Chereads / Prince of the Desert / Chapter 20 - Party night

Chapter 20 - Party night

Doran walks next to his parents to the rooms where they will stay during their stay at Kings Landing.

Once they reached the quarters the Martell family parted ways, Doran entered a room followed by Lothar, Myria and other Servants. They quickly prepared a tub full of water to bathe him while other Servants entered with trays full of snacks.

Doran ate some lemon tarts while his bath was being prepared, two maids showing him different outfits. From all the outfits he was shown, he chose black cotton trousers, a simple white silk shirt under a golden doublet decorated with the Martell emblem, and leather boots. As accessories he wears a short orange cape over his right shoulder attached to his doublet with a brooch in the shape of a sun made of gold and decorated with some amber.

After bathing, his servants dress him in the chosen clothes, his parents are not ready yet so he has to wait for them. While he waits he explores his quarters.

His temporary home consists of a two-room apartment, the first being a living room with a large fireplace. Its decoration is quite ostentatious, with tapestries detailing important events such as the coronation of Aegon I, in front of the fireplace there is a sofa with red cushions made of velvet. There is also a desk in front of some bookshelves. His bedroom has another fireplace on one side of the huge bed, two chests at the foot of the bed, and a closet.

Doran walks over to the shelves and flips through the tomes. After a while he sees a book that catches his eye: "Battle of the Great Bastards" by Maester Gilbert.

He takes it and goes to the sofa, where he sits on a cushion and opens the book.

The tome details the conflicts between Aegon IV's bastard children known as the Great Bastards, children of women of noble birth. Among them stand out, apart from the obvious Daemon Blackfyre, Brynden Bloodraven, Aegor Bittersteel and Shiera Seastar.

The maester says that the rivalry between these two began before they were born, as a result of the Blackwood/Bracken rivalry. The inherited rivalry worsened when they both fell in love with the same woman, Shiera Seastar. They had many youth clashes culminating in numerous battles.

Doran was reading the events of Rosby's Tourney, where young Brynden and Aegor met in combat for the first time in the squires competition.

From time to time the lords organize mini Tourneys for squires as entertainment during the Tourneys. Lord Rosby organized a fight between squires so that his heir, a talented swordsman, would show off before the lords of Crownlands, the confrontation between Brynden and Aegor was interrupted by Daemon himself before the young rivals were seriously injured. Daemon faced both of them at the same time and won, showing his great skill as a swordsman.

"Bloodraven and Bittersteel were talented warriors and Daemon took them both on at the same time and won!" says the prince in amazement. "Back then Aegor hadn't sworn any oaths to his half-brother yet, they barely knew each other, so he had no reason not to give it his all during the battle."

"What are you reading?" the voice of his father pulls him out of his thoughts.

Doran turns his head and sees his parents.

His mother is dressed in an elegant orange, gold and red dress with a gold necklace decorated with ambers around her neck. She has several rings on her fingers, most notably a ring with the Martell emblem, the ring that shows her position as heir of Dorne. Her black hair falls in waves down her back and she has a golden head necklace with a ruby ​​in the shape of the sun.

His father on the other hand wears simpler clothes, golden pants, an orange shirt and a gold sleeveless doublet with Martell and Dayne emblems on each side. Just as Doran, he wears a short cape over his shoulder, his is red. Unlike his wife, he only wears one piece of jewelry, a gold ring.

`They look like a couple from some fashion magazine`

After congratulating each other on how well they look, the Martell family heads to the banquet hall.

Lothar and two other guards follow close behind.

Doran notes that none of them are armed, since they will meet the king it is understandable.

As they walk they talk to each other, Obella tells them about the time she met Lady Jeyne Lannister, wife of Lord Tytos Lannister.

"She is a kind woman."

"She has four children; three sons and one daughter, only her older sons will be present: Tywin, who has nine namedays and Kevan, who has seven namedays. Her daughter, Genna, and younger son, Tygett, stayed at Casterly Rock."


"Tygett is too young to travel, he only has one nameday. Genna is two years older than you, I don't know why they didn't bring her. It would be a great opportunity to introduce her to potential suitors or make friends with young ladies. Princess Rhaella has her age." Obella is thoughtful.

Doran thinks that perhaps the young Lannister does not have the necessary attitude to be presented before the court, she is perhaps too loud or prone to tantrums. He knows very well how misbehaved little children can be, Teddy gave him his fair share of headaches.

They stand before large double doors made of dark wood with gold handles. A butler with a list in hand awaits them. He bows to them and after exchanging a few words he opens the doors.

Doran looks at the huge banquet room, the ceiling is three stories high and decorated with elaborate crystal chandeliers, the stained glass windows are colorful and give the room a magical air.

The room could fit a thousand people, there are currently a couple of hundred. Men, women and children from all across Westeros. And everyone is looking at them, the butler from earlier clears his throat and says loudly:

"I present: Princess Obella Nymeros Martell, heiress of Dorne and her husband Trystanne Dayne, The Sword of the Morning. Their son, prince Doran Nymeros Martell, the Snake Prince."

Doran is a little surprised at his title, he had already heard several people in Sunspear refer to him as such but he didn't expect the nickname to be known outside of Dorne.

`If ​​Salazar were here he would feel vindicated.` his snake has been referring to him as his snake prince for years. Doran is momentarily saddened by the absence of his friend, his grandmother did not allow him to bring Salazar to King's Landing. In Dorne his bond with the deadly serpent is respected and admired, people are already used to the `harmless` snake but outside of Dorne... His grandmother considers that the royal family will not take well that a guest in their castle appears with the most venomous snake in Westeros as a pet.

The Martell family enters the room and the other guests go about their own business, knowing court etiquette and knowing it's rude to stare at someone for too long.

Some lords try to get his parents' attention, Obella and Trystanne mostly ignore them or give them polite smiles. Doran notes that many of these lords are accompanied by their daughters, girls between 5 and 12 years old, the prince shudders slightly when he understands their intentions.

`My grandmother was not kidding!` Dorna warned him to be careful in the capital, that many lords will order their daughters to try to seduce him. The prince did not take it seriously, he is only four years old. What kind of degenerate expects his young daughters to seduce a child?

`Apparently many`

The prince notices that they are walking towards a family of four. The father and sons have golden hair and green eyes while the mother has dark hair and blue eyes.

They are all good looking and wear expensive clothes.

Doran recognizes the emblem on their clothing as the Lannister lion.