Chereads / RUDE QUEEN / Chapter 1 - SEAL OF MARRIGE


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Umade was the daughter of Rawal Lonkaran of Jaisalmer, who ascended the throne in 1586. Before the birth of the daughter, the heart broke a little, but when the news of her beauty came, tears were shed. Within a few days, the beauty of that girl's beauty spread in Rajputana. The friends used to think that see who gets this lucky girl. She used to describe the qualities of the kings and princes of the country in front of him and fathom his life, but the Umaid did not take anyone into consideration with the pride of her beauty. She was not only proud of her external qualities, she was also unmatched in her strength of heart, high spirits and generosity. His habits were unique from the whole world. Like a kiss where someone pointed a finger and it withered.

Mother would say – 'Daughter, you have to go to a foreign house, why would you do your marriage?' The father would say – 'Son, you should not feel bad about small things.' But she did not listen to anyone in her tune. His answer was silence. No matter how much someone barked, when she got stuck on something, she remained adamant.

Eventually the girl was able to get married. The queen said to the Rawal - "How are you sitting oblivious, the girl has grown up, find a groom for her, apply henna in the hands of the daughter."

Rawal replied - "What is the hurry, Raja is being discussed among the people, nowadays the message of marriage has come. If I send a message to someone on my behalf, his mood will go up in the sky."

The brave king of Marwar, Maldev also heard the fame of Umade's worldly beauty and fell in love without seeing it. He sent to Rawal asking him to make me your son, we and you have been in a relationship since ancient times. Nothing new today.

After receiving this message, Rawal said in his heart - 'Wow! All my secrets have been destroyed, now we give the message of marriage! But then thought that the lion is trapped in the cage itself, such an opportunity will not be available again. Never miss it. Thinking this, Rawal sent coconuts of gold and silver. Rao Maldev ji came to Jaisalmer to get married after decorating the procession. Cheta and Kompa, who were his Surma chiefs, used to walk to his right and left.

Rawal called his queen and showed him the ride of Rao Maldev from the window of the fort and said - "This is the same man, because of whom I have neither sleep at night nor do you fall asleep tomorrow. It will now tie the toran on this door, which is often closed for fear of it. But look what I do. Don't just call me Rawal if he escaped from Chanwari. The daughter will become a widow, but the thorn in your heart will go out for a lifetime, but the whole Rajputana will get peace.

Hearing this, the queen started crying. Rawal scolded and said - "Shut up! If you start crying, then the matter will break. Then no good, this bloodthirsty will eat everyone. Look, he has come to get married, but has brought the army along as if he is going to fight with someone. So much army will drink all the water of Garhsolar (a lake in Jaisalmer) in a single day. We you and all the inhabitants of the city will die of thirst."

The queen was very sad due to the fear of her daughter becoming a widow, but she agreed to her husband's words and kept silent by keeping a stone on her chest. His panic and trouble could not be hidden.

Seeing the mother nervous, the daughter understood that there is something black in the lentils. But did not dare to ask anything. Daughter's caste, how could she be so insolent? Mother's cry was not a cry of love. When she saw mother's restlessness increasing every moment, she knew that today Suhag and Randapa are going to meet together. There was a lot of agony in my life, but my heart remained stunned. What do you do? Here we have a daughter without horns. Parents are his caretakers. But when the parents become the customers of his life, then who will tell whom? Friendly friends used to flourish. Weddings were being held in the palace, the flames of happiness were seen all around. But alas, does anyone know that the bride for whom all this is happening is getting dissolved inside. Sakhis are making her a bride, some make henna in her hands and feet, some fill the demand with pearls, some weave flowers in the braid, some show a mirror and say – Khoob bunny. But no one knows that the bunny's life is at stake. As the day progresses, the color of his face fades. The sakhis are in another meditation. Here the matter is different.

Umade suddenly got up from the clump of friends and started talking to a sweet friend named Bharili separately from the gesture.

Raghoji secretly changed her appearance and went to the astrologer and started asking - "Have you taken the time for the marriage of a virgin?"

He replied - "No one else, but the time has been taken for the marriage of Rawal ji's maiden."

Bhaarili - "Will you go even during the rounds?"

Astrologer - "If I do not go, then how will there be news of Muhurta?"

Bhairali - "Do you tell other Muhurtas and get weddings done anywhere else in this city?"

Astrologer - "Who else is there in the whole city except me. The king's subjects all call me."

Heavy - "Astrologer! Don't be offended, how long do the girls you get married to stay married?"

Astrologer (shocked) - "Yes! what did you say? Do you hate me?"

Heavy - "No astrologer! I don't bother, I really say.

Astrologer - "I do not have the answer to these things. Whatever you mean, say it clearly."

Heavy - "Nothing! You check your Muhurta one more time.

Astrologer - "Will you say anything?"

Heavy - "If you see your site again, then tell me."

Astrologer - "Stay away, don't play with old people."

Saying this, the astrologer went inside, but after thinking carefully removed the bandage.But then after deliberating, took out the bandage, examined the site very well and said by counting on the fingers, there is no fault in the Muhurta.

Bhaarili (in a sad voice) - "Then the fate will be broken."

Astrologer (bewildered) - "No, I had taken out the Muhurta after seeing the birth chart."

Bhairali - "Ai, I have also seen the Karampatri. In your Muhurta, it is written that Bai ji has to suffer."

Astrologer (reaching the bottom) - "So is Rawal ji going to cheat?"

Bharili - "Uhaan Rawal refrained from killing Maldev, now it is advised to kill him in Chanwari at the time of marriage."

Astrologer - "Hey, Ram-Ram! Shame on such kings.

Bhaarili - "Sir, keep these things at this time, if there is any fate of release, then tell me."

Astrologer - "When Rawal ji does not have mercy on his daughter, then what can I poor Brahmin do."

Bhaarili - "If a person wants, he can do everything."

Astrologer - "You tell me what should I do?"

Bhaarili - "Be a good astrologer! Being a courtier, you ask me what should I do.

Astrologer - "What happens when you are a royal courtier? You have not heard, Guru Vidya and head to head intellect.

Bhairali - "Then my advice is that Rao Maldev should be warned."

Astrologer - "Yes, it can happen."

Bhaarili - "So should I go and tell Bai ji that your work is done?"

Astrologer - "Yes, it can happen."

Heavy - "Yes!"

Astrologer - "Okay, I will go."