Star Trek Strange New Universe.
City of choice.
Robert was watching from the command center on Atlantis as the city of Atlantis emerged from the depths of the ocean.
The city of Atlantis flew between planet Earth and the Sun and was placed in geosynchronous orbit.
The so-called sweet spot between planet Earth and the Sun.
Robert looked at planet Earth from the star city of Atlantis.
For 12 years he communicated only with his 6 crew members.
Robert does not know what is happening on planet Earth.
Meanwhile on planet Earth.
General Jack watched from planet Earth from his SG base on the monitor via the last satellite, as the star city of Atlantis emerged from the ocean and went into orbit.
It was the year 2022.
Memories came to the general.
12 years ago, Atlantis came to planet earth.
Atlantis defeated the Wraith mothership.
Dozens of Wraith spacecraft landed on planet Earth before the mothership was destroyed.
Wraith spacecraft had a dozen Wraiths, soldiers, in teleportation stasis.
Wraith has infiltrated the population on planet Earth.
Atlantis has sunk under the ocean, and the Wraith merged with humanity
Several years have passed.
Wraith has proved to be a tricky opponent.
Humanity was powerless against an opponent who completely changed the tactics for fighting.
It was a completely different tactic than the Wraith had shown in the Pegasus Galaxy.
Wraith reduced humanity's population to 5 billion and maintained it at 5 billion.
A lot of people accepted the gift of eternal life from the Wraith.
General Jack O'Neill organized the relocation of people through the stargate to other planets.
Wraith wouldn't allow it.
They attacked the convoy before it reached the mountain and the stargate.
Wraith has taken over most of the communications on planet Earth.
Information was scarce.
The general continued to use the stargate.
Wraith wasn't attacking him in his mountain base.
Civilizations that the general would contact through the stargate began to bring disturbing tales.
Stories about an unstoppable fleet of invaders.
About invaders who destroy entire star systems.
A civilization on one planet has developed a shield around its planet.
The invaders blew up the sun and destroyed the entire system.
General Jack O'Neill turned his head towards the Stargate.
The stargate has just been activated.
Colonel Jack O'Neill came out through the Stargate.
Colonel Jack O'Neill was a clone of General Jack O'Neill.
Jack knew that was the last address they had to dial.
Conqueror has conquered most of the Milky Way and destroyed all the stargates.
The invaders are heading to planet Earth.
A communication sound on the screen in front of General Jack O'Neill catches the general attention.
Robert appears on the screen.
Robert was on Atlantis in Earth orbit.
General Jack O'Neill: "It is necessary to protect the entire solar system.
A ruthless fleet of invaders is headed for planet Earth."
Robert watched as General Jack O'Neill disappear from the screen.
Communications on Atlantis suddenly went on.
Robert managed to get the headquarters in the mountain and General Jack O'Neill.
After a few moments, the signal disappeared and communications became unavailable again
One of the Atlantis crew members approached Robert and said.
Crew member: "We got access to the sensors.
We don't know how long they will be available.
Two parts of the city of Atlantis suddenly opened up.
We have never been in those rooms before.
In one of the rooms is the core of the city of Atlantis with 12 ZPM batteries."
Robert went to the room with the chair.
He sat down on a chair.
He connected with Atlantis.
Atlantis showed Robert the fleet from the Queen of Black Atlantis.
Atlantis showed him an incredible defensive weapon.
An energy shield that can protect the entire solar system.
Robert saw that he could activate a protective shield on Atlantis that would protect the entire solar system.
Robert activated the shield.
Wraiths surrounded the solar system.
Wraith motherships were unable to penetrate the shield that Atlantis had erected.
Wraith began to continuously fire at the protective shield and drive asteroids into the shield.
The shield resisted for now.
12 hours have passed.
A crew member on the star city Atlantis approached Robert and reported that one ZPM was empty.
In the following days, Wraith continued to fire and ram several more celestial bodies into the shield that protected Atlantis and the solar system.
Another 5 ZPM have been emptied.
Robert sat down in the chair.
Atlantis showed Robert that he could refill empty ZPM's on a special device located in the newly opened room.
Robert ordered the empty ZPM to be taken to the newly opened room on Atlantis.
Robert activated the device that filled the ZPM.
In the days that followed, Wrath continued to fire nonstop at the shield that Atlantis was emitting.
Robert has filled dozens of empty ZPM.
Several days passed.
Robert was sitting in his private room in the city of Atlantis.
The woman appeared in front of Robert.
She was transparent.
She looked like a ghost.
She introduced herself as the ascended Ancients.
The woman explained to Robert that he was charging ZPMs on Atlantis with energy from the ascended Ancients.
Every time Robert charged one ZPM, one ascended Ancient was disappear.
The woman has disappeared.
Robert was left alone in his room.
Before him, was an impossible decision.
Robert went to sleep.
A dream has come to him.