it's been three days since I did the mana tree mission. Lexy has cooled down, and we have started back up on training.
Lexy "we need a bigger boost of training, like with the waterfall."
Malex: "How are we gonna find those?"
Lexy "I'm sure your dad knows."
me and Lexy go to dad's tent.
father "What is it?"
Malex ,do you know of any spots that will help increase our training?"
Lexy, "we found a spot back at the tower. it was a waterfall. That's how we managed to unlock another magic so quickly."
father "oh your talking about training regions. they are spots around this world that have more mana than other parts, and these parts help with training. let's see there's one about a mile southeast."
father gives us a map and some supplies.
after a while
we both land on the ground. thanks to my increase in training, I managed to learn how to fly others with me. I have so much mana now that I can carry someone else with me for about 15 minutes, meaning I can fly by myself for 30 minutes.
we reach the spot and find a cave. we follow the cave. Thanks to Lexy's phone, we can see. we reach a spot that immediately feels like mana. but there's something else or someone else. Lexy goes flying towards the wall of the cave and hits it. I look over to see what caused this a huge spider.
I lift my hand up and use swift end, aiming for its legs. I hit a leg dead on slicing it in half. the spider then makes an awful sound, like screeching. it slams its leg into me, and I use air shield. the spider Flys back hitting the wall with a crunch. it slowly starts to get back up.
a boulder flies past me and hits the spider.
Lexy "damn thing. I hate spiders so much."
Malex "me to."
we both meditate for a while trying to get this increase of training, and I feel it. This places mana is a whole lot stronger than the one at the waterfall.
we both train for hours until her phone says 9:00 at night. we repeat this process until we have gotten a whole lot stronger.
Let's start with how I improved. my mana has gone way up. I can now perform around 30 spells per 20 minutes (depending on what spell I use), I can fly for around 40 minutes (meaning I can fly with two for around 20 minutes), my electricity gun is more powerful and faster, and my electricity speed makes me go at around 50 miles per hour now. I learned three new spells. I learned a spell I call air push. it pushes my opponents, Air Pull. it pulls my opponents to me and Electricity Shockwave. it sends electricity around me in a dome shape. My opponents in it get hit, and they are temporarily stopped, and it does some really good damage.
Lexy also got a huge power up. she learned two spells. Earth sling. it slings her wherever she wants. the range depends on how much mana she puts into it. her second spell was for healing magic, which is why she only learned two. healing poison, we do not ask how we managed to figure out what that spell does.
we are definitely not arch mages, but we are powerful.
Max's point of view
I'm staying up late. trying to decipher what these riddles mean. these riddles are the key to finding more time spells, and we'll need those for the upcoming war.
I hear something outside. a branch snap. I instantly pull out my hand and look into it. using my time magic to see one minute into the future. a man with a mask and glasses. That's Kerksmith.
I instantly teleport outside.
Kerksmith: "There you are."
max. "What are you doing here?"
kerksmith, "my duty."
he rases his hand. I use time trap. He's trapped in time. I now use a light cage, trapping him in light. I release my time trap spell.
Kerksmith "Time magic is so interesting."
he turns into a shadow, phaseing through my light spell. he then plops back.
Kerksmith: "Now it's my turn!"
he uses death magic. I can tell by the pure evil illuminating from his hand. a black ball almost hits me, but I teleport away.
I hear an explosion.
Kerksmith "well this was fun. goodnight."
he disappears into shadows.
Lexy's point of view before the fight with Kerksmith
I'm walking towards Malexs tent. he forgot his book. I thought I heard something, so I used earth map. That's the spell that allows me to hear everything and see everything.
not only did I see this one person but multiple, a whole lot more people than what's supposed to be in this camp. I run towards Max's tent because it's the closest, and he is the most powerful here. but he isn't in here.
Lexis is lying there sleeping, so I quickly wake her up.
Lexis "What is it?"
Lexy, "There's people out there. I think they are the mcc?"
Lexis "dammit!"
me and Lexis quickly run outside and to the gate where we are met with two people. Borriks and Nathen
Borriks "Hello Lexy."
I quickly use earth boulder, and he uses moonstar. They both collide
Borriks ,go ahead."
Nathens' feet blow up and shoot past me and Lexis.
Lexis "they are after the book. can you handle Borriks by yourself?"
Lexy "Yes."
Lexis Flys away.
Borriks "better change your mind. we can get stronger together."
Lexy " I'm dating Malex. so don't even start
Borriks looks furious. he glows, moon body. he dashes at me with insane speed, but I see this coming from a mile away. he kicks with his knee, I grab the knee and slam it into the ground. sending debris in the air. I use earth sling to shoot me straight into the air, then use earth bullets, shooting him with all the debris. some hit him, shooting out yellow sparks, and others get absorbed by his star absorb spell.
he reflects the attack towards me. There's nothing I can do since I'm in the air. but air forms around me and quickly flies me out.
Lexy "malex!"