The hours went on very fast at school once again, Gnomon called Luck and Destiny to his office once the day ended, Gnomon just wanted to inform them that they are free for the day, the 2 of them excitingly exited the classroom and went straight towards to Caroline but before they could reach her Floga and his group blocked their way
"Now that I found you alone I want to talk about something, Destiny you can leave, I don't need you" Floga told Luck
"If you wanted to have a private chat you would have come alone" Luck said
He suspected that Floga was up to something more than just talk, Floga sent all his friends away so they can talk alone
"Luck don't play with my patience, now that I told the others to leave tell Destiny to leave too, I don't want to start fighting before the promised hour"
"I will leave if you promise that you will not hurt him!"
Destiny stood up to Luck
"Whatever! now leave!" Floga said,
After Floga's confirmation Destiny quickly left them alone
"Why were you in Kenya? And how did you get back this quick?" Floga asked him
"How did you..."
Before Luck finish his sentence he was pinned to the wall from Floga
"Just answer me, you bastard!" Floga told him with anger
"A friend of my dad flew me there, Why do you care?"
"Don't lie to me, I know that your dad has abandoned you, so how can a broke person like you get to Kenya?"
Floga asked louder, he also pushed Luck to the wall even harder, Luck then kicked him in the leg, Floga lost balance from the hit, Luck then used this opportunity to turn the tables and pin Floga to the wall with his face
"Now that your friends are missing I don't have to fear anything, do I?" Luck asked him
"Let go of me, you bastard!"
Floga yelled so Luck released him and began to walk away
"Once we go to the roof you will regret everything!"
Floga said while Luck was leaving, Luck exited the building and he found Caroline and Destiny waiting for him
"Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" Destiny asked with concern
"Don't worry he kept his promise" Luck replied as he smiled
"What are you 2 talking about? Let's go for an ice tea" Caroline told them as she pushed them from behind
"Only if you pay" Luck said
"WHAT? I paid for your food, so you have to be the one to pay!" Caroline said with a red face that was filled with anger
"Haha, okay then the tab is on me today!"
Luck said with a smile, the 3 of them went to the nearby café to drink some iced tea to cool themselves on this hot September day
"Hey, Caro do you by any chance want to come for another sunbathing session today?" Destiny asked Caroline
'Caro? she is using pet names already?' Luck thought confused
"That sounds nice, my skin has already become a bit darker since the first time we went sunbathing so going one more time will definitely give me more color!" Caroline replied
Her skin was incredibly white but she didn't appear to have a sunburn or anything from the sun
"Hey Luck would you like to come with us too?" Caroline asked
Destiny seemed a bit baffled by Caroline's question
"Depends because I also have to do homework and cook, if we go early then I won't come but if you go later then I'm in"
"Should we go later then?" Caroline asked Destiny
Destiny signaled "NO" but Caroline misunderstood
"Then it is set, we will go at 5 P.M!"
Destiny face palmed herself, the reason she didn't want Luck to come was that she feels uncomfortable sunbathing in front of a boy, the 3 of them quickly finished their teas and then headed home, once they arrived home Luck started making pasta, he also was doing his homework at the same time
'Pasta requires waiting so why would I waste this time?'
That was his idea behind the act, Caroline commonly ignored her homework and started watching TV incredible loud
"Can't you lower it?" Luck asked her pissed
"Sorry about that!"
That's what she said but in reality she simply used the element of space to create a sound barrier around her and the tv, Luck was kind of impressed, after some hours Luck had finished his homework and the food, Caroline was still watching TV, she had zero duties and responsibility, she reminded Luck of his cats, Luck then gave a mindless look on the clock
"Caroline close the TV and get ready, we are going to the beach"
"I AM ready, you are the one that has to hurry" She said as she yawned
"So you are telling me that you will go to the beach in your casual clothes?" Luck asked her with a confused look
Caroline then snapped her fingers, and her clothes quickly transformed into a bikini
Luck looked at her like she was some kind of a monster and went to his room to change, he quickly put on his swimming trunks and took a towel with him and the 2 of them left the house, the 2 of them went to the close by beach, it was a full of black rocks beach that had consistent waves even thought it wasn't a windy day, they occupied an umbrella and sat down and waited for Destiny
"Are you ready for tonight?" Caroline asked Luck with a serious look on her face
"I don't know what to expect but even if they outnumber us we can simply outpower them" Luck told her
"Remember Luck, we can't use mana so if they initiate combat we have no choice but to run away"
"That was the plan all along Caro" Luck told her with a smug
"H-Hey don't call me that!"
