" Edger... Edger... wake up!" Just as I closed my eyes to get some sleep, my Beta and best friend Jordan, runs into my room without asking permission first.
" I think it was made clear to everyone, DO NOT disturb me on full moons! Leave before I bite you head off!" I yelled at him without even bothering to open my eyes.
" I know I should have kept my distance from you if it was not an emergency." That caught my attention, what kind of emergency appeared at such a time that my Beta cannot take care of it and had to come to my room. I know Jordan way too well even though he is just 20 years old, he has a lot of potential to become a strong Beta. His younger brother Ray, who is now 19 years old, is not that strong yet as a Gamma. I know he will turn out to be as good as his brother he just needs more time and training.
" There is a rogue inside of our borders. The border guard said that they tried to catch it, but it was too fast, and after chasing it for a while it vanished somewhere inside of our territory."
"IT?" That is the first thing that caught my attention.
" We do not know yet if it is male or female. It was running too fast to see what gender it was."
"Could they not track its scent?"
"That is where the trouble is, it does not have a wolf smell."
"What? How is that possible? No one in this world are without a scent. Maybe I have to appoint better guards. Where was it last seen?"
"It was headed to the North."
"Let's go and find it them."
This would be the first time something like this has happened in my pack. There are not many rogues out there, and the ones who do not want to stay under an alpha's orders never bother to enter a pack broader without permission. They know to keep their distance in the sake of their own lives. Then where is this rogue coming from and where did it go? I quickly put on a light shirt before going out. Anger is running through my veins like fire. How dare this rogue to invade my territory? If it is here for some purpose, why did it not approach the guards peacefully and ask for their help? Why did it have to ruin my already bad mood? I think when I find him it shall be his final day on this earth.
Taking long strides towards the way that Jordan pointed me, I kept my senses alert. Smelling to find it is the only option we have at the moment, if it succeeded at hiding from the guard's sharp eyes. I ask Jordan to bring some warriors along with us just in case there are more hiding with the intent of an attack. It was not long before I smell a sweet fruity smell surround us. It was so amazing that my feet stopped moving and my eyes closed to enjoy it. My wolf started howling inside and it was getting impatient. He knew where the smell was coming from.
" What happened? Why are we stopping?" Jordan asked me when he noticed I was falling behind the crowd.
"Don't you smell that? It's so amazing. Where is it coming from?"
"What are you talking about? What smell?"
" That fruity smell, can't any of you smell it?" As I said that everyone started looking at each other. For a moment, I feel like an idiot like I am only imagining things when everyone is in their normal senses.
"Fine, I know where it is coming from let's go and check." I did not mind waiting for anyone and just kept walking towards the way the smell was coming from. I will prove to everyone that there is a strange smell lurking around. Walking into the deeper part of the forest, where the light is still very dim, I start searching for the source of the smell. I know it is nearby because with each step it is getting more intense. I know it is nearby.
"Wait, there is a stranger smell here. I get it now, it's not that intense but I am smelling it too." I smiled to myself when Jordan as smelled it and told everyone, proving me right. Now all we have to do is find the source of it.
"Umm...What is that? Is that a person?" Suddenly one of my warriors found something in the forest and pointed at it. Following his finger, we found a person fallen flat on the ground. Is this the rogue who entered my territory? There is only one way to know.
Everyone took careful steps towards the person; in case it was to attack us by surprise. On the other hand, I was getting goosebumps all over my entire body with every step I took. There is seriously something wrong with me. My usually serious wolf is now jumping around in my head like an excited pup. I do not know that I have ever witnessed him acted like this. Who is this person? Why is their scent affecting me like this?
"It's a girl!" Just as one if my warriors confirmed the gender of the person, I understood everything clearly. Why I am the one getting so affected by her scent. Why my body has goosebumps, why my wolf is jumping in joy and the reason I have become an idiot all of a sudden.
"A girl? Is she okay?" Hearing this single piece of information, everyone drops their guard and rush to check on her. Jordan was even one step farther and went to pick her up to check, but just as he was about to touch the girl my wolf became furious and roared like a lion.
"Step away from my mate, do not touch her! She is mine, MINE!" The deep voice of my wolf echoed in the silent forest, making everyone startled and got scared. None of them could dare to challenge me at this moment. So, to as their own a*ses , they moved away from her immediately. The also split the way in two to make way for me to reach her and bow their head at me in respect. Now the way to my mate is clear.
I wished for this day to come for so long, I have waited for my mate for so long. Now that she is right in front of me, I could not get the courage to go to her. What if she doesn't like me? What if she rejects me? No... she is my mate; I will do anything for her even if I have to beg for her to love me in front of everyone. With this thought I take a slow step towards her, but as I was getting closer to her my body is turning cold in horror. She is lying flat on the ground like she is dead. Her entire body is covered in dirt, her clothes are torn up with blood marks on them. Is she okay?
As I finally reach for her, I find the reason that the guards did not see her. She is so thin that her body is almost the same level as the ground, making her seem like a root coming out of the tree. Her hair is sticky with mud, making it hard to identify her gender. Her simple dress, of what color I have no idea, is completely dark with mud and blood. Her hands and legs are scratched and bruised. Seeing her in such in this way, I fall down to my knees. Did I waste too much time to find her? Is she gone? Am I reason she is in this condition?
With a shaky hand, I go to remove the strands of hairs off of her face to check if she is still alive. There is no movement to think that there is still a chance. Just as I move her hair out of her face a soft blow of breath touched my hand letting me know she is still alive. My heart jumps up with joy to find my mate alive. I have a chance to get to know my mate now.
"Hello, can you hear me?" Putting my hand on her muddy cheek, I am trying to wake her up. I didn't expect the next step from her.
Just as my hand touched her face, her closed eyes snapped open. She instantly sat up from the ground like nothing had happened to her. Looking around herself for a second, she suddenly started to cry and scream. Not only that, but she started crawling further away from me, followed by an even louder scream. The way she instantly grabbed her leg I understood that there is something wrong with it.
"Hey... It is okay we are not going to hurt you."
I spoke to her as calmly as possible, but she still got scared of my voice and resumed crawling away with her hurt leg. My own heart started to ach to see her in such a condition. I cannot see her face very clearly, but her tears are enough to make my own eyes start to water up. She must have been running from something very dangerous. She crawled as far a possible until her back was up against a tree. She is shaking furiously and crying bitterly, like we are going to kill her.
"Do not be scared, we will not hurt you. I am your mate; I will never do anything bad to you." I think informing her about me being her mate has made her clam because she has stopped crying or making and sound after I told her.
"Yes, I am your mate. Don't you feel that? Trust me I will save you." With this I tried to put my hand on her cheek once more, but before I can another loud scream comes from her making me stop. I look at her in shock. This is not good. Why is she behaving like this? What is wrong with her? Before I can think of anything I see her body slowly going limp again. Maybe she is passing out again.
"Edger, I think we better take her to the hospital. Her condition does not look good." I was still frozen in shock and could not understand why she would react that way after hearing that I am her mate. Does that mean she does not want me?
No, it is not time to think such things I can get my answers later. Right now, my mate needs some serious medical attention. So, I pick her up from the ground and carry her toward the house pack doctor. It is a wonder she is still alive because she weighs no more then what a pillow does. Her body is petite, it feels like I am carrying a baby in my arms. She is small compared to my size. Is she truly my Luna?