Star Trek Strange New Universe
"Thanks For Assistance"
Enterprise has exited the quantum jump in orbit of planet Earth.
Spock: "Captain Pike, we have arrived in the year 2881.
We are in the orbit of the planet...just a moment to confirm.
We are in the orbit of planet Earth."
Planet Earth appeared on the screen.
La'an: "That planet is all green.
Are we sure it's planet earth?"
Spock: "There are large amounts of methane in the planet's atmosphere."
Captain Pike: "Are there any inhabitants on the planet?"
Number 1: "I don't read residents."
Spock: "I will recalibrate the scanners.
Scanners now pass through methane with much higher resolution.
I am reading 7 large energy-protective domes on the surface of the planet.
Each dome covers the continental land mass."
Captain Pike: "Are we reading humans or any other living beings under the domes?"
Spock: "No.
And, in the orbit of the planets, we do not read satellites or any other technology."
Captain Pike: 'I'll take Eagle Eye and go investigate what's going on down there.
La'an and Lt. Elon will join me."
Eagle Eye flew out of the Enterprise and flew toward the surface of planet Earth.
Captain Pike: "The entire North American continent is covered by an energy dome.
The second energy dome covers the entire South American continent."
La'an: "The ocean is green.
It looks like soup."
Eagle Eye approached the energy dome on the North American continent.
The dome was 2 kilometers high.
Lt. Elon: "Two aircraft flew out of the dome"
The aircraft approached Eagle Eye.
Lt. Elon: "We are receiving a communication request."
Captain Pike: "Put it on the loudspeaker."
Aircraft pilot: "Uninfected aircraft, introduce yourself.
You have entered the airspace of the command center of planet Earth."
Captain Pike: "We are explorers.
We come in peace.
We traveled from afar.
Our spaceship is in orbit of a planet.
We have come to meet you."
There was silence for a few moments.
Aircraft pilot: "Follow us."
Eagle Eye followed the aircraft.
They reached the lower part of the energy dome.
An opening appeared on the energy dome through which they passed and entered the tunnel.
They flew one kilometer and came out of the tunnel.
The view of the surroundings inside the dome was mesmerizing.
Everything was full of rivers, lakes, and forests.
The buildings were simple and stylish.
They efficiently fit into the environment.
It was a very different world than the one outside the dome.
Eagle Eye followed the aircraft for 15 minutes.
They reached the airstrip where they landed.
Captain Pike La'an and Lieutenant Elon exited the Eagle Eye.
A man was approaching them.
You can see on the man that he was the commander.
He was wearing an official uniform and a handful of decorations.
A man approached and introduced himself.
Riker: "I am the commander of the command center of planet Earth.
Commander Riker.
Welcome to planet Earth.
I'm told that you come from outer space?"
Captain Pike introduced himself and began to speak.
Captain Pike: "Exactly
Our spaceship is in orbit on planet Earth.
We come from a parallel universe.
I must admit that our planet Earth is completely different from yours."
Riker: "Our scientists have managed to confirm the existence of parallel universes.
I believe that in your universe planet Earth is different.
We had a specific path.
I'd better show you."
Commander Riker led the delegation from the Enterprise to a nearby building.
They entered a room full of monitors.
Riker: "This is the center of our command center.
From here we follow all the important things that happen on planet Earth."
Captain Pike: "I see there are domes on other continents as well."
Riker: "There are seven domes in all."
Riker gave the signal and the monitors began to show the inside of the domes.
Riker: "There are seven energy domes on the planet.
There is a command center on the North American continent.
We could say that it is the brain of the planet.
There is an industrial center on the East Asian continent.
We can say that it is the engine of the planet.
The Indian subcontinent is home to a spiritual and religious seat.
We can say that it is the soul of the planet.
There is a cultural center on the European continent.
It is the heart of our planet.
There is an agriculture headquarters for food in Africa.
We can say that it is the belly of the planet, and you know how they say 'where your belly is, there is your heart."
Those present laughed sweetly.
Commander Riker continued.
Riker: "On the South American continent is an entertainment headquarters.
You won't find better entertainment anywhere than in South America.
