Zadkiel wanted me to have a plan,
to be more organized, more prepared when the WWHA came along.
He didn't seem to like my go-with-the-flow mindset.
We sat at the kitchen table, with its soft padded high-top
chairs angled out towards a window that over-looked the city.
Zadkiel, seemed to want to get as much information out of me as he could.
"Do you know your full demonology?
The vampire sociological levels?
The time it takes for each demon to breakdown.
How to make it faster? How to become stronger?"
He rattled off questions as he sipped his morning coffee
which our conversation pressed well into the late afternoon.
These questions, I never once considered or thought about,
except the strength aspect, I already knew I constantly needed to become stronger.
I just thought each demon successfully broken down would make me stronger,
but maybe there was more to it.
I sipped a simple lemon water as I pondered his questions,
"Yes, and no. I learn about each demon as I consume their essence,
I can see their darkness level before consumption but that's it.
I don't really bother with actually learning about vampires' social life
because I just really need to know about the demons lurking within them
and wait for my hunger and then wonder around the city
waiting for them to cross my path, as I tend to draw attention by doing little; so, no.
I only have one guess about enhancing my strength;
haven't really felt the need to pursue other methods."
I blinked casually at him as he looked at me in slight frustration,
"You are now the Queen, and you know nothing."
He heaved a frustrated sigh, "Well then miss, we have a lot of work to do."
What is he going to be my new teacher? Replace Sangui? What the hell?
Why did I always need some man to waltz into my life
and think I needed to be taught something.
Scoffing, I felt slightly insulted, "Yeah, as great as that sounds,
I'm good just living and learning throughout my life.
Without someone to always feeling the need to teach me.
So, if you'll please just be on your way, out of my life."
I gave him a sly wink as I gestured to the door.
"Unless that is, you'll want to have me for a good time."
He gave out an amused scoff, "You can't fight your fate Azrael, you don't get to choose."
Wonderful, he really sounded just like Sangui now.
I didn't understand his demands, I was still doing what I was put here to do,
I couldn't function without feeding anyways.
"So then? What do you expect me to do?
I know how to feed, I know how to defend myself,
and I know my job here is to extract demons. What else is there?"
As frustrated as I was, somewhere inside of me, I knew it would never be that simple.
Zadkiel gave a light scoff back, "Funny thing about all that is, there has got to be a time limit;
or you wouldn't be able to keep up with the demons increasing numbers.
You should have a count per day on how many you take out
and how many are created to try to put a halt or at least a dent in the demons' advances."
Giving a slight groan, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by
the amount of work my life or "destiny" required out of me,
"Seriously, who gave me this job and what happens if I don't follow through?"
I asked outload but was really just questioning myself; part of me knew the result.
"Yeah, not fun being thrown into something you don't really have a say in.
I know how you feel." Zadkiel tried to relate but somewhere inside
of me I felt no one would truly understand my fate.
I almost felt like a puppet on a chain.
"So . . . what? Am I supposed to start a vampire cult and feed off sacrifices?"
Zadkiel closed his eyes and gave an amused smirk then as he opened them,
he looked at me slowly, "You're more amusing than I would've expected hun.
No, you're in the learning stages still. You got bookwork to do for now."
I gave him a disgruntled look as if he were joking,
but I knew he clearly was not, "Where do I even find such ancient texts?"
He dropped his feet from the table, grabbed his hat and stood up,
"Like you said, I'm not here to babysit you nor make this easy for you. Figure it out."
He began walking towards the door as my face stupefied, watching him walk away.
I scrabbled towards him, "Wait, what? That's not fair at all!
I don't even know where to start; I thought you wanted me to learn as fast as possible."
After opening the door, he looked back blinking those intense eyes
at me as he tipped his hat, "I'll check in weekly to see how you're doing. Behave darlin."
As the door closed behind him, I noticed it had left me absolutely angered.