Weeks passed after Sandra's ugly incident with Timothy, Sandra would always check the school's social media platform and other students' social platforms, incase her sex tape would leak. She did this and found out that nothing has been uploaded, she got ready for school and as reluctant as she always was, she got ready for school but wasn't ready to go to school,

"Honey, my little warrior, remember. I promise you after your junior year, we would leave this place. You will never have to be reminded of that scum bag Timothy ever again." Her father assured her as he drove off for Sandra's school.

Sandra got to school, everyone acted so differently towards her. They gave her the stare, while others gave her the pity face. She wondered what made everyone so gloomy. She was late to class so she hurried to go to class, when she got there the teacher looked at her with remorse,

"Sandra, how are you." He said trying not to make it too obvious that he knew about her sex tape.

"Please, have your seat." He added.

On the board was written boldly; Sex Education. Sandra felt attacked by it but she let it slide.

"Today, we're going to emphasize on this topic, sex education." The teacher stressed.

"Many of us, I'm sure by now, we all know what sex is." He said.

"I don't know," Kevin said, while the rest of the class laughed at him.

"Well, Kevin, it is when two partners get intimate with each other. They have sexual intercourse for the purpose of making babies or simply for pleasure."

"With all due respect sir, you haven't explained anything," Kevin said.

The teacher brought the projector and was ready to go all-in to lecture the students on sex education. Unknowing to the teacher, Josh and his friend already connected to his projector,

Shortly, the whole class started hearing screams, moaning and sexual noises. Sandra's heart began to race,

"Who's phone is that?!" The teacher asked furiously. Everyone was quiet so he went to screen around the students to catch his delinquent Josh received a message from Timothy. It read; Do It!

Josh quickly connected his phone to the projector, everyone was shocked and appalled by what was displayed on the wall. Sandra couldn't believe her eyes.

The teacher turned back to see Sandra's sex tape projected on the wall. Sandra was breathing heavily, she wanted the ground to open up and swallow her. They could hear her screams and see the blood gushing out of her, she immediately left the classroom while the teacher ordered the person that displayed it on the wall to put it down.

Sandra went to the bathroom, she locked herself and she cried out her eyeballs. All she wanted was to move. She was tired of having to be around people,

Josh was punished for what he did, when he got home, he received a call from his friend; Timothy.

"Did you do it, bro?" He asked.

"You fucking idiot, now I'm in trouble. I should have never listened to you!" Josh said, he was furious at Timothy.

"I'll make sure the Mula gets to you bro," Timothy said.

"Okay, dude. Make sure it comes quick."

"I'm a boy of my word. I'll do it, bro."

"How's juvy?"

"It's a horrible place for horrible people. I just happened to be even more horrible." Timothy said with a grin.

"Are you ever gonna come back here Tim?"

"My mom told me we would be moving, but this won't be the last time that sorry ass introvert sees my face. She's in my black book."

"Tim, you're 16. What can you possibly do?"

"When I get out of this place, I'll be a man," Timothy said with confidence.

"No you'll be 17, now get a hold of yourself, Tim."

"Josh, are you mocking me?"

"No, I'm just spitting facts. I wish you, good luck bro. Bye, My mom's coming."

"So," Timothy said unconcerned.

"You're in juvy, you're a delinquent, I can't be caught talking to you. I'll be even more toast than I already am. Good night Tim."

"Good night J."

Josh hung up the phone and pretended like he was reading when his mom came in.

The day had finally come, Sandra was over with junior school. She was the happiest girl alive,

"When are we moving!" She asked her dad excitedly.

"Next week my love." Her father replied.

Sandra was so excited that she carried her little brother up and twirled him around,

"Next week, sets a new dawn for us, Micheal. Are you happy I know you're happy?" She said as she pet her little brother.

Gradually, the next week arrived. She was ready to leave the town which reminded her of her sorrows. Every town reminded her of her sorrows but she felt something special this time around,

"Sixth time's the charm." She said as she closed the boot of her dad's car.

While Andrew drove, they discussed;

"So what's the name of this place we're going to," Sandra asked her dad curiously.

