Atta wanted to test how much "In game" he trully was, so he went do the bovious thing; Destroy a village!
But it wasn't any village he destroyed! it was a completely harmless village at the edge of the Ermian territory! Yaaay!!
At the other end of the rift Atta and Noelin hovered above a moderate sized town, one with chimneys and some mechanical looking buildings around
A god needed an imaged, and he wanted it to be his image, destroying a village with it risked someone finding out his doing via some kind of time magic so he decided to change his appearance for this test.
Changing his form was easy, he just imagined changing the Png of his profile user, and in less than a second his white robes resulting from a empty profile image disappeared and where replaced with the image of a monster.
Atta grew 2 itches, his clothing became black and his face was covered with a crow mask.
Atta took a look at his new semblance and mas excited.
He faced the city.
Atta was a simple man, and as such he started and off simple. LIke any propper god game, WCS had meteors, and like any competent player, Atta knew they were the most efficient way to create a catastrophe.
A single motion was enough. He raised his hand besides his head in anticipation.
He looked down at the village like it was nothing more than what it originally was, a line of codes bundled together, his staring was so intence, that the commoners down below felt his stare, and looked up with curiosity.
Floating far into the blue skies were 2 figures, one was indistinguishable for being a little lower than the other figure, and it's shadow conceal their figure, but the other was clearly seen from the ground.
A tall figure wearing all black stood with it's leather beak, it stared at the ground like a migthy lord with it's creepy aura and a hand raised at the side of their head.
The poor commoners below stared in anticipation at the scene, not daring even to move.
Atta took a good look at the village. It was a lovely place.
He spot a park not far from where he was hovering over, there kids played and climbed the trees. On a corner a old woman bough breed and was waddling home. Below him were some homeless man with tore clothes and dirty hair looking up at him.
This seemed so peaceful, so... Alive. But it didn't change a thing to him. In thruth, he felt something, put it was far from mercy or piety, he felt regret.
Once in a while Atta aways destroyed something on his world, and he almost everythime, felt like this.
He built his world with much effort. The rivers, mountains, ravines, even the dead lands and the deserts were his creations, and seeing his hard work being destroyed aways made him a bit upset. Mainly, because there was a village here.
He liked destruction, sure, but, the joy of seeing a civilization rise from dust and stabilish itself aways gave him pleasure, and he unconsciously bount to it. But not in the way a god should bound with it's creations, he saw them as nothing more than he already saw before; mobs in his sandbox game.
He had no empaty for their lives, no sadness in their deaths, and mainly, no regret in their murder.
Atta realised his own feelings and was shocked. They were human, just like him, i mean, now they were, but he still saw them as nothing more than mobs and code. Code that, he could very well alter and change as he will.
And then he had an idea, and idea of what had happened for him to come here. It was but a crazy theory, but it was all he had for now
The true creator of the planet was him, but the creator of the world was Noelin.
She was the absolute power, the one and true omnipotent being, but as she brought him here, she rewrittote her own program. He now wasn't just himself, he was the "Player".
Everything he did back there as just a innocent and entertained player was brought here. The mindset the had, and most likely, the mindset Noelin though he had, have been added into his brain.
it must the most literal form of "Yout thoughs limit you".
Noelin has all the power, but since she thinks Atta has it, she made it so, so much power that even surpasses her.
Atta closed his eyes. Lightened by his enlightement he felt relieved, and now it was time.
With the relief of knowing he was now but a tyrant psychopat, he brought his hand down.
Nothing happened for a moment, but then tiny red dots appeared in the skies.
Everything started to turn red, and the people down in the village started going crazy.
Atta just calmly crossed his arms behind his back and waited, and that behavior brought even more chaos into the people's hearts.
It was a little kid, one on the part at the top of a tree, that brought the comotion one ster further.
It was hipnotized at the arising of the red dots, but he frowned when he saw one red dot start to take texture as it became bigger.
It' curious eyes lowly widdened in fear.
"O-Oi, it's coming to us-" The kid tried to say before the red dot got a bit too close and hit the boy right into the face, crushing and charring is body.
There was silence for a second before the old lade from before screamed in terror, and it so was brought down into earth.
Quikly the calm and paceful atmosphere of the village vanished and screams of fear and terror spreat trough the region.
Fast and destructive metors fell into ground , obliterating the landscape.
As the village was destroyed Atta decided to land on the ground and take a stroll, followed by Noelin right after.
He landed on the entrance of the villageand started to walk.
Meteors fell right and left, detroying the landscape, but on the way of his walk fell none.
It was like the meteors opened way for him.
But as he wondered a meteor fell right before them.
"Sorry my mistake" Atta apologized
"It's okay"
They flew over the destroyed path and continued their stroll.
on their way Atta saw a house that had collapsed over someone and there was a person trying to rescue someone from the rubble.
"Mommy! Mommy! Please endure it, i am going to save you!"
"Tabi, Forget about me! This place isn't safe anymore"
It was a boy with over 11 years old that was trying to help his mother that was trapped under their collapsed house.
Atta analized the situation and determined the mother couldn't be saved anymore. From under the rubble a wooden stake had pierced the mothers column, and with the kid's constant pulling, the stake had almost tore the woman in half.
Atta looked at it and felt kinda sorry for the kid. If he didn't try to save hi mother, the fire around he would probably have died out and she could be rescued by a male survivor later on, she wouldn't be able to walk anymore but it would be just that, but the kid's constant pulling made her spine pop out, and her wound open even more.
The only reason she wasn't screaming in agony right now was because she was in shock.
Atta shook his head, and looked at the scene again he decide to spare the kid from some guilt.
Atta walked towards the fallen building and the kid noticed their approach.
The boy looked at them with hope and waved his hand restlessly.
"Hey! Please help! My mother is under the rubble, could you give me a hand?!"
Atta didn't speed his step.
The kid noticed Atta's unchanging behavior and felt a bit strange, afraid even.
When Atta reached the kid it kneeled down and grabbed a rubble that was over his mothers left arm.
"Here, grab that side and let's lift this one-" But Atta didn't stop.
He walked to the side of the woman and put his feet over her head.
The woman's skull was smashed like an orange.
The boy saw this and was perplexed for a moment, too shocked to react.
Atta lifted his feet and cleaned his shoe on the rocks of the house.
He then looked over the little boy that was still processing the situation and started to think.
'Tarnar is being cornered by Ermia, that's way stronger than them in many aspects, and there seems to be no viable ways for them to get stronger.... Unless'
Atta was stoickly looking at the boy that seemed to finally process the situation and smiled delvishly from under his mask.
"...I give them propper resources"