Chereads / Destiny Enchanted / Chapter 31 - WELCOME TO HELL II



I couldn't believe what I had become.

I looked at myself in shock.

"You bastard, what have you done to me?".

"Just show you a glimpse of your true potential, my boy".

"Yeah, the same potential that got you sentenced for treason".

I looked at him directly in the eyes.

"I am supposed to rule, not that mistake".

"Yet, that mistake locked you up for all eternity".

"Mind the way you speak to me, little boy. I may be locked up but not incapacitated".

I touched him where it hurt the most.

But I was determined to go on.

"Really? Then show me your might by getting up from that chair".

He brewed vengeance in his eyes.

"Come on, you can do it, or can't you?".

The flames on his horns burned brighter.

He finally bowed his head in defeat.

"I thought as much".

"I believe you didn't summon me to display your sorry state".

He looked up to me in expectations.

"I need your help to get out of here".

"What makes you think I'll help you?".

"You are my son. It's your destiny".

"Really? And then, discard me like the rest?".

"Only the strong survive. Doesn't matter who or what you are".

"Well, I think your point of view has been aired clear".

"So, what's the plan?".

"No can do".

"Besides I have to go deal with your mess".

"What do you mean?".

"Your dear Gartuhk is alive and well".


"Really?" I sneered.

"He died during the battle. I saw him die".

"Or rather, you abandoned him to die".

"It was for the greater good".

"You failed, Sizz. Even Melithos couldn't help you".

"Melithos was just a piece in the puzzle. It will all come together sometime soon".

"Well, get ready to lose at your own game".

"Ace, Ace" I heard Merlin call.

"It's that pest, right?".

"None of your business".

"Get out of there now. You're taking a big risk".

"Follow the light" I heard him say.

I found it behind me.

I turned my back to move.

"Mark my words. You will be the very one to set me free".

I paused and laughed derisively.

"You wish".

I walked away from him.

"You can't run from destiny. You must fulfill th...".

The rest of the statement faded into oblivion as I vanished into the light.

I opened my eyes and found myself in chains.

I wasn't so surprised.

I wriggled and wriggled to set myself free.

"It's futile" I heard a voice say.

Footsteps approached me from behind.

"The more you try, the tighter it becomes".

She ran her fingers across my shoulder.

I smiled as she appeared before me.

"Long time, no see, my lady".

{What was I doing? Playing James Bond before my captor?

I really lost my head that day}

"I see that you have been well".

"Same here".

I faked a smile.

"Well, I hope that the hospitality here isn't out of bounds".

"No, it's just perfect".

"Good. I see you have all plans cancelled for the evening".

"What gracious event needs my humble presence?".

"The Feast of Breach, my young lad".

"I'll add it to my schedule".

"You better do".

She dug her fingers deep into my flesh.

I swallowed the pain and wore a damned smile.

She seemed to be irritated by my pretence.

She walked past me.

After some time, her footsteps ceased.

"I forgot to add, you're the menu tonight".

I could feel that she had a sly grain on her lips.

"I'll do my best to serve very well, Rachel".

Her footsteps doubled in speed as she walked away.

She seemed really irked.

I then became real to myself.

I really needed to escape or risk being dinner to blood witches.

I then kept wake all day, putting my escape plan together.