Chereads / Prince of the Desert / Chapter 19 - Kings Landing

Chapter 19 - Kings Landing

The city now covered the beach as far as Doran's eyes could see. There were mansions, bowers, barns, brick warehouses, wooden inns, street stalls, taverns, cemeteries, and brothels; each building supported by the adjoining ones.

Even his ears, despite the distance, came the clamor of the fish market. Between the buildings were wide, tree-lined streets, winding alleys, and alleys so narrow two men couldn't walk shoulder to shoulder.

At the top of Visenya Hill stood the Great Sept of Baelor, with its seven crystal towers.

Across the city, on Rhaenys Hill, were the blackened walls of the Dragon Pit, its massive dome crumbling to nothing more than a ruin behind bronze gates that had been closed for more than a century. The street of the Sisters went from one structure to another, straight as an arrow. In the distance rose the walls of the city, tall and strong. A hundred wharves lined the dock, and the harbor was full of ships.

Deep-sea and river fishing boats came and went continually, boatmen made their way back and forth between the two shores of the Blackwater, and merchant galleys unloaded goods from Braavos, Pentos, Tyrosh, Myr and so many other places.

Doran spotted the queen's ornate barge, moored alongside an elegant ship with a beautiful swan on the prow, a Swan ship of the Summer Islands, the prince had seen many such ships in Sunspear Harbor. To tell the truth the design does not impress him so much, yes, it is elegant and beautiful compared to the other westerosi ships; but Doran has seen better ships in his past life.

The Swan ships do not compare to the ships that many coastal magical communities own, he still remembers the awe he felt when he saw for the first time the ship of school Durmstrang: it was love at first sight. One of his regrets is not getting to fully explore that ship, being selected as tournament champion, approaching the residence of another of the champions was seen as espionage or even sabotage. He luckily befriended Viktor through Hermione and their shared love of flying; the Bulgarian champion gave him a quick tour of the ship when he noticed Harry's fascination with the ship.

He also saw a potbellied whaler from the Port of Ibben with the tarred hull moored on one side, that ship is huge! Doran makes a note to ask his parents if they can talk to the captain of that ship about giving him a tour.

Upriver, he sees a dozen slender gilded warships sitting on their hulls, sails furled, cruel steel spurs licked by the water. Doran sees sails with emblems of many of the great Houses of Westeros: Baratheon, Lannister, Tyrell, Redwayne, Reyne, Hightower, Malister, Mooton, Manderly,...

And dominating it all, looming over it all menacingly from Aegon's high hill, was the Red Keep: seven huge, flattened towers topped with iron bastions; an immense macabre-looking barbican; vaulted rooms, covered bridges, barracks, dungeons and granaries; thick walls pierced with loopholes for the archers... all in light red stone.

On the battlements you can see banners with the symbol of House Targaryen: a three-headed red dragon on a black background.

`Blood and fire, what sinister words. Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken are much better.` Prince Doran thinks as he watches the sailors moor the ship to the dock.

"We have already arrived at Kings Landing your graces," the captain bows to them, "The servants are preparing your luggage."

"Our welcoming committee is already here." He sees Trystanne looking at the end of the dock where he sees a group of about twenty knights surrounding a carriage.

"Shall we, husband?"

"We shall, my love." The prince smiles at his wife and extends an arm, the princess grabs it.

"Doran walk beside me and don't walk away."

"Yes mama"

"Remember your grandmother's lessons about this place."

Dorn nods.

The group walks surrounded by about thirty Martell guards, all clad in shining armor. Lothar walks at Doran's side, a step behind the prince with one hand on the hilt of his sword; His eyes alert to any possible threat.

Approaching the welcoming committee, they observed that in front of them were two people with familiar features: silver golden hair and lilac eyes.

The man was sickly looking, pale and frail with large purple eyes and shoulder-length hair. He was dressed in black pants and a red jerkin with his House symbol woven into the chest, his cape is black.

Doran wouldn't describe him as a particularly handsome man, but his eyes sparkle with kindness and intelligence.

The woman next to him is quite beautiful, with the same features as the man but she seems healthy and full of energy. She smiles at them kindly but her eyes hide a hint of annoyance.

Doran doesn't know if it's because she's had to wait for them for quite some time enduring the heat or because she doesn't like them for some reason.

"Princess Obella, Prince Trystanne, it's good to see you again."

"Likewise prince Jaehaerys, princess Shaera"

"And you must be Prince Doran." The Targaryen prince smiles kindly at him and Doran smiles back.

"Yes your grace" he replies, bowing.

"Oh my, what a good manner young lad you got princess Obella" Shaera's smile seems more genuine as she looks at little Martell.

"We are very proud of him." Trystanne smiles politely at them.

"As you should." Jaehaerys nods.

"Shall we go directly to the Red Keep or do you prefer to extend the journey to show the capital to the young prince?" ask Shaera looking at Obella, who turned to her son looking at him expectantly.

Doran looks at them excited, he has always liked to travel and explore new places.

The adults chuckle lightly at the young prince's childish enthusiasm.

"Long route it is" says the Targaryen princess with amusement.


A couple of hours later the Martell-Targaryen group finally arrives at the imposing bronze doors of the Red Keep.

Jaehaerys and Trystanne rode on horseback while the women and child rode in the carriage. During the drive they were shown the best areas of the capital, Doran especially enjoyed the vast markets, his mother and Princess Shaera promised to take him shopping at a later time. Princess Shaera does not seem to get along very well with Princess Obella, they are more polite than friendly with each other but she did take a liking to Prince Doran, she talked to him a lot during the journey telling him stories and anecdotes from each part of the city they were going through at the time.

What almost ruined the experience is the horrible smell that started to be noticed as soon as they left the dock, luckily the smell is very noticeable only in the worst part of the city. In the rich part of the city the smell decreases a lot and is more bearable, and when approaching the Red Keep it practically disappears completely.

Upon dismounting from the carriage, some servants await them to guide them to their lodgings, where they will bathe to remove the smell of the sea and then dress to attend tonight's banquet where they will meet the king and the other guests.

Doran is a bit nervous because tonight he will meet all the important people of the Seven Kingdoms.

`I hope to make some friends`