Chereads / Genius Isekai / Chapter 1 - Reincarnation of an above average genius student with below average social skills

Genius Isekai

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Chapter 1 - Reincarnation of an above average genius student with below average social skills

Arc 1: School

I am Daisuke Suzuki, just an average student, I enjoy watching anime all day. My academic results are remarkable, being the number 1 high school student in Japan. My social life is almost nonexistent. I freeze and stare at people most of the time, the company of other boys is rarely welcoming to me. Girls were my choice of hanging out, until I realized that my social skills are not good, attempt after attempt at socializing with them failed, ended me with staring at them. It happened many times until I decided to watch from a distance, but ended creeping everyone out and earning me the nickname peeping Daisuke and the reputation of a perv. As of now I am sitting in my room watching an anime, it included my favorite waifu, which like most of them is a loli. She team up her older brother in a fantasy setting, seeing them together just make you fall in love with the 2 of them, no contest.

"Daisuke, come down please!"- Not again, bet it's something from school of my failed attempt to be social

"Now mom!"

I went down the stairs, expecting my mom to shout at me, or insult me again as she did many other times

"What now mom?"- Eye contact with her won't do me any good, better keep my head down

"We should do something about you and your behavior. You are the valedictorian of your class. But your teachers always catch you staring like a creep at a girl, especially short girls. Always spying on them in the bathroom, courtyard, gym class, swimming pool, where ever you catch them you just stare at them like a creep waiting to pounce on them. What the hell is wrong with you?"- My mom got in my face, scolding me again. These are my attempts to be social, to find a good spot, to find when and where I can start a conversation, many times that I tried to speak with them, it only ended up in being beaten either by the girl or her brother or boyfriend or both at same time

"Are you listening to me?"- Whatever, mom, you won't understand if I told you.

"Mom, I am trying my best at socializing and making friends, I tried many times, but you wouldn't listen."- My gave me the grade card, what use does it have now? Straight 10s or A or how you want to call them, are worthless now

"At least you get good grades, the only deterant from getting kick out of the house. I still hold the hope something will come out of you with these grades."- My mom gave me a disgusted look and turned away

"They are kids, look as a teen I was the same. Daisuke only wants to talk, but he can't, none of us can help him that much"- My dad just arrived from work, he just opened the door and heard my mom screaming at me. My dad isn't home often, he works overseas as a cook most of the time and I don't see him often, his skills are very appreciated, I see him a week or so every 3 months

"Damn it. You 2 are just impossible. First, if you are his dad, try to come home more than once every 3 or 4 months"- My mom turned back to her work. She is a full time programmer. My mom and dad possessed real skills, well mine was absorbing info like a sponge. Most people think I am skill and gifted in things, no, not at all, intelligent doesn't mean skilled. Cooking, managing money and other skills are severely lacking, I am 17 and most of my peers are already having jobs and saving money, while I watch anime all day. Fuck my choices!

"Ohhh, Daisuke, your sister will come tomorrow after school. She will spend the weekend here"

"Yes mom. I am going to my room."- It was usual for me now, no need to shove it all in my face. I mean, yes, it's true. Not only that, but I don't know. My life here feels like hell. Every time I try to make any progress, it gets cut down

I entered my room and looked around

"I guess I am not suited for people"- I got on my bed, I started learning at something

The next day at school

"It's him."- People around me started whispering

As I was passing through to my class, everyone gave me a weird look. Arriving on time, I sat down alone. With no real friends, my sister Haruhime is the only person I feel close too, she is 23 years old, although she is shorter, well my older sister is a loli baba. Now, time to focus on school and studying

The class started, I kept my head down, didn't look at anyone, couldn't look at anyone.

Classes are boring for me since I ace everything

1st break

I went outside sitting by a Sakura tree

"People are looking so lively"- I whispered to myself while watching people, I turned my head seeing in a corner a few girls trying to get changed for PE, maybe I can try to talk with them and make friends

"It's peeping Daisuke again"- One of the girls Hina began staring back at me

"That creep again?"- Yua her best friend followed after

"Come here!"- Hina grabbed me by the shirt collar and threw me on the ground

"Why the hell are you doing this. I won't even ask.?"- Yua was in front of me while I was trying to get up. She had slapped me and gave me a frown, she turned back stomping my chest

"I am sorry"- This is all I could mutter before seeing some of them leaving and giving me a disgusted look