"It's called Gilmore City. It's a nice place. It has anything and everything. Oh, my sweetheart, you're gonna love it there."

Sandra hoped Gilmore city would be different from all the other towns they'd been to. She smelt a glimpse of hope,

"I think so too father." She replied.

They finally reached the city, when they crossed the signboard saying; Welcome to Gilmore, it was as if they were reborn.

"My goodness Dad, it's really beautiful," Sandra said.

"I hope you would fit in here darling. That's my only prayer." Her mother said.

Andrew drove until he got to their new home. It was a medium-sized house. Sandra was already loving their new house. They had neighbours which seemed like nice people. They welcomed them as they arrived,

"Hi, how are you" Their neighbour, Mrs Carmen said delightedly. Mrs Carmen was a middle-aged woman, with black short hair and a set of hazel nuts eyes. She was a slim, prim and proper lady, and she always dressed in bright colours.

Sandra's mood changed when she realized that she had neighbours, nosey, kind neighbours. She looked upstairs towards the neighbours' window to find a boy snooping through them. She watched the boy's movement and it did not take her less than a second to realize that he was just like her. It brightened up her mood when she finally saw someone that was like her.

"And you? What's your name beautiful one" Mrs Carmen asked.

Sandra was carried away looking at her neighbour's son, Mr s Carmen noticed and she said,

"Oh, that's my son, Indigo." Mrs Carmen said to Sandra. Sandra came back to herself when Mrs Carmen said those words to her.

"Forgive me, ma'am. You were saying?" Sandra asked.

"Her name's Sandra." Mr Andrew said.

"Sandra? What a wonderful name for a beautiful girl." She replied.

"Sandra, what do you say?" Mrs Helen asked as she held her son.

"Thank you, Ma'am," Sandra said faking a smile.

"You know Sandra if you want to meet Indigo you can. Our doors are always opened." Mrs Carmen said, as she winked.

"Do you guys need any help with your stuff?" Another of their neighbours asked.

"It's good, we got this." Mr Andrew said giving him a thumbs up.

It took them a few days to finally settle down in their new town. Sandra still thought about Mrs Carmen's offer about going to meet her son, Indigo.

"Mom? How do you feel about me making a new friend."

"A new friend? Darling that's fantastic. Who's the new friend, the neighbours' son?" Helen asked curiously.

"Mom, why are you jumping to conclusions. But, anyway, yes! It's the neighbours' son."

"Why do you feel very happy about it?" Her mom asked her.

"I don't know. I just feel like he's like me. You know, when everyone came down to welcome us, he remained upstairs like nothing was going on."

"So he's a weirdo?" Her mom said as they both laughed.

"No, mom. He's just different. And I think we could get along." Sandra said being optimistic.

"School starts in two months. You could use this opportunity to get to know him better." Her mom suggested.

"I don't know. I feel like he's worse than me."

"Worse than you? Sandra, really?"

"He's very different mom. I could tell." Sandra said nodding her head repeatedly with confidence.

"How about we bake some cookies and go over to their house, just so you could see him." Mrs Helen suggested.

"What about Micheal?"

"He's sleeping, plus your dad is around. Everything will be fine. Let's just bake some cookies and everything else would fall into place."

They baked the cookies and headed over to Mrs Carmen's home,

*Ding dong* went the doorbell as Mrs Carmen went to get the door.

"My goodness, Sandra, Mrs Helen so nice to see you. What brings you to my home, I smell cookies." Mrs Carmen said delightedly.

"Yes, we brought freshly baked cookies." Mrs Helen said.

"Sandra, you're just in luck! Indigo's just coming back from the coffee shop."

Sandra was stunned, "The coffee what?!"

Sandra did not know indigo was coming from her back, she was afraid that indigo might not want anything to do with her,

"Come in, the both of you." Mrs Carmen said as they both went in.

Indigo came in as well to meet Sandra and her mother,

"Indigo, this is Sandra and her mother, our new neighbours," Mrs Carmen said excitedly.

Sandra was scared, she stood there shyly looking at Indigo. While her mother smiled at him waving.