Indigo and Sandra walked strenuously through the forest. As they walked, they discussed,

"What the fuck was that back there?" Sandra asked Indigo.

"You shouldn't wander off talking to people you don't know," Indigo said sternly as he helped her jump over a fallen log of wood.

When she finally jumped over the wood, she said to Indigo,

"Well, you shouldn't leave me in the middle of nowhere because you have PTSD."

At the utterance of Sandra's words, Indigo halted. He turned to look at Sandra and he asked,

"What makes you think I have PTSD?"

"I don't know, because you're you?" Sandra stuttered.

"So you don't have any valid reason," Indigo concluded.

"Listen In, why would you do that? I mean, it's not as if he was hurting me." Sandra insisted on knowing why Indigo wanted Jesse to leave her.

They got back to the party and to their surprise, they saw the guys that brought them to the party. They were drunk and they staggered toward Sandra and Indigo.

"Hey, Violet, Baige, Velvet?" One of the guys uttered random names feebly.

Indigo corrected him and told him what his name was. They asked if any of them had seen Hailey. Indigo's eyes were wide open when he heard her name. He had drained the life out of her and left her deep in the woods to rot.

"No, we haven't seen her," Indigo said, abruptly.

"Yo, dude chill out man." Another of the guys said in a mellow manner.

"Since when haven't you guys seen her?" Sandra asked them curiously.

"I don't know man, it's just that she's my little sister and tomorrow's her birthday. That's why I brought her here." The guy said, bubbling with enthusiasm as the rest of his guy friends raised a bottle of their alcohol and cheered with him.

Indigo felt extremely guilty for what he did. The guilt was eating him up that he couldn't stay in the presence of her brother and his friends. He told Sandra that they should get going when Hailey's brother Kane said to him,

"Hey man. You're invited to her party. You know she's got a little something for you. Don't fuck up dude." He said.

"Sure," Indigo said with edginess in his tone of speech.

Indigo and Sandra went to find an empty tent to crash for the night. They heard sex sounds coming from some of the tents they passed by,

".... Oh Johnny, harder, harder!!" A lady cried.

"Okay, am I the only one that thinks sex is disgusting," Sandra said irritatedly.

Indigo's reply to everything Sandra said was yeah, yes or sure. His mind was not present, it travelled far from reality. His thoughts were clouded by the death of Hailey. He killed her!

They got to the tent and it was time for them to sleep,

"I'll take the left you take the right. Okay?" Sandra said.

Instead of sleeping, their eyes were both opened, thinking about their lives. They slept facing backwards, so they couldn't see each other's eyes. Soon, they fell asleep and when they woke up they realized that it was already 7 am.

They began to panic as they rushed to get home.

"Shit! How could we be such heavy sleepers?" Sandra wailed.

"My mom's gonna be so happy." Indigo scoffed.

"Happy? My mom's gonna freak out. Talk more about my dad. He's gonna pass out." Sandra said as she adjusted her hair as quickly as she could. She breathed in her hands so she could smell her breath. It smelled like morning breath.

"What a good time to have my bicycles here. Now we have to fucking walk." Sandra jeered.

"Shut up Sandy," Indigo said as they started walking home.


Mrs Helen went to Sandra's room to wake her up. She found it rather odd that Sandra was still in bed by 7 am. Sandra was a late sleeper and an early riser.

"Sandra," She said as she knocked on her door. She was in a yellow T-shirt and skinny jeans. She kept on knocking on Sandra's door until she grew impatient. She opened the door and smiled, she thought it was Sandra that was lying on her bed. She went over to her to give her a kiss on her forehead only to see that it was stacks of pillows and blankets that were on Sandra's bed.

She was shocked and appalled that she went over to Indigo's home. She got there to meet Indigo's mum, outside, waiting for Indigo to return. Both women realized that their children did not sleep in their houses. But where could they be? They both thought to themselves.

Mrs Carmen sighted them from afar, she was a vampire as well so she could hear their conversation,

"..I told you going to the party was a bad idea." Sandra moaned.

Mrs Carmen's mood brightened up when she heard what she assumed, Sandra said. Because her hearing was a bit faint. She then turned to Helen and told her that they were coming with a cheerful smile. Helen wondered why Carmen smiled,

"My Indigo's changing." She said happily.

Soon, they were close to their street. Helen squinted her eyes to see them. She was boiling with rage when she saw Sandra headed her way. Sandra and Indigo bent their heads in shame as they approached Indigo's home. They knew that the jig was up, they had been caught red-handed.

Immediately they approached Carmen and Helen, Sandra began to throw apologies here and there, while Indigo bent his head down in shame.

"Sandra?" Carmen said calmly.

"Mrs Carmen, please I'm so sorry. Would you talk to my mom for me?" Sandra said almost in tears.

"Sandra, I'm disappointed." Her mother said frankly, as she left Indigo's front yard.

"Helen, come on, Helen?" Carmen tried calling Helen back to talk to Sandra but she turned a deaf ear to Carmen's plea.

"Oh no, no, no, no," Sandra wept as she buried her hands on her face. Indigo tried to console her by patting her on the back but she pulled herself away from him.

"It's your fault. It's all your fault!" Sandra said as she cried. Mrs Carmen watched their argument quietly,

"All my fault? Okay, I'm not about to let you gaslight me." Indigo said in his defence.

"Sandy, let's go for the fucking party, we need to try new things, we'll spend the night together," Sandra said at the top of her voice in tears, trying to imitate Indigo.

"What are you driving at Sandy?" Indigo asked Sandra as he gnashed his teeth in fury.

"Where were you when you left me all alone in the woods, huh? Where the fuck were you Indigo? Where?!" She yelled at him.

"You know what?" Indigo said out of anger.

"What, Indigo, what?!" She screamed.

Carmen couldn't take their bickering anymore so she intervened,

"Stop it the both of you!" She yelled.

"I'm outta here!" Indigo said as he left furiously to his room, he was boiling with rage.

"Guess what, I'm out of here too. And this is the last time you'll see me here! I swear on your life!" She yelled back at Indigo.

From upstairs, he opened his room window and yelled back,

"Oh, on my life?! Good thing I can't die!! Because the second you feel lonely, in need of a fucking friend, you'll come back here, wanting me all over again!!!" He said as he slammed his window closed.

"Indigo!!" Carmen mumbled when she heard Indigo say out loud that he couldn't die.

"You can't die?! So you're not only a weirdo but a comedian who thinks he can't die?! Fuck you Indigo!" Sandra said as she stormed out of Indigo's front yard.

"My greetings to your father." Carmen hesitated, as she scratched the back of her neck awkwardly, and then she went in to face Indigo.