I had started noticing huge changes in the behaviour and attitude of Thomas. After what he told me a few days ago about being a man, he started being quite. As if he observed his sorroundings and chose not to talk to which he thought was a loss of words. His behaviour from being a jolly little kid turned into an enlightened mature boy. He would go to school everyday and return late in the evening. He had all these scars and bruises on his arms and legs which had his Aunt worried about what was going on. While Thomas would spend his days outside home, I would stay in his bedroom on the bed cuddled up in my own little world. Would wait for him all day long just to see a glimpse of his face to judge and make sure he was doing alright. I was quite troubled at his behaviour. He would not talk to me much as if he had something to hide. At night he would sleep near me but in the morning pretend as if I did not even exist. Talk about taking advantage. I was quite worried. But, then itoccured to me that how pain changes a boy and shapes him into a man. It seemed like a blessing in disguise at the moment.
Months passed away like this. One day Thomas came up to me late at night while the whole town slept. He pulled out a gun from his bag and as he laid down the weapon right infront of me. I immediately knew something was wrong. I looked up to him and wondered what could possibly be going on this poor boy's mind. The mind is a creature of its own I thought to myself. Without wasting any time, he grabbed me and we sneaked out of the home without alarming the aunt or anybody that would catch us; and shifted towards the wood. I was alarmed and scared of what Thomas had gotten into, but at the same time, I was low key excited. As I had not gone out and exposed myself to the world in over a year. Since, the war be fell upon us. It was said that it was better for everyone to stay inside their houses and pray to God for the best. Such a profound thing to say, making a person feel comfort and agitated at once.
Midnight was more than three hours ago, and I found myself with Thomas who was walking through some woods that seemed to me; "lovely, dark and deep". Not a creature or being was stirring, not even a mouse. We had the woods to ourself. The rest of the world was fast asleep. The only thing that was guiding us was this torch light Thomas held in one hand, and on the other he had his gun. Suddenly, from somewhere behind me, there came this sound of a twig snapping. In that dark, silent glade, it is as loud and unambiguous as a gunshot. I'd like to say it is not so much fear as trepidation that pinned me to the spot, but in those first fleeting moments, fear is what I felt. I looked over to Thomas and he looked cold as ice showing no emotion. I started thinking and fantasizing about the old Thomas. If he were here, his heart would had jumped out of his ribcage. But, alas, this was a different version of a person I used to know. We stopped at this point where a fire was burning up. From the looks of it, it had been set up as if it were-were a campsite. A man was sitting right on this rock. As he noticed us, he stood up and shook hands with Thomas. He shook his hands and exchanged a smile like he knew Thomas from the day the infant was born.
As he looked over to me, his expressions changed and he stared at Thomas in confusion and said "Why bring this-this thing?" While hearing this in the dark, it was hard to see his face. The fire light caused a better view of his face. Eyes of palest watery blue, like a creature who spent it's life in perpetual shadow. Seems to slithers and oozes from one place to another, skulking, slinking, leering, head bobs erratically as if it's is too heavy for the thin long neck with protruding Adam's apple. Shifty eyes. Further he said the following words to Thomas: "Boy, are you ready for your final lesson?" Thomas replied in an assertive man "Yes General Iroh, I am!" In pure fear, I closed my eyes and left it all up to Thomas. I zoned out from the moment with my ears as if they were deaf and my eyes had become blind. The next thing I remember, I opened my eyes and looked up. Dawn was around the corner. I looked around and the guy had disappeared like a shadow into the encroaching gloom of twilight. We returned home and Thomas went off to sleep while I was in confusion trying to find the words to explain what happened. All I could figure out was that Thomas was training for something. Learning lessons alongside creepy people. But, who was I to judge someone. The main question remained unanswered. Was Thomas getting ready for the war?
The very next day right after midnight. Thomas grabbed me and we went to the same place. This time there was no man waiting for our arrival. The very same rock on which the icy guy sat, there was a rifle on it. Thomas picked it up and without any wastage of time, we both returned home safe and sound.