Daisy never wanted to be in any kind of relationship. Seeing the relationship between her parents, Daisy lost faith in it. She thought it is better to interact with people for a while and leave them before she gets herself too attached. This might sound a little inhumane, but that was the best she could do for herself, to keep herself from getting hurt over and over again. Daisy was busy finding love among other people around her, and she did have various people in the past. As humans, we have always looked for love from our family, friends and spouses and our Daisy was no different. Neither did she believe in the idea of marriage. She was more attracted to the idea of finding the one, so-called soulmate or twin flame.
Daisy however thoughtful was fascinated by the idea of flirting; it did her good. Only to find herself lost again. She was 19 when she interacted with a bachelorette from her society. She went on a long drive with her, without informing Danielle. Daisy always believed in real friendships than just knowing people. Having met Sebastian, when later Daisy joined Gym, she later went on to spend time with a gym trainer, or be it a managing director, or someone at Toastmaster's Club - Daisy always believed her to be a One-Man Woman only, dedicating all her love to that one person she was spending time with. "Love" – Where did she get this concept from? Having read Think and Grow Rich – she realized that Love was one of the purest energy to manifest anything one wanted to create in life. Daisy was blinded by love, which helped with the opportunity to understand different kinds of people in life – not that was easy to do. Every heartbreak she had, took as an opportunity to improve herself one step further and work towards creating the best version of herself. The peculiar love – the first ever relationship of her life she ever had with someone. His name was Christian, he was a kind and handsome gentleman. Christian was in Romania for studies and probably to return to his home country once he finished his studies at the University of Pitești. Daisy liked spending time with Christian in the gardens or playing Bowling games with him.
It was Christian when she first played the bowling game – just like in movies. It was with Christian when young Daisy got her first tattoo on her hand. Daisy had a spirit of real adventure, she took it with her, wherever she went. And this quality helped her to get through the toughest challenges that life had thrown at her. Be it Family, Love, or Career – She never regretted any decision she made – except for one (George)!! Having a bad relationship as a father and a daughter – Daisy never felt real or lived a normal family life. The days were all about stressing over money. Love was all she was finding within herself – that she wanted to give to another person than herself – the cause of all relationship problems. Daisy knew, that until and unless she did not learn how to love herself, she would never be good at/with people and relations. The heart of Networking was loving and trusting yourself – to be the best with people. Until then one cannot achieve that other than being yourself – one cannot leave an undying positive impression on people around her. One fine beauty of having met Mr Felix and his uncle at the toastmaster's, as they were active people – always engaging in some or the other kind of club activities. Whenever there was any upcoming event happening nearby, they always invited Daisy along with them.
One such event -was when Toastmaster's Lead for the local chapter at Pitești was leaving for America. So, Mr Felix and his uncle invited Daisy for the Farewell to the Toastmaster's Lead. The party thrown was a small gathering, where only seniors had joined the party. Daisy was very calm and quiet during the entire social gathering. But once Daisy returned Home – She could not help herself but burst into tears and said to herself locking into her room – "Why am I never comfortable in any kind of social gathering? The Entire Time I said almost nothing, and other people were interacting with each other so easily. What's wrong with me? Why am I not like others who speak with others so flawlessly?"
Daisy's heart was shattered all over again. It was not enough for Daisy to see herself bursting into tears all over again. She was very much tied to self-doubt and under-estimating her potential, that she could barely survive in any kind of social gathering – be it marriages, social functions, parties – All of them never made Daisy feel at home- The social world was like an alien world to her. Daisy learnt over time, that to gain self-acceptance, it was important for her to boost her self-esteem and not give a thought to what people would think of her. That day, Daisy decided one thing that took her one step closer to loving herself – To stop accepting/participating in events that make Daisy feel like herself. Respecting one's own choices, Daisy felt that it gave a boost to her self-esteem. Daisy was ok if other people didn't get her.
She decided to rather be alone by herself in her skin instead of wearing a brutal mask in disguise in an alien world. This made her move toward her true self. Daisy aspired to find the treasure that her long-lost ancestors' AKA Archangels had been trying to guide her. Nurturing your authentic self – leads one to live one's life purposefully and feel contended. Daisy did, always what she wanted to do – When she did not feel it right, she left things/kinds of stuff that did not even begin. Daisy was very curious to find what she was passionate about- but not seeing the world, Daisy always had a wavering mindset. It wasn't her fault, Daisy thought to herself, "Why should I waste all my life to find what I could be passionately doing? Only to know, that there's no time and it's too late... Well, I think, meddling with the boat is more important that just letting the boat float on its own. Some consequences might lead me to the things I had been truly looking for."
Daisy was curious and quick to learn things on her own. She wanted herself to be ahead in her own life. And she ventured all the best possible ways she could – to find what she could be truly passionate about. Daisy took two ways to go about it – One through reading books and finding the answers that she was looking for and the other through spirituality. Sometimes, being bounded by a negative atmosphere at home, Daisy found her way to deal with things through spiritual awakening. Whenever she felt bad, she always went up the terrace to talk with the stars, the moon, the sky, birds, trees and the beautiful setting sun in the west with the red haze made her feel like a homecoming. Being and talking with nature, always helped her to recover her faith in God and cope through tough times – all alone. Daisy was never afraid of dealing with challenges in life – she was more afraid of being someone that she was not her authentic self – she can never replicate others-just because someone else happened to do or say so. After all, for Daisy Love was not happiness but rather a battle to fight with herself and her family. Daisy dreamed of revolutionizing society when she could even create a dent of love within her family. What Daisy could do was just a matter of time, which would reveal her fate of love.