we all walk outside and head towards an arena that's in the woods. when we get to the arena, there is an open spot on one side and on the other about a football field away from each other, in the middle is just all trees. the game is capture the flag, and we are playing in two teams.
mother "Okay, before we play, I wanted to introduce everyone to my son malex, and if everyone could say their names, that would be great."
Zelda "You've done met me, but my name is Zelda."
the family standing near Jack speaks
Jack's Dad: "My name is Jackson."
Jack's mom "hy my name is Katherine."
the family standing behind a set of twins that I have not met yet say
set of twins dad "My name is kory, and my sons are Nathan and Borriks."
Nathan and Borriks mom "and I'm Parris."
I take this time to study Jack, Nathan, and Borriks. Jack doesn't look that athletic, but he is handsome, blond hair that goes to his eyes (like mine), blue eyes, the color of the sea. Nathan is the opposite he is very tall and looks extremely athletic, I won't say he is not handsome but I don't see girls being too into his face, his hair is combed up at the front, it's very dark, kinda like Lexy's. Borriks is the same way as his brother but he is even taller and looks even more athletic, they obviously look exactly alike except for the hair, borriks combs his hair all the way back, it looks like something from the 1960's.
father "Okay, now since we all have met, why don't we get into a capture the flag match?" but there is one problem there are five kids that's an odd number, meaning it's going to be a two v three."
Zelda "I think we should put Lexy and Malex on a team since they have learned the most and seem to be two of the most powerful out of this group."
Parris "no I think it should be my two sons vs. everyone else, since they clearly are the best."
Jackson "Jack should team up with Lexy."
I noticed a wink that Mr Jackson gave Jack.
mother "I agree with Zelda, since Malex and Lexy have learned so much they will be on team."
father "Yes, I agree, Malex and Lexy come here."
both of us step towards dad. he touches our hands and poof. We are at a flag.
Lexy "teleportation magic, that's so useful."
Malex "That makes sense."
Lexy "we need a game plan."
Malex "we need to decide which one of us stays back and the other goes forwards. but to do this, we need to determine who's magic will be stronger in this area."
Lexy "okay you have air magic, I have earth, and right now, I'm pretty well diversed in it, but so are you. This is hard."
Malex "Oh, I got it, you stay here. I'll go, I can get there really fast, with my flying spell. you can stay here and protect the flag, use earth magic to form a barrier or something, but be careful because they'll probably send both the twins."
Lexy "I can hold them off, but be careful of Jack. He's strong."
Malex "okay."
Lexy "Good luck."
Malex "you too."
I take off, flying towards the flag, dodging trees, and magical animals. in the distance, I see something, people. I use air magic concussion blast, the ball of air goes flying towards the target, hitting it dead on. but yellow sparks fly off of the target.
Malex "that must be arcane magic."
when I fly closer, I see it was Nathan. he throws his hand out and says.
Nathan: "You ain't as special as you might think you are. EXETREME EXPLOSION!!!"
an enormous explosion comes out of his hand, hitting me dead on, yellow sparks fly every, and I go flying back. I hit the ground hard, rolling around a couple of times
Malex "ow that hearts."
it takes me a couple of seconds to get up, but I must if I want Lexy to win, and I want that so bad. I fly out knowing that I don't have too much mana to work with, but it'll work. All I need to do in this match is to pull the flag from the ground.
Lexy's point of view
I wonder if malex as made it, if what people say are true he'll be able to get there but Jack is also very proficient in ice magic, I should have told malex he had ice magic. I hear footsteps, one person, I take my hand off the ground, man. I love that spell. I need to get ready for a fight. He's only about 40 yards away.
whoever this is are obviously trying to sneak up on me. they are taking so long. I hear an explosion from behind me. I use earth barrier around the flag, protecting me and the flag. I hear a loud thump, then nothing.
Malex point of view
I land in the area and stare at the boy in front of me
Jack "hello Malex. I wanted to go against you."
Malex, "then let's go."
Jack "not much with words, uh."
Jack then uses a spell that sends very sharp ice. Sickles towards me, ice magic. I use air shield, breaking all the shards into tiny pieces.
Jack "Nice."
I use swift end to get a hit off, and somehow, he blocked it with an ice barrier spell.
Jack "that thing had some speed on it."
I fly towards Jack, he uses the shard spell again I managed to dodge them but then he uses an ice ball spell hitting me dead on in the stomach, yellow spark fly out. I can't get hit anymore. I fly towards him again and distract him with a concussion blast hitting his barrier again but breaking it easily. it sends him flying back a little. The power on that spell is insane.
I finally make it about 10 feet away from the flag and Jack is on the other side holding his hand out, but it's too late I use my tornado spell, the huge tornado absorbs Jack into it and sends him flying far away from the flag, the flag starts to get absorbed into the tornado too but I deactivate the spell and pick up the flag.
as this was happening
I hear a huge explosion, and then my earth barrier breaks. two guys walk towards the flag out of the woods. Nathan and Borriks. I know Nathan has explosion magic, and Borriks has moon magic. Borriks is definitely the stronger one by a mile, and without a doubt between everyone here he is the closest to me and Malex.
Borriks "give up Lexy, you caint even fight against us, we are too strong for you."
Lexy, "you talk too much."
I send out a huge boulder from my hand. Nathan explodes it. Borriks dashes too me and trys too hit me but I dodge then counter hitting him in the face. he Flys back a little staring at me.
Borriks "man, I missed you. You're so hot."
Lexy "yeah that was a decision I'll never ever make again."
Borriks "yeah you like that nerdy boy Malex, I bet Jack is over there beating the crap outa him. he's nothing everyone says he is."
Lexy "you know nothing. Malex is strong, and you'll find that out very fast!"
Borriks "oh I'm so scared."
I get really mad and use the one spell I didn't want to use.
Lexy "earthquake!"
the ground shakes furiously, and the ground starts to break beneath them, Borriks uses the one spell I didn't want to see
Borriks "moonlight!"
he's so bright. the earth is shaking beneath us, and Borriks is glowing so brightly. then we hear it, the bell.