Ok Jung walks back into her room thinking if she really doesn't need power or she does need it. She enters her room and sits, she is still dressed in her beautiful attire, she looks at the dress and smiles. "I have always wanted to wear my brother's clothes so bad and hated dresses, but now look. I will be getting married soon, thus I have to wear dresses for the rest of my life."

Ae rin, her attendant enters and bows. "Where did you go my lady?" She asks. "I have been looking for you."

"I went to see my parents." Ok Jung answers looking very dull.

"Is everything okay with you? You don't look fine."

"I will be fine as soon as I sleep Ae rin." She whispers and takes off her hair pins.

"Let me help you with that." Ae rin says and moves closer, helping her take off her hair pins.

"Ae rin!" Ok Jung calls.

"Yes Agassi." Ae rin answers and walks back to her lady's front.

"Have a seat."

"Yes." She bows and sits.

"You know I will be getting married soon right?" Ok Jung asks.

"Yes." Ae rin nods sadly. "I am aware of that."

"What do you want to do? Don't you think you should settle down too?" Ok Jung asks again.

"I do not want to do such Agassi, I will be very happy if you can allow me serve you even after your marriage."

"Ae rin!" Ok Jung calls with a little live in her now. "This is your best time to get a life of your own, if you follow me to my husband's house, you might end up serving me for the rest of your life."

"Agassi." Ae rin calls and smiles. "I can never imagine living a life without you in it."


"Yes." Ae rin nods. "The times we had, memories we shared, I can't help but keep on wishing more. Up till now, you and your family have taken care of me as if I was a part of this noble family. You taught me how to read and write, how to paint and make embroidery, you even allowed me eat with you." She pauses and continues. "With you here, i am happy, and I don't want to leave where my happiness is."

Ok Jung, moved to heart and tears drops from her eyes. She quickly wipes it off. "You know the type of family I want to get married into, isn't it? It's going to be full of competitions and fights, and you might not like it there."

"Come fire and thunder, I will always stand by you no matter what." Ae rin says and smiles. "Have you forgotten when I was sick? then, everyone avoided me thinking I caught the plague, only you and your family stood by me and took care of me, especially you. Have you forgotten how you bathed and clothed me then? I won't leave you for any reason my lady."

She could no longer control the tears. Ok Jung's eyes are filled with tears and they are rolling down her cheeks. "Thank you." She whispers.

"Agassi, please stop crying." Ae rin says and hugs her tightly.

"Thank you Ae Rin."


"Suk-bin her majesty! It's Suk-bin her majesty! Suk-bin her majesty is here."The lady investigators says loudly with a lot of smiles and excitement.

"How are you all doing?" Suk-bin says with smile to the girls before her.

"We are so happy to have you here with us

your majesty." Jung guem says with smiles.

"Jung guem, I need to see you at my chambers today. I have something very important to discuss with you."

"No problem your majesty." Jung guem says with smiles and nods.

"I will be expecting you." Suk-bin says and walks away and her attendants follows. She walks into the office of the chief madam lady investigator. "Madam Yu." She calls with a smile.

"Suk-bin Your majesty!" Lady Yu calls in amazement and bows immediately. "What brings you all the way here, Your majesty?"

"Raise your head lady Yu, I came here to discuss something very important with you." Suk-bin says and sits.

"Really? I hope there is no problem your majesty?"

"Not at all, have your seat."

"Yes, your majesty." Lady Yu bows and sits.

"You all can wait for me outside." Suk-bin says to her attendants.

"Yes, your majesty." Lady Baek says and walks out with the rest of the attendants.

"As you know, the prince is getting married soon, and the king has put me in charge of my son."

Lady Yu nods. "Yes, your majesty, I am very much aware of that."

"So I came to ask the lady investigators help on the planning of the marriage, just so you know I can't do it all alone." Suk-bin smiles. "Will you help me out Lady Yu?"

"We will be very graced to help you out in such preparations your majesty." Lady Yu says and bows with excitement.

Two lady walks in from outside, they are senior officers in the office of lady investigators, but still lower in rank to the chief madam investigator. They bow immediately they see Suk-bin.

"Suk-bin your majesty." They bow to pay their respects.

"Lady Nam, Lady Kim." Suk-bin calls with a smile. "How are you both doing?"

"We are fine your majesty." Lady Kim answers not looking very excited.

"Why is your face like this? Is everything okay with you? Or did something bad happen?" Suk-bin asks already sounding worried.

"Your majesty." Lady Nam calls. "Something very te-"

"Silence!" The chief madam lady investigator cautions. "Don't you dare utter one word."

"Lady Yu! What is the meaning of this? Are you hiding something of the inner court from me?" Suk-bin asks loudly.

"It's not like that your majesty." Lady Yu whispers. "I just think it's best you don't know about it at all, your majesty."

"Best I don't know?" Suk-bin asks sounding very confused.

"Yes, your majesty." Lady Yu nods.