Chereads / Prince of the Desert / Chapter 21 - Meeting the Lannisters

Chapter 21 - Meeting the Lannisters

Lord Tytos Lannister was a considerably shorter man than Prince Trystanne, with a budding paunch and a well-groomed beard, his smile warm and friendly. Lady Jeyne is slim and beautiful, dressed in a red silk dress with two golden lions.

Tywin is a tall boy for his age, with short hair and a serious expression. His green eyes show no emotion. Kevan is quite a bit shorter than his brother and tries to imitate his expression.

"Princess Obella, Prince Trystanne, it's good to see you again." Tytos kisses the princess's hand and shakes the prince's, as per protocol. "You must be young Prince Doran," he crouches down to Doran's level to shake his hand.

"Yes Lord Lannister." Doran shakes his hand and smiles kindly at him, he already knows the kind of man the Warden of the West is: a genuinely kind one.

His parents greet Lady Lannister while Doran speaks with Lord Lannister.

"Tywin, Kevan come here and introduce yourselves,"

The two young lords approach, first they kiss Obella's hand as she is the highest-ranking person in the Martell family, only surpassed by her mother.

The boys shake hands and introduce themselves, Doran noticing how firm Tywin's grip is, showing how firm his character is. Kevan on the other hand has a looser, more insecure grip.

While the adults talk about one topic or another, the children start a polite conversation.

"What do you think of King's Landing so far, Prince Doran?" Tywin asks politely.

"It is much more lively than I expected, I hope to be able to explore the city more during this trip; the markets in particular." Tywin shows surprise at the prince's eloquence, not even he was that eloquent at that age. Kevan falls silent and listens to the conversation without interrupting.

"Oh? The markets of the capital are the busiest in the entire continent. I have heard that you have products even from far away Yi Ti."

"Really?!" Doran's excitement surprises the Lannister children again. "I have read about the far eastern empire, do you think there are people from Yi Ti in the capital?"

Kevan turns to his brother for an answer, as does Doran. Seeing both children looking at him expectantly, Tywin moves a little nervously; he doesn't have all the answers.

"I'm not sure Prince Doran."

"Oh well," the prince looks a bit disappointed before smiling brightly. "We can ask my mother! I'm sure she knows it!" Doran grabs both Lannister children by the hands and drags them towards his mother, who is talking to the Lannisters and another man, a man in his forties with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Mother!" the princess and the others turn to the children. "Are there people from Yi Ti in the capital?"

"From Yi Ti?" murmurs the man Doran recognizes as a Motoon from the emblem he wears on his clothing.

"Yes, my sweetling." Obella nods, "Doran, you should apologize to your friends; it's not alright to drag them like that." she gently scolds him.

Doran turns to the children and apologizes but is interrupted by Lord Lannister's laughter.

"Don't worry princess Obella, children are lively by nature." smiles happily at them

Doran watches as Tywin tenses at his father's laughter, and Kevan looks worriedly between his father and his brother. He already has a pretty good understanding of the Lord Lannister's character so he immediately dismisses abuse as a reason, after thinking about it for a while he shrugs and makes a mental note to ask his parents about it when they're alone.

The Motoon man introduces himself as Ron Motoon, Master of Coin, after the introductions the adults return to their conversations and the children talk amongst themselves.

They talk about their homes, Tywin and Kevan talk about Casterly Rock; of its enormous caverns and how the air seems not to reach their lungs comfortably in the highest part of the castle. They also mention the lion dens, which has Doran enchanted; Kevan perks up a bit and talks about the times he played with the cubs.

Doran tells them about Sunspear, talks about the markets of Shadow City, the sand dunes and the beaches with sand so white it looks like snow. He tells them about the sports he invented with his brother and uncle like sandsurfing. The Lannister brothers are surprised that it was Doran who created Twins and Triplets.

After noting how quickly Lewyn and Doran learned using the card game Wulfric wrote to the Citadel, the old curmudgeons sulked denying that there are any better methods of teaching than they have been using for six millennia but some of the younger maesters used the games to teach their students and they noticed the improvements.

The games first spread through Dorne, many Houses wanting to imitate House Martell, and then to the rest of the continent. In just one year Triplets became a favorite game for young lords and ladies.

`Who would have thought that learning by playing would be so effective?` the prince thinks sarcastically.

"Even Genna likes Triplets!" Kevan adds excitedly, it's the first time they've mentioned their sister and Doran can't help but ask them about it.

"Is she in good health?" he asks them with genuine concern.

"Yes." The brothers respond somewhat confused.

"Have you heard any rumors, my prince?" Tywin asks with concern in his eyes, no doubt worried that false rumors about his sister will spread across the continent.

"No, Lord Tywin, it's just that I noticed her absence and since there are ladies and lords younger than her, age cannot be a reason for her absence."

"Oh," he nods. Seeing the expectant look of the prince, both Lannisters look at each other without knowing what to say. In the end Kevan answers before his brother can.

"Genna played a prank on Lord Tarbeck and for that mother punished her."

Tywin looks at him disapprovingly, not wanting House Lannister's personal affairs to become public knowledge. Doran notices this and is quick to assure the brothers that he will keep this information to himself. Kevan seems to believe him but Tywin looks at him doubtfully before nodding.

The three continue to talk for half an hour before the butler announces the arrival of the royal family.


NOTE: I noticed some of you have no idea about the timeline so I made this,


Jon Arryn b. 220AC

Hoster Tully b.240AC

Tywin L b. 242AC

Aerys T b. 244AC

Rhaella T b. 245AC

Brynden Tully b. 245AC

Rickard Stark b. 246AC

Elbert Arryn b. 247AC

Doran was born in 247AC

Mors Martell was born in 248AC

House Swann invaded Dorne in 250AC

Daeron Targaryen died in 251AC, this is the current year in the story.

Tragedy of Summerhal happened in 259AC and the Last Blackfyre Rebelion was in 260AC

If you have more questions about it ask.