[knock knock]
Astra heard a knocking at the door."Coming" she said as she slowly and reluctantly got out of bed. When she opened the door she saw Faye waiting for her.
"hey faye" she yawned
"hi" faye looked at astra " wow..uh... you ok?" "you look like a mess".
"I noticed-" astra commented
"So anyways to help you with your troubles I'm gonna teach you how to use magic" she gave astra a thumbs up.
"magic?" astra asked
"yup magic! your clearly not from here so I'll teach you how to use it"
"uh- ok" astra thought the whole idea was crazy but she gave it a try anyways.
"great come with me" faye left the room and astra follows
[location: fields]
"ok so first things first elements" Faye explained
"there are different types of magic the main one being elemental which is basically fire water wind etc everyone can only use 2 elements the rest are locked off"
astra nods
"ok so" Faye continued " another type of magic
Is material magic only a chosen few can do this so we don't count it... and by few we mean 1 in every million,these people can bend items to their will and basically use magic that's not bound to an element."
"ok" astra nods
"and the last type is sub magic elite mages use this form of magic by mixing their two elements. It's really tricky and if you're not careful you can seriously hurt yourself. " Faye sighed "and that's all of them."
"Wait, is this magic thing biological, do I even have a chance at doing magic at all" astra asked concerned.
"It's not biological... it's like... a talent everyone can do it but not everyone is good at it" faye explained.
"oh I get it now"
"now stretch your hands out" Faye commanded
Astra stretched her hands out like Faye told her to.
"now take a deep breath and let it all out"
She took a deep breath and let it all out,but nothing happened.
astra started to tear up from disappointment
"ok ok dont cry, um.. here" Faye puts her hand on Astra's head and it begins to glow. "try now"
She tried again and her hand and small amounts of water came out of her right hand and lighting from her left.
"well... it's a start" faye tried to cheer up astra
"maybe we should leave it at that for today"
"ok-" astra walks back to the village
"how am I gonna help that kid-" faye wondered
[location: Astra's room]
Astra throws herself in bed "don't get discouraged....don't get... discouraged" she started to cry.
[next day]
Astra's working her daily jobs and practicing a bit of magic a lot with them everyday for a while
but mainly focused on her water side.
and did a lot of research on magic in her free time.
little by little her magic got stronger until.
[a month later]
"ok follow me" astra followed the same old guy from before to clean his roof.
she followed him to the roof and stood in awe as this roof just keeps getting dirtier and dirtier
"You know the drill, right? call me when you're done and I'll give you your money" he walks back down stairs.
"ok.. breath" astra stretched out her right hand and took a deep breath 'then released'. a bunch of water came out of her enough to flood a small town. it washed away all of the dirt and poop left behind by the birds and luckily it all disappeared before flooding the city.
"...." astra was flabbergasted " it worked!! it actually worked" she squealed in excitement.
"What's all the ruckus up here?" the old man ran up to the roof to see it was spotless. "my God that's fast" he was speechless
Astra smiles to herself.
'can't wait to show faye what I can do now' she thought to herself. 'she'll be so surprised'
[the next day]
[knock knock]
"astra?" Faye knocked on the door. "you there?"
"hey astra-" Faye opened the door to see astra nowhere in the room."did it really hit her that hard".
faye looked all over the room and all over town for astra even checked with some of her regular jobs and customers, but no luck "where did she go-"
Eventually Faye gave up and headed to the fields where they last practiced.
When she got there she saw astra using water magic in a way no one has before summoning rain and even to go so far as to make it a thunderstorm with her lightning magic which she hasn't trained yet.
Astra stopped what she was doing and looked in Faye's direction "oh hey what took you so long." Astra smiled.
faye smiled back at astra
"your one crazy kid..."