"Why? embarrassed by your own name?"
Caroline was completely red
"O-Okay, Uck umm... Lu.... never mind!"
Luck busted out laughing
"Did you just try to make a pet name for me? Like it will ever work"
"Year right G salt (From his last name Gestalt)"
Destiny said, she made a sudden appearance
"That's not even funny G SALT doesn't even make sense" Luck said annoyed
"Riiiiiiiight" Destiny said with a smile on her face
The 3 of them then went into the sea and played with the waves, it was quite nice for all of them since they had all of the beach for themselves, after some minutes the girls went out to the sun for sunbath, Luck stayed in the sea because he had a long time to go to the sea but he also exited the sea after minutes, while he was exiting the girls were staring at him hard
The girls then went back to sunbathing as soon as Luck asked that
'What's wrong with them?' Luck wondered
He then decided to sit on his towel, as he was watching the waves crash to the rocks he started licking his fingers, the girls then died of laughter
"SEE? Didn't I tell you?" Destiny told Caroline
"Yea but I didn't believe that he would actually lick his hands!" She replied
Luck then understood the idea behind the name G salt, Luck's face had turned into a deep red color
"Don't worry I won't tell anyone G S A L T" Caroline said with an arrogant smile
"Shut up C A R O"
'They are like baby siblings' Destiny thought as she heard them argue
The 3 friends then spent an hour sunbathing, no one spoke a word this hour, the silence was broken by Luck
"Hey guys I think I'm going to head back, I'm done sunbathing"
"That's not fair, we are trying so hard to get tanned but you on the other hand instantly get tanned even though you don't try!" Destiny whined
"Genetics I guess... Anyways I'm leaving, have a good time!" Luck said as he left
Destiny waved goodbye to him
"Caroline, aren't you going to leave?"
Caroline was sleeping the whole time
"WAKE UP!!!" Destiny yelled while shaking Caroline's body
"Huh? what happened?" Caroline asked cluelessly
"Don't "what happened?" me, you can't just sleep while we sunbathe!" Destiny said with an angry tone
"What? is it a bad omen or something?"
"NO! It's just rude!" Destiny replied
Caroline apologized and continued to sunbath awake this time, the girls didn't stay long, after some time they decided to go home too
"Caro, why does Floga have a problem with you?" Destiny asked while walking
"Probably because I beat up him and his friends..." Caroline replied
"WHAT? YOU BEAT THEM UP???" Destiny asked shocked
"They were bullying Luck, I couldn't just stand there and watch"
"I mean that justifies it but that's not the question! the real question is how did you beat them up alone?"
"I know how to fight and they don't, so it is expected that I would win"
Destiny was still very impressed by Caroline's ability to fight
"Caro, I wanted to ask you this way before but I didn't find the chance"
Destiny said, the 2 girls stopped walking since they reached Luck's house
"What is it?" Caroline asked
"What is your attribute? I have seen you use multiple elements and you are good with all of them, it's kind of difficult to tell what your attribute is..." Destiny asked
"Took you long enough to ask, my attribute is...…"
Luck yelled from the window he saw them coming since the window was right by the road to the beach
Destiny was able to hear Caroline's attribute
"COMING! See ya later Destiny!"
Caroline then hugged Destiny and ran inside the house to take a bath, Destiny went to her home too, Destiny had an expression of happiness and fear the whole time she walked home
"Hey Luck throw me some spare clothes and underwear!"
Caroline asked him from the bath
"No way I'm grabbing your dirty underwear, use this magic thingy to make clothes out of thin air"
Luck told her, Caroline didn't reply, she simply started showering, in the meantime Luck was heating up the pasta for them to eat, after 6 minutes Caroline came out of the shower with brand new clothes
"See it wasn't hard for you to create clothes, was it?"
Luck told her, Caroline didn't reply, she just created heated air and dried out her hair, Luck left her dish on the table and he started eating from his own plate, Caroline sat down and started eating without saying a word
"What's wrong?"