I got back to my tree again, looking again, I found 2 other girls, tried my best not to stare at them, something just keeps me doing it, why am I doing it? It's no use anyway, why should I continue to try to speak with people if all I get is kicked and beaten

"Come here!"- One of the girls gestured me to sit near them. What did I do now? Well, time to get my ass kicked again

"Me?"- I pointed to myself from behind one of the trees I was leaning from

"Yes, come and have a seat with us"- The 2 girls had warm and welcoming smile

"What happened, you froze?"- One of the girls seemed worried for a second

"Nothing. Did you need a homework or what?"- I sat down, not looking at them

"Look, Daisuke. Why are you always doing this? I mean, you look distressed all the time. "- Her tone was genuinely worried

"I don't know, I just try to talk and make friends with people. I can barely speak or look people in the eyes, it's so hard to talk or maintain a conversation"- I tried to look at her, she didn't look at me with disgust, she had a warm expression instead

"I understand. Well, just spend awhile with us, the next breaks. We will wait for you."- I looked at her, smiling at me

"How?"- I was scared to look at them

"Yes, I kinda was the same before meeting Hanako. Ohhh, I forgot I am Sara. If you don't come the next break, we will come after you"- She came to sit closer near me. I held my head down when she sat near me. I am ashamed of myself

"I don't know. Every time I tried talking to someone, it ended up badly for me"- I could barely get my words out

"I understand. I know the whole story, Daisuke. Don't worry"- She is the first person to show this much kindness towards me. It was time for the 2nd class of the day, everyone rushed to their classes. I am in my last year, PE is our last class

How did this turn out ok? The last time I trusted someone like this, I got pulled the biggest humiliation of my life, how did it turn all right? Why did they just laugh or humiliate me? Why? Is it even worth it? For them to sacrifice their reputation for someone like me? Everyone was looking at me with disgust but with worry about them, what the hell am I supposed to do now?

Daisuke's Flashback:

"Hi, Daisuke, come and sit with us!"- 2 girls invited me to sit with them

"Thanks, why did you invite me here?"- I tried to make conversation, but I couldn't do much

"I want to see your hair, I love how long it is"- She began to admire my hair, I turned around as she said. I could feel her fondling my hair. She had glued my hair and glued breadcrumbs to my hair. I remember running around the school and everyone was laughing at me. I could save my hair, but not my self-esteem

Real world:

2nd class was math, I aced everything again. The teachers knew about this, they still complained about me every time they could, they were still fair when grading tho

Now on our 2nd break, searched for Hanako and Sara, found them sitting in the same place, they were actually waiting for me. I could see other people giving me dirty looks, everyone looked at the 3 of us like they were looking at aliens

"Don't mind them Daisuke"- I was sitting in the middle of the bench, Hanako was to my left and Sara to my right

"It's hard"- I looked down again, couldn't even look them in the eyes

"Don't worry. Their opinions aren't worth listening to"- Sara gave me a manga to read, maybe it is to cover my face

"You are the smartest kid in Japan, You know, maybe we could hang out after school today. Maybe at 4PM?"- Hanako looked at Sara

"Yes. Daisuke and I will be there"- Wait, me and her?

"Wait?"- I turned to look at her

"You aren't alone anymore"- Sara had her cheerful attitude

"Thanks. I will try to get there. My sister said she will arrive today. I will try to go if time allows it"- I began to read the manga she gave me again

"Well then. Mind sharing us details about your sister?"- Hanako and Sara were actually interested in my life?

"Well she is 6 years older than me but looks very young and short"- I blushed a little

"Your sister is a loli, that's what you want to say"- Sara began laughing. Why is using Otaku terms?

"What's this?"- She pulled out one of the shoujou manga I read, well the one she gave me was of the same genre but most of the time I carry manga around with me to cover my face

"You like Shoujou, that incredible. You are the first guy that I know who likes this genre"- Sara and Hanako started going through my manga

"Wow. I may recommend 3 new titles that are coming this month from the same author. The launch is in like this week on Sunday. We will go there also. Are you free to go with us then as well, Daisuke?"- Hanako handed me my manga back. I felt, I don't know how I felt. I think I have friends for the first time. It feels so good. I can't describe it better.

