Chereads / malex and the master of magic / Chapter 13 - a new magic

Chapter 13 - a new magic

a couple of weeks past. we do missions and train. one night, I wake up too, Lexy shaking me awake.

Lexy "Hey Malex, let's go,"

Malex "imm sooo sleepyy."

Lexy, "stop being lazy and come with me, I found something."

Malex "finee, wait for me outside."

Lexy "hurry up."

Lexy walks outside. I get up and stretch, I reach into my closet and get my clothes and book.

we walk for some time. I hear a water fall, it's very loud. but we are very far from the tower. Lexy grabs my hand.

Lexy "hurry!!"

Malex "Okay!"

I start too blush, I don't know why because she does this all the time. she walks tell we stand right next to the water staring at the water fall above. she pushes me into the pond. the second I hit the water, I think it's cold. luckily for me, Lexy managed to talk me into giving her my book. She knew all along. This was her game plan.

Lexy "is it cold?"

Malex "Frick you."

Lexy laughs and jumps in, throwing my book to the side.

we have been swimming together for a long time, just enjoying this.

Lexy "come here."

Malex "okay."

I swim over to her

Lexy: "This isn't the only reason we came out here."

she swims out of the pond and lays down in a meditating form.

Lexy ,come join me, for some reason, that water can make you use your mana better."

Malex "Okay, sure."

we both meditate for the whole night, until about 8:00 in the morning. but it worked. Not only did I learn a new spell, but I also had a weird mana presence inside me.

we walk back into the tower and take a shower (one at a time). we all meet outside and start training. we use spells, and my new spell allows me to create air bubbles. I can create air bubbles around anything and If I hold it there long enough it doesn't get any oxygen and dies, or I can use it too surround someone and give them air, so If I go underwater and create a air bubble around myself and supply myself with some of that air I can breath.

I am in a 1v1 with Jack.

Jack "I won't lose this time."

Malex "we will see about that statement."

I send a concussion blast is way. He blocks with an ice shield. he sends an ice shard attack towards me, and I use air shield. I fly as fast as I can towards him, and he uses an ice barrier, I fly up then. I feel a tingly sensation inside me and look at my hands that are glowing a light blue color, then electricity flys out of my hand and hits the ice barrier, breaking it into pieces. I then fly towards him and punch him as hard as possible. he hits the ground, I won.

mother: "Did you just use electricity?"

father, "he did. It looks like he got electricity magic from your lighting."

Malex "Seriously, that's sick."

kory "Okay, next up is Borriks vs. Nathen."

Nathan ,let's go, a rematch."

Borriks, "What a cake walk."

Nathan begins the match by exploding everything in front of him. but Borriks protects himself with his full moon spell, surrounding him in a barrier like dome. It looks just like the moon. Borriks takes away the moon barrier and then uses the moon body. It drastically increases his physical. Stats his speed, strength, endurance, and stamina. he breaks the floor beneath him in a dash where he uses moon fist. This spell makes his hand glow white and hit Nathen with the force of the moon. he hits Nathen right in the gut, and Nathen Flys back, hitting a tree, blood flows out of his mouth and head.

Kory "Oh God!"

Borriks, "Damn it!"

Lexy runs over to him and starts to shake him awake. but while she is doing this, her hands glow a very dark green. Nathens blood starts to go away, and Nathen wakes up.

Nathen "What just happened? my head hurts so bad."

Zelda, "What did you do?"

father, "you too? well, I suppose that makes sense."

mother "healing magic. very, very rare."

everyone walks in, but me and Lexy.

Malex "wow the water fall actually worked, huh?"

Lexy "it did, but that was scary."

Malex "it was. but it's a good thing you just so happened to unlock your healing magic."

Lexy "it really is considering healing magic is one of the rarest magics you can get."

Malex: "Why is that?"

Lexy "because of the power of it. you saw a basic spell, and that spell was able to heal a concussion, maybe brain damage. there is a tell that if you get powerful enough, you can heal someone from the dead if they died around three hours ago."

Malex "wow seriously and you have it."

Lexy "Yes, but don't threat because the magic you have is just as impressive. electricity magic is very powerful. Not to mention you can paralyze someone if you unlock the right spells. You can also increase your own speed. it's a very good magic too."

Malex "defiantly not as cool as yours, but I'll take it."

Lexy "actually I would consider it awesome because of this insane magic type I got. The odds of me getting anymore good ones are low."

Malex "I wouldn't say that. it's random. Just because you get good magic now doesn't mean you won't get another. keep your hopes up."

Lexy "Thank you."

Malex "no problem."

Lexy "Well, goodnight."

Malex "yeah, goodnight."

a couple minutes later

lexy point of view

I walk into my room and sit down. I opened the book up, and I caint believe he didn't notice I still had it, or maybe he did. but he gets embarrassed pretty easily. I don't see him letting me have it. I wonder if he has drawn anything of me.

I slowly go page by page.

Lexy "the woods, his mother and father, the tower, the arena, everyones magic, and oh wow me."

it looks incredible, I mean, I'm not bragging, but for some reason, the image he drew of me looks better than me in a picture or in the mirror. wow, it looks so awesome. but I wonder why he drew me but not anyone else besides his parents, which makes sense because he never actually saw them tell now, so what's that mean for me.

*knock *knock

I hurry and close the book and put it to the side.

I opened the door and see the person I did not suspect. Borriks.

Lexy "What are you doing?"

Borriks "I just wanted to say hello."

Lexy "Why?"

Borriks: "Can I not say hello?"

I notice he looks back at my table, right at the book.

Borriks "oh you would have his book. Malex is, Malex that. he's not that incredible."

Lexy "you wasn't saying that a couple of weeks ago. Actually, if I remember correctly, you were saying the opposite."

Borriks "yeah that's because everyone was around. That's not how I actually feel. speaking of how people dont actually feel, how about you and me go out?"

Lexy: "You mean date, absolutely not, and you have the balls too tell me who I do and don't like."

Borriks, "you will say yes."

Lexy "You won't tell me who I will date!"

Malex: "Excuse me, if you don't mind, can I speak too Lexy for a second?"

Borriks looks absolutely furious at me and then looks over beside him.

Borriks ,don't take long!"

Malex "Sure."

Malex walks in and shuts the door right in Borriks face.

Malex "sorry to bother -"

I hug him instantly, holding him for a while, then I give him a soft kiss on the cheek.

Lexy "Thank you."

I step away from him and look into his face. It's all red. gosh, he gets embarrassed so easily.

Malex, "What was that for?"

Lexy "Borriks he is trying to force me into dating him."

Malex "seriously?"

Lexy "Yes, and you saved me."

Malex "I don't know about saved."

I rush up and give him another peck on the cheek.

Lexy: "Does that prove my point?"

Malex "Yes."

I have malex stay in my room for a while, until we hear Borriks walk away, then he leaves with the book he came for.

Lexy ,thanks again."

Malex "no problem."

I give him another peck on the cheek, then let him walk away.