Luck asked but Caroline didn't reply, she simply glared at him with eye that screamed "I'm going to get you back one day"
"Hey, I asked you something!"
Luck asked her, but she still didn't say a word, Luck sighed from exhaustion
'I can't bother with her if she doesn't talk' Luck thought
He then continued to eat his pasta, after a while he finished
"Caroline I will now go to sleep! If you need anything just wake me up, alright?"
Luck told her, Luck went to his room, he laid down on his bed
'It's been days since I haven't slept here' He thought
Luck slowly became sleepier and sleepier, Luck ended up sleeping like an angel, once Luck was fully asleep Caroline walked into his room and started staring at him
"Kamira, he is now sleeping, what do you want me to do with the other?"
Caroline asked Kamira through the phone, Kamira told her the orders and she then closed the door
"Don't worry Luck, one day you will be able to meet the one you took away, and this day is today!"
Caroline then created a black fire with the element of destruction and burned Luck
Luck woke up with his eyes wide awake, his whole body was covered with sweat, it was night, Caroline was sleeping beside him
Luck screamed as he launched himself out of the bed, Caroline woke up too
"Why are you screaming?" Caroline asked, she was half awake
"W-W-What are you doing in my bed with me?" Luck asked while panicing
"I was sleeping, of course, there was no way that I would have slept on the couch" She told him
"Then you could have woken me up! Don't just sleep with others like that, I'm a boy you know..."
Luck told her embarrassed, Caroline laughed it off
"Come on! don't act like a child I didn't do anything to you... or perhaps you are mad because you wanted me to?" Caroline asked
Luck yelled, he then ran out of the room from embarrassment, Caroline then opened her phone to check the time
'Perfect timing' Caroline thought
She then quickly got dressed up and went to the living room, Luck was there sitting on the couch
"Dress up already, it's almost our meeting time!"
Caroline told Luck, Luck then checked the time
"Oh shit, you are right!"
Luck then ran back to his room and quickly got dressed up
"Let's go"
The 2 of them then walked up to the school, once they arrived they saw a man standing at the entrance of the school, it seemed like Floga and his friends had broken into the school
"Go to the roof, he is waiting"
The man told them, the 2 of them then entered the school, a lot of people were inside the school, they were doing random things, Luck and Caroline then reached to the roof, Floga was waiting for them, Caroline then closed the door to the roof
"I didn't think that you would actually come here, but I guess I underestimated you" Floga told them
"What do you want Floga?" Luck asked
Caroline suddenly walked in front of Luck
"Just stay back Luck, let me handle this!" Caroline told him
"When you first showed up I immediately realized that you were special, but now I'm sure of it, that's why I called you 2 here, and since you are special I can go all out on you without having to worry about anything"
Floga said, he then created a mana zone, Luck was confused, he didn't expect Floga to be a mana user
"Brace yourselves!" Floga said with a devilish smile
He then launched himself at Caroline by emitting fire from his legs, Floga then kicked Caroline but she blocked it, Floga then blasted fire at her, Floga's fire was unbelievable strong, Luck was beyond impressed by Floga's power
"Did you like that?" Floga asked Caroline
"Was that your best?" Caroline asked, she seemed un-touched
"How did you... Ugh!"
Floga then launched himself once again but this time he started punching and kicking Caroline but it was in vain, Caroline blocked every single attack, Floga then backed down
"You are pretty tough but can you defend against that?"
Floga asked her, he then created a large beam of fire and directed it at Caroline, Caroline simply used air to redirect the fire to the air, the fire lighted up the whole area
Floga yell with frustration, Caroline then smiled
"Magic" She told him ironically
Floga was pissed, he was about to attack again but to his surprise chains were holding him down
"Isn't this celestial? You are using 2 different categories, how?"
Floga asked surprised, Caroline then changed the night to a bright day, Floga fell to his knees, he couldn't believe his eyes
"Don't tell me you are THE Caroline.."
"Caroline Leviathan the devil child or the traitor of the underworld or even the Sin of Pride, there are a lot of names about me but you can call me Caro"
Caroline said, Luck shivered when he heard that
"Now what do you say, do you want to end all this nonsense?"
Caroline told him with a scary smile