"He froze up"- Sara laughed a bit. I don't know why, but this doesn't bring back ugly memories


I was in middle school, I began to get secretive to what I read

"Hey, what are you reading there weirdo!"- One of the boys snatched the manga out of my hand

"Give it back, please"- I stuttered for a bit while trying to get my manga back

"What a loser, he reads Shoujou manga!"- He raised the manga, so everyone could see it

"I didn't see a bigger loser than him. A boy to read this cringe romance manga with all this sappy stuff. It takes a girl to enjoy this crap"- Everyone got around me in a circle and begun laughing

Real world

"Daisuke, are you listening to us?"- Sara and Hanako tried to get my attention

"Yes, sorry, zoned out for a bit. What were you 2 talking about?"- I looked at them. They giggled

"Is this weirdo for real. Like with Sara and Hanako. The 2 hotties in our school talking to that pervert. Maybe they try to pull a prank"- 2 guys passed us insulting me

"The perverted loser is reading shoujou manga, figures."- Another guy passed me, snatching the manga from my hand.

"Hey, give it back!"- Sara got up at and scolded the guy

"Am I dreaming. Are you defending him?"- He got confused somehow

"Give it back!"- Hanako also got up.

"I don't understand why are wasting time with this loser?"- He looked at me in disgust

"Why do you care? It's my choice who I spend time with, not yours"- Sara gave him a mean look

"Why would you choose this loser over me? Last night you, leave it be I can't believe it"- He threw the manga in my face


"I am sorry"- I tried to get up, but Sara nodded her head and dragged me back on the bench

"He is still upset that I rejected him last week"- Sara handed my manga back

"It's not your fault, Daisuke. He would have acted like this anyway"- Hanako tried to look at me. I was covering my face

"It's still my fault and my bad reputation. Everyone is looking at us. Like we are aliens"- Somehow this is making me feel ashamed of who I am

"I don't care what they say. I wanted to approach you for a long time. We saw you a long time, but we got the courage now, we didn't have an opportunity"- Sara tried to hide a little embarrassment

"Thank you."- I bowed my head

The bell rung, time for the 3rd class of the day. I got bored out of my mind here. I couldn't do anything other than give right answers, there was nothing to learn

3rd break

The 2nd break felt like it lasted forever. This is meal time as I remember. Everyone was in the canteen. I followed along and got my meal. I wanted to sit with someone. Sara and Hanako waved their hands. They wanted me to seat near them

"What are you doing here creep?"- One of the guys got defensive, he got up from the seats and stared at me

"Leave him alone"- Hanako grabbed his sleeve

"Why?"- He was confused

"Just leave him alone, ok?"- Sara let me sit in the middle again

I just sat in silence near them, enjoying my meal with them. I felt happy even tho for a bit.

"Look Daisuke. You can feel safe around us. We won't bully you or do anything. After this, we need to discuss something important, ok?"- Sara and Hanako continued to eat


I was in middle school again. I got back from school 5 hours ago. I was having dinner with my parents

"Daisuke, you should stop peeping at girls"- My mom didn't even look at me

"I know mum but"

"No buts"

"Ok, I won't"

"Stop doing it, you are a shame to our family by doing this. It's better if you will stop talking all together than make our family ashamed"- My mom was silent for months with me

Real world:

I barely ate anything. I rushed to eat as much as possible

We went outside. We sat under as Sakura tree hidden from everyone

"Look Daisuke. We could read you like an open book"- Sara and Hanako got closer to me

I stayed silent

"We figured you out. You were bullied into this state. We had a similar experience, we are transfer students, everything was kept quiet. When we arrived at school we had the same behavior as you, it was overlooked because we were girls, even the teachers told us that"- Them too?

"This is too quick. I mean, it's had been less than a day"

"Doesn't matter to us"

The first time I made friends

4TH class

I can't remember that much from this. Class is mostly boring for me. This time, Sara sat next to me in class. I wasn't sitting alone for the first time

4th break

I looked after Hanako and Sara again. I don't know where they went, but I bumped into the eventually

"Let's sit on a bench, ok?"- I followed Sara and Hanako to a bench

"Daisuke. Can you help me understand something here? I couldn't grasp it last class."- Sara was showing me her notes. She had to solve a problem for Economics. She didn't understand a simple principle. I showed her anyway

"Thank you"- She smiled and nodded her head after I helped her

"Want some ice cream?"- Hanako offered to share an Oreo ice cream sandwich to me. She had 3 sandwiches with her. One for everyone, including her.

