"It's me Shadow, or should I say, I'm the God that will ruin your life, enjoy dying repeatedly without knowing anything but the pain."
My demon's eye is working, the light in it isn't enough to being suppressed by darkness, I'm slowly dying and try to go for the door and knock at it since my mouth is full for some reason I can sense it.
I can't breathe, I can't die yet or this will repeat... To make it out alive, there is only me I can count in ! And Plutaria shows up in an illusion of her human form reminding me that a dream isn't eternal, that I can become a god as long as I get back up everytime.
I die repeatedly, over and over again I resist the urge to give up... I transform into kitsune after 99 tries of freeing me from the illusion and Shadow is laughing happily, enjoying torturing the shit out of me until he can't have fun anymore since it makes me angry because I feel the pain more than ever, thankfully I'm a pretty young kitsune.
"You're quite persistent, good to know that old ways stay the same. Ellen, choose a side. Either Plutaria Nekretia or Olivia or Shadow or the Demon Lord
- I choose Olivia, Plutaria and my Master.
- Your master doesn't show off enough, he sees what your eyes see. Transform into a Kitsune and you can go out of any kind of illusions, even God's will can be transcended.
- You mean the God that hates my kind ?
- Yes, any god but not The Ruler, The Ruler is above all other gods. He can bring miracles and disasters on a whim, to transcend reality you must become a god first. By the way there is a prophecy about a purple kitsune that will be able to control time.
- Me ? Will this really happen ? How do I make the process fast ?
- Yes, you are the kitsune from the forgotten legend. If you do everything I say you'll get that power in 11 years, which is quite short unless you want to sacrifice some of your lifespan to go directly at it.
- I'll choose the natural way, by making love and killing people, I don't mind going against the rules if it's possible.
- Good, good girl you are very smart. I was about to find your weakness since it's not Olivia. If you do as I say or as your Master says, you'll get to the end of the story very quickly.
- What do you mean ?
- Don't you want to get the power of controlling time ? If you do, think again.
- Who should I kill ? Am I allowed to rape ?
- Yes Sanaë. Kill anyone, rape anyone, steal anyone, buy slaves when you'll be 16 in 2 months.
- How did you know ?
- I am a god, the Shadow God, he claims serious.
- Do you know the God of Death real identity ?
- Yes It's... well I forgot, It's been 6 years."
Zioup zioup It's the sound that I keep hearing whenever I walk on the floor, being locked in this dark room is annoying so I light up the place where there is a torch that I put on fire by saying "Burn".
The Oni girl with one horn finds me, I don't know how she managed to do that. I'm surprised and keep looking at her.
"How did you enter !? I ask in shock.
- Plutaria Nekretia sent me towards you.
- And why are you here ?
- It's a battle between you the kitsune and me the oni.
- Why you want to fight ?
- You tied us up, me and my boyfriend.
- Cool story. But I need to go to Plutaria's side.
- The Princess of Darkness wants that we fight using magic as much as possible.
- Black fire !
- I-I-I Earth Quake..." she muttered.
I'm trembling, I have to move fast otherwise I will fall on a never ending fall. Thankfully I create fire to get the light on the room.