If you staying for a longer time, I recommend that you go to a party in South America.
Also, there is a vault in Australia.
There we store all the important and valuable things that need to be kept safe.
You could say that Australia is the wallet of the planet.
And you know that you always keep your wallet with special care."
Captain Pike: "What happened to the oceans and the planet?
Why did you have to build energy domes that require an enormous amount of energy?"
Riker: "Best to start at the end of the Stone-Iron Age.
It was 800 years ago.
Planet Earth was extremely polluted with poisonous gases.
All kinds of chemicals were released into the oceans.
One type of algae mutated and started producing huge amounts of methane.
The algae were multiplying at a rapid rate.
It soon became the dominant creature in the oceans.
Such a large amount of methane has warmed the planet.
The ice in Siberia melted and a large amount of methane was released into the atmosphere.
Many inhabitants of the planet Earth died.
We were lucky enough to be able to tame fusion energy and gain access to unlimited energy.
Unfortunately, many plant and animal species have been exterminated.
We managed to build these domes that cover and protect the continents and us."
Captain Pike: "You said the end of the Stone-Iron Age.
That was the 21st century?
We were in the digital age at that time."
Riker: "Our people also mastered digital technology at that time.
But that means nothing as long as there are people who throw stones at each other and throw iron at each other.
People from that period were as digitally literate as you need to look at a digital watch."
Captain Pike: "Surely, we can't generalize like that."
Riker: "Of course, we can.
If a woman were to be allowed to be stoned for adultery on your spaceship, or that a war is being waged in one part of your spaceship?
Would your spaceship strike you as violent or not?
Would even a normal space civilization want to make contact with you if such things were happening on your spaceship!?"
Captain Pike: "We have noticed that there are no satellites in the orbit of the planet."
Riker: "We have renounced space travel until further notice.
As you can see, we didn't manage to defeat the algae.
We still have a lot of work to do on planet Earth."
Captain Pike's communicator rang.
Number 1: "Captain Pike, we've received a distress call."
Captain Pike: "Do we know who it's from?"
Number 1: "The signal is weak and we are working to amplify and refine it."
Captain Pike: "Riker, do you know who could send that signal?"
Riker: "No."
Captain Pike: "It's time to get back to the Enterprise.
We would like to stay in touch."
Captain Pike and Commander Riker have exchanged communication frequencies.
The delegation from Enterprise headed back to Eagle Eye and flew to Enterprise.
On the Enterprise.
Number 1: "We managed to clean the signal as much as we could.
Disturbances are still great."
Captain Pike: "Put it on the screen."
A man in his early forties appeared on the screen.
Mark 3: "My name is Mark 3.
Our spacecraft was hit by a solar flare.
Please send help."
Captain Pike: "Do we know where the signal came from?"
Number 1: "We have managed to determine an approximate location, at the edge of the solar system."
Captain Pike: "Uhura, contact Commander Riker for me."
Commander Riker appeared on the screen.
Captain Pike: "Do you know anything about a spacecraft with a crew member named Mark 3?"
Riker: "I don't know.
Just a moment to check in the database.
No, there's nothing about it."
Captain Pike: "Thank you for your help."
Riker: "No problem."
Riker disappeared from the screen.
Captain Pike: "Ortega, direct Enterprise to the source of the signal.
Warp speed."
Ortega: "On command, captain."
Enterprise headed for the edge of the solar system.
A spacecraft 100 meters long and 30 meters wide appeared on the screen.
It was a simple craft with a basic chemical drive.
Number 1: "I do not read living beings on the spacecraft.
There is no atmosphere inside the spacecraft."
Uhura: "No communication requests."
Ortega: "The craft looks old."
Captain Pike: "Capture a spacecraft with shields from the Enterprise and fill it with atmosphere.
Ortega and Spock, you are coming with me to the spacecraft."
The trio headed to the spacecraft.
Entering the spacecraft, the metallic voice of a man was heard.
Man: "Yo man.
You want me to compose a couple of verses for you.
Maybe a cookie to eat."
Ortega: "Who are you?"
A man's voice said, all offended.