"Thank you"- I smiled for the first time. I could fell like I have true friends for the first time

At the end of the break, Hanako and Sara gave me their phone number

5th class

We got an easy test this time. It's not worth mentioning

5th break

I was sitting with Hanako and Sara

"Get lost scum. Hanging around my little sister will get you nowhere!"- A tall man pulled me up by my shirt collar and punched me once. Did he say little sister?

"Akihiro, cut it out. Stop picking on Daisuke!"- Sara grabbed his hand. She was angry

"I don't know why do you defend that scum, you know what he does?"- He dropped me on the bench, I hit my back

"Gosh, give him a break. Listen to him in the first place and quit being a jackass, you aren't helping anyone!"- Sara helped me to get up. Her brother left, he spit in my face. Everyone began to laugh

"Daisuke, look. The next time someone does that, stand up for yourself, it does not matter who that person is"- Sara helped

6th class, we had PE

It was a nightmare playing dodgeball

"Everyone, get ready to choose a teammate"- The teacher announced

No one from the boys team chose me. This time I was chosen by Sara and Hanako to play dodgeball

I arrived home happy

"Daisuke. Come here now!"- My mom was filled with anger and disgust in her voice

"Ok"- I was scared what will my mom say

"Not again. I got another call from school. You were peeping at girls again. And what's worst, you try to talk girls into your weird things. Would you stop being such a shame for us!?"- My mom did nothing but scream and get angry at me. She had known about all of these years of torment I had to endure.

I mostly resorted to petty behavior in the past to get friends. I have mostly given homework answers to people, so they will hang out with me. Sometimes I will talk myself up to a standard I can't even support myself. I hate this way of life

"Your sister will come shortly. Make sure to behave!"- She screamed at me one last time

I had gone into my room. I cover myself with my blanket. I was watching anime again. All I could ever do is watch anime. Sara and Hanako barely know me. I hope that thing will go well. I had to wait until my sister comes

"Open the door, Daisuke!"- The same angelic voice. The voice of my sister. She is 23 but still has the looks of a teen

I opened the door, smiled when I saw Haruhime

"How are you doing?"- She entered my room and sat on my bed

"I am ok actually"- My voice begun to get faint

"Don't lie. Mom scolded you again?"- Haruhime signaled me to sit near her

"Yes. I just want not to be a shame to all of you"- I can't look her in the eyes

"Look. Be yourself, mom doesn't know what she talks about. I understand, don't give her much attention. She always complains about this. Daisuke, don't be hung up on them just because they are your parents. I am sure if you had a new start somewhere you won't be this way"- Haruhime stood up on the bed, so she can reach to pat my head

"Thanks. 2 things. How do I get a new start. And 2 I think I made 2 new friends"- Haruhime smiled, a little surprised, her eyes seemed to light up

"First, you already have the new start. 2 I am happy, Daisuke. So how are these new friends?"

"Well, their names are Sara and Hanako. They didn't do anything to me. They only talked to me"

"Here, tell me more"- Haruhime tried to comfort me, putting my head in her lap

"They were the first to ask me about myself without making fun of me or pulling a prank related to my hair"

It felt so comforting, so good to sit like this with a person that understands what I am saying.

"That's great. Are you seeing them this weekend?"- Haruhime turned me face up and looked me in the eyes. Her facial features were so cute

"Yes. At a shoujou manga publishing this Saturday"- I tried to hide my happiness, but I somehow failed

"Well, I will go with the 3 of you if this is fine"- I got my head up from Haruhime's lap. She got something from her bag. It was a lolicon manga

"Here. I think you will like it"- Haruhime handed it to me. It was an older manga. I read it on the spot, it was so good. My older sister knows what to buy me

"Thank you, sis!"- I hugged my older sister.

Later this day I called Hanako and Sara

"Hello, Daisuke, is that you?"

"Yes, look, I can't come today. I can for sure arrive this week at the manga publishing

"That's ok. Take care!"

