wake up." She says and starts crying loudly.

"Mom is no more." The king whispers staring at his dead mother.

The queen faces her husband in rage. "Are you happy now your majesty?" She asks in her loudest tone with tears still flowing down her eyes.

"What are you talking about?" The king asks calmly.

"You wanted to punish her because of your mistress isn't it?"

The father of the nation looks at his wife angrily and asks. "Wasn't she guilty?"

"Yes she was! But I have never heard of a son punishing his mom because of a woman!" The queen says sternly.

"Now is not the time to talk about things like this queen! It is a very big disrespect to say things like this when my mom is still here laying dead." The king tries to caution.

"Really?" She ask and scoffs. "Let me tell you the honest truth you don't know."

Outside the queen dowager's chambers, the princes run into each other as they both wanted to pay their last respects to their grandmother, but they can't go in immediately unless they are giving orders to, because the king and queen are inside too.

"Illegitimate sons shouldn't attend events like this." Gwang Jae says sarcastically as he stands side by side with his half brother and he stares at the late queen dowager's chambers.

"I do not have time to argue with animals like you anymore." Yeoning replies bluntly.

"You are happy she is dead now right? It is all you and your mother and stupid supporters wanted all this while." Gwnag Jae says again trying to get on his brother's nerves but unfortunately, it didn't work out because Yeoning gave him no reply. "You will forever live as an illegitimate son, because that is what you really are."

"But at least I will be the next king, that is enough for me." Yeoning whispers.

"I will make sure that doesn't happen by all means, do not think that I will back down now that grandmother her majesty poisoned herself because of your mom." Gwang Jae says sternly as he is already burning up.

"I think you should focus on how to survive first before daring to go after the throne, my dear brother."

"I am not a brother to a monster like you. We are world's apart. I am the real one and you are fake."

"Alright." Yeoning says and moves some paces away from his ever annoying brother.

Gwnag jae stares at his brother for a while wishing and urging to end his life as soon as possible.