Justin made it to the hospital where Cristoff had taken Tristana and made it to her room just after the CNA had finished taking her vitals. That's when Tristana coded as Justin swooped in to perform CPR on Tristana, pressing the staff assist button sending staff to the room.
Minutes later, an RN, LPN, lugging a crash cart, and a CNA arrived at Tristana's room to help, but Tristana was breathing on her own, prompting Justin to tell staff that he was examining the patient for signs of injury.
As soon as staff left, however, Justin assisted Tristana to a waiting gurney where he wheeled her out of the room and into the hallway to the elevators and out of the hospital.
By this time, Cristoff had returned to Tristana's room to find his wife gone and headed to the nurse's station to grill the staff about his wife's disappearance.
The RN on duty assured Cristoff that they would get on the case and locate his wife as the RN dialed security alerting them of the situation.
The CNA on duty took it upon herself to to distract Cristoff giving the RN time to give security details of the patient's status.
But an already irate Cristoff didn't want or need the hospital's help. He knew what happened and who took his wife --Justin Crimean!!