I have to 2 days to prepare for our meeting at the manga publishing. My mom is home for the weekend, she always scolds me with every occasion

"Come down Daisuke!"- She had the same tone

"I am coming"- I descended the stairs. Great, my mom got another call from school

"Again. The principal called me. You were harassing 2 girls all breaks today. The brother of one of the girls told the principal. You aren't going anywhere anyway. Just don't even look out of the window. I, much more, wish to keep you in a basement than show you to others"- Why does her words hurt so much

"Cut it out, mom. Stop being such an ignorant bitch about my brother's problems. What the fuck are you doing?. You aren't helping at all. You know he has 0 social skills and has to resort to things like this. It's all your fault here for being a crappy parent. Daisuke is doing his best"- My mom turned to look at my sister

"You should shut up. You know how much shame he brings to our family?"- My slammed her hand on the table

"I won't shut up mom, Daisuke is doing his to make friends, he does all that because he doesn't know how to talk to people, if 2 people offered to talk and be his friends there is nothing wrong with that. Mom, you just care about your image."- Haruhime got up on a chair and slammed her fist in response

They argue again, better go in my room, Haruhime always defended and took care of me. It will be better for some people if I was dead

I spend the rest of my day in my room, didn't unlock my door to anyone but Haruhime

"Open the door please"- Her cute and warm voice, it was irresistible. I unlocked the door and let her in

She sat on my bed

"It doesn't matter what mom says. You are going with Sara and Hanako on Sunday. I will set everything with mother, ok? Enjoy your life Daisuke"- I spent more time with my sister until it was time to sleep


"Hey, look, it's Daisuke!"- Everyone was pointing at me. What was wrong with me. What was happening?

"What is happening?"- I was confused. I tried to look around. All the faces were blurred. I can't recognize anyone

I was running without any goal. They were following me everywhere. I took a minute to sit down all of they gathered around me began punching me, hitting me with stones



"Come here"

What the hell are they saying? What should I do?. I got up and started running again, what the hell is happening? Why are they after me?

Real World:

I woke up from the dream sweating. What the hell did I do with my life until now, barely making 2 friends, not knowing if you can consider them friends

I was looking around my room, pacing frantically back and forth. My stomach rumbled a bit, guess I will cook myself a short meal

"You are awake as well"- Haruhime is cooking this late at night, no need to ask stupid questions

"Yes. I just… had a nightmare"

"You had a nightmare, more like a flashback. Isn't it?"- Haruhime was near me, when did she get here?. Why wasn't I aware

"Take a seat. I prepared pork ramen, the noodles took a while to make"- Haruhime poured me a bowl

"So tell me. What did you see?"- Haruhime tried to make me look her in the eyes. I am not even aware of what I am doing

"People were everywhere around, tried running, more will keep coming, they were calling me names, hitting me, throwing stones."- My hands began to tremble violently

"Easy there"- Haruhime hold my hand


"Take it easy. Breath in, breath out. Easy there, I am here for you"- Haruhime patted my head again, she is the only person that can calm me down

"Let's eat now ok?"- Haruhime and I began to eat the Ramen, her cooking skills are masterful, the taste of this is just incredible

After eating, I yawned a little, the ramen seems to make me sleepy

"Come here"- Haruhime pulled my head in her lap. As a kid she used to do this a lot, it gave me a lot of comfort, but when she left for university things got hard for me, only seeing her for a few days every 4 or so months

Waking up the second day, my mom was staring at us with her hateful gaze

"Morning Daisuke"- Haruhime woke up. She began to gather the bowls and wash the dishes

"Morning"- I tried to help my sister around the house all this time as she can't reach high places, so I hold her up when she couldn't reach something or somewhere

"Hey. I have something to give you. Come with me"- I hesitated a bit, Haruhime grabbed my hand and dragged me to her room

"What did you want to give me?"- I looked around her room, only anime posters, manga and light novels on the shelves and walls of her room

"Here. Take this. I won't come home until Christmas, just time I am able to come with you"- She gave me a pendant. A heart pendant in a shape of a snowflake

"Thank you!"- I bowed my head

"No need. I would get rest if I were you. You will need a lot of energy for tomorrow"- Haruhime instantly fell asleep. I didn't check when we feel asleep last night, but we didn't get more than 2 or 3 hours of sleep

Before falling asleep, I took one last look at the pendant my sister gave me. It looks so cute and nicely done

Still awake in my room as I couldn't sleep, thinking that my presence there will ruin everything for Sara and Hanako, the fear that they will be harassed because of me.

I woke up the next day and got ready to go. They already told me the location. I was in the front of the shop waiting for them