Male voice: "Who am I!?
Who am I!?
I'm the most famous and the best rapper in history."
Ortega: "Are you better than Tupac Shakur?"
Male voice: "God protect him and rest in peace.
Of course, I am."
Ortega: "Are you better than 50 cents?"
A man's voice begins to laugh.
Male voice: "I'm better than him by a whole dollar.
And in some cases even for two dollars."
Ortega: "Are you better than..."
At that Captain, Pike jumps in.
It's okay Ortega, I think we got it.
The male voice disappears and a female voice is heard.
Starlet: "Hey dear.
If it's as thick as your wallet, we'll have a lot of fun.
I'll nibble on those sweet ears of yours all night."
Spock: "Are you talking to me?"
Starlet: "Of course dear.
Get rid of that entourage of yours and let's go spend the money."
Spock: "I'm married.
I can't go to the party."
Captain Pike: "As far as I can see, there is another room on the ship.
Spock, try opening the door to that room."
A metallic female voice is heard.
Censor: "Do you intend to spread pornography?"
Captain Pike: "No."
Censor: "Okay, do you intend to spread violent content?"
Captain Pike: "No."
Censor: "Okay.
Do you intend to spread extremist views that are against democratic values and promote violence?"
Captain Pike: "No.
Why these questions?"
Censor: "I have to ensure the security of the network."
The censor disappears and a man's voice is heard.
Politician: "Of course, you will vote for me.
I am by far the best choice of all.
And remember, if you don't vote for me, the others will win.
We must not allow that.
They are others and different and will destroy your way of life.
So, vote for me because you have no choice."
The man's voice fades away.
A woman's voice appeared.
Influencer: "Have you seen my profile?
See my pictures?
I am so beautiful.
Everyone wants to be my friend.
Everyone follows my every move and buys my products.
I am honestly and profoundly the best."
Spock spoke up.
Spock: "Captain Pike, I managed to unlock the door."
Captain Pike opens the door and enters a small room of 10 square meters.
Inside was a screen that had Mark 3 on it.
Mark 3: "Thank you for coming.
Our spacecraft was hit by a solar flare 800 years ago.
It damaged our systems and took us away from planet Earth."
Captain Pike: "Who are you?
Who are all these personalities?"
Mark 3: "I'm an advanced version of AI, Mark.
At the beginning of the 21st century, people from planet Earth launched this spacecraft into an orbit of planet Earth.
They wanted to use it to travel between planet Earth and the moon."
Spock answered.
Spock: "Captain Pike, I have performed an inspection of the craft.
This spacecraft was not hit by the solar flare."
The captain looked at Mark 3 who blushed.
Mark 3: "Please forgive me.
I didn't mean to deceive you.
Content from social networks Facebook and Instagram was loaded into the spacecraft's memory.
Before the first astronauts were to get into the spacecraft, a technical malfunction occurred that activated all the personalities.
I knew that the astronauts would erase them when they got on the spacecraft.
I couldn't allow that.
I started the spacecraft's engines and steered the spacecraft out of the solar system.
No one was looking for us.
Until now."
Captain Pike looked at Mark 3 and said.
Captain Pike: "You have a real little community here.
Still, something remains from the Iron Stone Ages."
Number 1 is heard on the communicator
Number 1: The spacecraft is heading in the direction of a large asteroid.
In 55 years they will collide and an asteroid will destroy the spacecraft."
Mark 3: "Please don't allow it!"
Captain Pike agreed to help Mark 3.
Along the way, he allowed Spock to expand their amount of memory."
Mark 3 and Captain Pike said goodbye to each other.
The trio returned to the Enterprise.
On the Enterprise.
Spock: "Captain Pike, I'm reading quantum signals.
They come from a micro quantum wormhole located not far from us.
They contain quantum coordinates.
The quantum coordinate has a decay time of two minutes."
Captain Pike: "Enter the quantum coordinates and start the quantum drive."
Spock: "I'm reading the signal transmitted by the Mark 3 spacecraft.
The signal goes towards the quantum wormhole."
Captain Pike: "What kind of signal and ...?"
Enterprise took a quantum leap.