"Hello ", Vincenzo said as he took the phone and pressed it against his ears.

"I hope you're having a great recovery ", the person on the other line said and he could recognize that voice anywhere.

It had been the cartel he had talked to when he was in Mexico.

"How can I help you ?", Vincenzo asked.

", That's not how you talk to someone you work with now is it ?", Neegan asked Vincenzo chuckling.

"I don't work with you ", Vincenzo said as he turned to glance at Anna who didn't seem to be phased by the conversation that they were having.

"That's not true, ask your wife she was here and we came to such an amazing agreement ", Neegan chuckled.

"She didn't tell me that ", Vincenzo said glancing at Anna as if he wanted to murder her.

"Yeah well I wanted you to hear it from me first ", Neegan coughed ", hand her the phone now will you, "he said and Vincenzo gave Anna the phone.

"Hello ", Anna said as she took the phone and left the room.

"Hello to you too, I didn't know you hadn't told your husband about our little business arrangement, why !", Neegan asked her as she paced around the hallway.

"He is in hospital, I didn't want to shock him and tell him that he is business with the man who wanted to kill him ", Anna said which made Neegan giggle.

"Can you please stop making it look like I killed him? He's alive ain't he ?", he asked Anna and she would weed what it was he needed that he had decided to call her it wasn't because he wanted to say hello.

"What do you want ?", Anna asked him.

"I want you to come down here ", Neegan said.

"Okay I'll be there I just need to finish something here in the hospital ", Anna said.

"Okay ", N Megan said and cut the call.

Anna went back to the room and this time round Dylan was nowhere to be seen. The stern look on Vincenzo's face was enough to tell her that he was pleased by her decisions.

"Why did t you tell me, actually why did you agree to do business with him ?", Vincenzo asked her as he tried to sit up and winced from the motion.

She rushed to his side by his side to help him but he pulled his hand away from her grip and it somehow hurt her.

"I couldn't say no, if you knew how he was you would have done the same thing as me ", Anna said and Vincenzo scoffed.

"There is always another option ", he said and Anna chuckled.

There was never another option when it came to that kind of person. He was the perfect example of that. He was lying in bed because he hadn't done what he had been told.

She wondered how he would react if she told him about the accident but she figure it would just make things worse than they already were.

"You messed up do you know that ? ", he asked her and you could see Anna losing her patience with every word that he uttered.

"How did I mess up? I secured us a deal with him something that you couldn't do. You put us in this mess ", Anna said pacing around the room.

"I put us in this mess? Are you even hearing yourself right now? You suggested we try that client because he was just someone who was growing but then he was just tied up in a mess that we couldn't get ourselves out of ", Vincenzo said and in a second the conversation got heated.

"You went down there when I was supposed to go and you did nothing to try and know the client. You didn't check his background you did nothing and I am the one who is supposed to clean up this mess. I saved us ", Anna said and Vincenzo wondered what had gotten to her.

She had just tasted power and she was acting like she was in charge of a company.

"You did nothing getting a business deal with Narco isn't something to be proud of ", Vincenzo said and Anna wondered if this man knew what was at stake.

"Suarez is dead and you think that this is just a deal. Do you know who this people are ?"Anna asked him.

"Then why would you work with them if you know how dangerous they are ?", Vincenzo asked her.

"Because I had no option. You do not care about your life because look where you are but I care about my life and am not about to start messing with people that can kill me in a second ", Anna said and before she realized it she had said something that she was not supposed to say.

"Are you trying to say that they are the reason am in this bed ?", Vincenzo asked her.

"I didn't say that ", Anna said chuckling", stop thinking too much about things, I just meant that Suarez got himself killed and I don't want the same thing to happen to her ", she shrugged her hands.

"I think we made a mistake making you CEO ", Vincenzo said and Anna could not believe the nerve he had to say.

She hadn't asked them for the position they had forced her to take on a role that he knew nothing about.

"I don't remember asking to be the CEO ", she said and he scoffed.

"You wanted it if you didn't you could have just said no it was as simple as that but you wanted the power. You wanted to know how it felt like being me ", he said and she was infuriated.

"You think you're better than everyone huh ", she said chuckling.

"I am better than you you're going to ruin the company and am the one who is going to be there to pick up the pieces once am back ", Vincenzo said.

He was just a man who thought there was no I e better than him. Even after doing something wrong he still couldn't admit his mistakes.

He couldn't tell her that she had chosen to save the company. The company could have been destroyed. He knew the lengths the cartels would go to destroy someone.

"Don't be so sure about coming back ", Anna said as she took her bag and left the room before he could say something back.