Chereads / A fae's tale / Chapter 2 - I Am Talon

Chapter 2 - I Am Talon

my name is Talon. I'm 17, almost 18, and a royal fae. I am the prince of Zagoroth, and my father, 'King Edmond,' and mother, 'Queen Lily,' were the ones who discovered Zagoroth and provided us with a decent home.

They convinced the humans to end the battle as long as we stayed off their area. As a result, they were appointed as leaders, and because they were blue-eared, all blue-eared people were deemed royalty.

Walls were built with righteous leaders for each color; blacks were kept on the outside gates and were made our soldiers; reds came next and were farmers, caring for the planets and growing food for everybody; and the purple fairies were kept on the interior walls, educating and training.

I used to go there as a youngster to go to school; whether you were royal or not, you had to go and learn how to write and read. It was free of charge. I even had my own personal trainer and a slew of buddies...

Fate he was the strongest fighter I'd ever seen, my father spotted me watching him once and made him my personal trainer ever since.

There was a prophecy about a fairy being born with multicolored ears. He would be the one to bring the two beings, humans and fairies, back together.....

It was thought to be a royal indicating the son of a blue-eared mother and father.

I was informed as a child that the fringes of our hamlet were just for military forces, that we were taught to fight and trained as murder weapons so that when we were 18, we could join the project....

The project involves special training for a year in order to protect zagoroth. To protect us from the humans…..

It only picks the most powerful fae and transforms them into killing robots. Elenor, my older sister, wanted to go, despite my parents' objections.

As a royal, you had the authority to determine whether or not to participate in the initiative. The remainder of the coloured colonies were not given a choice; they were coerced into it.

Although everyone joined because they were sick and tired of being stuck in one location and unable to escape, as time and population increased, there was less and less room and all the colonies became congested, resulting in a dearth of supplies.

However, one case did occur of a girl named Pixie who elected not to join the project and escaped and hid when they arrived to fetch her. A large search was conducted for her, and when she was discovered, she was expelled from the kingdom, or village, as the fae's like to call it.

One thing I didn't mention was that, aside from deadly people, there were other animals out there....

They, too, were made by humans, but instead of protecting them, those monsters were meant to hunt down and murder fae. They were delivered to our island, Zagoroth....

Humans betrayed us again after the battle and brought them here to destroy us, but we were smarter and had evolved. We erected lage walls to defend ourselves, and thus the Project started.


I awoke from another vision in which I saw humans. But they weren't alone; it was as if I were on another planet, one where we were living alongside them and everyone was...


I step out onto my terrace, resting one hand under my chin on the fence posts, and stare at the walls. My accommodation was on the castle's highest point, thus the view was breathtaking.

I keep my gaze fixed on the furthest wall, where I can see the black colony walking.

I'd been preparing my escape for a while now, coming out on the balcony every day for weeks and watching what time the guards moved about. I observed solely our colony guards for a week before spending another week on the balcony on the opposite side of the castle, where the gate to the purple colony was located.

It took me four to five weeks to study the correct time the guards changed places, "five minute gap between the day shift and the night shift, indicating the gates would be left open." i whisper to myself

"Open the door!" I hear a knock on my door followed by Taron's voice. "Talon, I have some news for you."

I rush to open it and glare at him with a shocking expression, he was wet and his wings were soaked, " you went to the pond again didn't you…'' I questioned, it was more of a statement.

"I saw them, I saw them again picking on some other kids but this time I hid and watched as they talked about throwing him out of zagoroth.

"This may be my moment," I say, bringing a towel to him and gently patting his wings dry. Taron was my personal servant and my greatest buddy in the castle. Other than my parents, Taron was approximately my age and a few inches shorter than me, and he was the only one I was permitted to talk to.

I walk back towards the balcony and look down, at a little distance from the castle gates there were a few kids playing around and on their right were a few teens some my age while others who looked smaller than me, laughing and talking, i couldn't make out what they were saying as we fae's have a great eyesight, but reading lips wasn't my speciality.

"I'm going to ask my father." I said as I turned and looked at taron, "talon you know your dad will say no right?"

"Obviously, but at least when I make my escape he won't have to worry as he'd have an idea of where I would be."

"Oh, I can't wait for us to leave this place! I want to see what lies outside of the walls."

"About that…" I say with my eyes squinted towards him giving away my thoughts through my expressions.

" Come on man, you said I would be going with you."

"I know, I know but…. What if something bad happens?" I continue to drag my bag out of the closet and pack a few clothes and food supplies.

"You don't know how to protect yourself and it might slow me down."

"how exactly do you plan to make this escape hmm?" Taron folds his arms and poses towards me.

"I have exactly three days before fate comes to my room in order to train me, before that father and mother will be too busy to even notice I'm gone." I look at him, placing both my hands on his shoulder and continuing, "you are going to take my place….."

Taron's shocked expression made me smirk just a little. I quickly turned around and handed Taron my clothes.

"You'll be wearing this for the next few days, and here is my night outfit. If someone arrives at night, just lie in bed and seem to be sleeping, and if someone comes during the day... Nobody really cares during the day.." I said looking down at my shoes, I didn't realize a frown had formed on my face. I quickly shook my head and grabbed my bags hiding them in my closet before Taron and I left for school.

I used to be able to attend school like every other fae, but sometime between fourth and fifth grade, a teacher attempted to abduct me, injuring many students in the process.

Everyone knew I was the prince, which is probably why she tried to do something so foolish. It didn't make sense why she'd want to abduct me, my father was constantly making sure everyone in the colony was safe, well fed, and had enough resources, which is why he was always busy. But he would keep to his promise and make sure all resources were distributed equally.

Since that occurrence, my father has been exceedingly cautious and has never permitted me outside the kingdom; he began to homeschool me and Taron has been taken out to keep me company. I felt guilty because he had nothing to do with it and had every right to continue, but Taron would repeatedly tell me that he valued my company and would be bored if he had to go alone.

After our private tutor, Mr. Harold, finished teaching us fairy biology, we decided to grab a bite to eat before returning to my room. While walking to the master kitchen, I noticed some of our chefs conversing, and as soon as they spotted us, they went back to work, with the exception of one chef, who constantly threw me death glares.…..

Everyone but me understood why he despised me. I had overheard them talking about Kailyn once before. The chef who despised me stated that the main reason he despised me was because I complained about his meals when I was about eight years old.

I mean, I wasn't lying when I said it tasted like he'd served us Rat's soup, but my parents were much too kind to complain and drank it up. As long as my life is not in danger, my parents are always overly kind to everyone.

But I didn't get it; Elenor had a chance to leave this ridiculous place, so why were mother and father so adamant about shutting me up in here? As I sat on the swing in my playroom, the question kept jumping into my head.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" taron questioned again and again.

"Yes, I'm a hundred percent sure!" I stated this time with a serious face, "if they let Elenor go why not me?"

Taron sat silently for a moment before looking at me, and our gazes locked for a split second. He was about to say something, but then his vision faded behind me. I turned around to find fate gazing through the door at us. He gave a small nod, and I looked around to see Taron nod as well.

I got a strong sensation that he was keeping something from me, something regarding Elenor..... When I mentioned her name to him, he always acted strangely around me, but not just him, everyone would, Mother would begin to tear up and walk out while father would have a stern look on his face.

He was always happy but whenever we'd hear her name, his face would show no expression. I was never able to tell what had happened to Elenor, moreover I was too scared to find out.