Chapter 8 - Chapter 8

The boar left and was absorbed in it's new bodies instincts. It soon found a pack, got a new partner and formed a beautiful couple.

Atta followed the boar for a few days, seeing how things turned out. But he noticed a problem.

"What?? This boar isn't acting like a mosquito no more. like, not at all! It has the added inteligence of two diferent lives. It should be at least slightly smarter than the rest... Could it be, it was overwritten?!"

"That's bad, if i intend to bring real humans here they sould be able to keep their personalities."

Atta brought out the boar's console.

"Everything seems fine... The code is at least a hundred lines longer, the mosquito data is way too schathered among these codes for them to have any effect. I could manually fix it, but it would be appropriate to find the issue before procceding"

Atta searched the console throughly, and finally after 3 whole days he discovered the issue.

"I see! The code was housed into the planets domain so it coded it lazily. i only need to make a domain of my own to solve the problem!"

With a wave of his hand Atta scattered some code and from their remains a new line of code was formed.

"Done! Now, a fitting name!"

He pondered with a hand on his chin.

"It has to be imponent! No need for Graceful titles!"

"Let's see; Far Land Desire! No, too fashionable; Heroic Heavens! No way! I am not a person who preffers the good. Proficiency in first place!"

Atta spourted another hundred fancy names, but none of them sounded fitting. He was starting to get impatient

"I won't overwork myself. The Domain of god it is, so "Domain of the Gods" shall it be!"

Atta settled.

"My world seems fine by now. But as expected, Ermia is too bold! They didn't halt their advance even for once"

Atta moved his sigh to where he summoned the two Abyssal Sharks a few ingame months ago. At the moment a fleet of a few hundred thousand Ermian soldiers were giving their all in fighting them, and being utterly defeated in the proccess.

"This boldness! Who gave them the courage to engage these beasts?!"

Atta was indeed annoyed. Ermia was a small contry from the begginig, but after their leader arose to power through a coup d'etat and declared a new nationality, they became to daring, it was infuriating!

Atta Though back to Noelin. Noelin was indeed a very powerful and usefull AI. But as far as he was aware there was no information in their leader.

Atta contacted Noelin.

"Noelin, Could you tell me the name of the current King of Ermia?"

"In a moment, sir."

Noelin became silent for a few moments and aswered back.

"Forgive me your majesty. But i don't seem to obtain information from such individual."

"?!" Atta was startled.

'No information? How is that possible?! Noelin is someone that main job is giving me information. How could a mob intervene with that?!' Atta became desperate. He though his powers inside the game was absolute, could it be he wasn't as omnipotent as he first though...?

'That king is a mortal functioning under the game's console, how could he confront Noelin's code?' But then, an idea popped on Atta's mind. "Could it be? Is he a glitch?! I have to see it myself!" Atta quickly moved his hand and changed is perspective to a global vision of the planet leaving Noelin to sever his conection herself as she was clearly put aside.

Using part of the code he had stole from Noelin's console he sorted the information of the planet into colums of many diferent topics and clearly placed the most important informations of them all into a decending manner.

After sorting them he obsorbed whole colums of informations at once, making his brain shake.

Little by little the images on his brain became clearer and clearer as he became better in figuring what everything meant.

But no matter how much he searched, even after being able to perfectly find all mobs and structures he wanted immediatelly, the king didn't appear!

"What?! He's not appearing?! That doesn't make sense, I can see all things from this planet. He exists under the console, how is he not appearing?" Atta was restless. At this point he was dripping cold sweat and he continued searching. Atta wasn't a usually worried person, but as he was code just like anyone else here, if there was someone he could not put in check, it was a great threat! He had to deal with it, or at least find him for later.

Focusing on the information the Morphed mosquito was found immediatelly. He then switched his aim to a griphon, and on top of a tall mountain he was spot screaming to the skies. He then tried finding a leviathan, and sleeping on the deep seas it was. He imagined a school of fish, and there it was, immediatelly before his eyes.

'Could Noelin know something about this?' He then switched his sigh to Noelin.

"Huh? Where is she?" Atta tried to find her again but again there was nothing. "????? what?"

Atta contacted Noelin again. "Noelin, do you hear me?" Atta asked curiously

"Yes Your majesty. What can i help you with?" She immediatelly answered.

'what's going on?' Atta raised an eyebrow "Nothing, Just checking something" Atta said and severed the connection.

He wondered, Could it be? Is it that? He started absorbing information again.

He tried finding 3 anymals then. A parrot a mole and a tiger. They appeared immediatelly. 'Expected'

He decided to search for more fantasical animal. A Owlbear a Ogre and a skeleton. This time it took a bit more time, but they appeared nonetheless. 'Hmm, interesting.'

He decided to rise the degree again. A dragon, a giant and a demon. This time it took a very long time for anything to appear, the dragon was on it's cave being challenged by some humans, the giang was roaming the forest and the demon was sleeping underground.

"This makes sense. Could it be, is that person not appearing because he isn't on the "Mortals" folder?" Atta questioned.

Atta wasn't one to be lazy, actually he was waaay to active. Since his first hours of playing WCS he started messing with the code and one of his first changes was adding 4 char folders, each with a bot that manneged the AI of the mobs in them, to reduce lag. He didn't had any lag playing, but he just though it was satisfying to have the game running at max efficiency.

He made the Mortal Folder for any kind of mob that had no use, mobs that just made part of the ecosistem. Above that was the Immortal folder, that was bursting with strong creatures such as dragons, leviathans and demons. The Celestial folder was to manage the mobs in the other dimensions. RIght now this folder was frozen, sinse Atta himself closed the Gates of Heaven so there was nothing to render there. and the last folder he made was the "Management" folder. Atta's "Player" and many of his bots including Noelin were there.

As for the reason Atta could not find the Ermian king, was because all mobs on the Mortal file had their race, age and names implied on their archive, that was the standard of the game, but form the Immortal File up beings had their informations inscripted. They were custom, so their file names were a bunch of numbers and letters blended together. It was impossible to find

With a new understanding of the situation Atta was relieved, but still a tiny bit worried.

The reason he couldn't find the king was clear, but just because he could understand the problem, didn't mean the problem was gone.

First of all he didn't know in wich folder their king was, and depending on that, if he was too high in th rankings, Atta wouldn't even be able to lay a finger in him. What if he was a very time consuming god to make? What if he made a huge part of the ecosystem and couldn't be replaced?! Atta spent way too much fucking time in building this planet, he couldn't effor it being destroyed like that.

"My need for another living human in this planet has just increased. I should rapidly bring him here!"

"But now that's a whole 'nother issue. If i want a human form my domain fighting someone above the Mortal level i can't just provide him powers.

He won't be 100% compatible with him. and Messing with a humans code is dangerous... Too many variables!

Instead i should use my God Domain to build itself a code. Like the planet it should be able to make codes to make "sense" out of the random things i made."

Atta smiled.

"Back to Playing God that is!"

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