The next morning, she decided to go to her workplace for the first time in a few days. She got up and headed for the door, but when she tried opening it, the door was locked. She pulled and turned the handle hard, but the door didn't lurch. She called on her mother, but she got no answer. It was then it dawned on her that she had been locked indoors, so that she wouldn't be going out to see Brad anymore.

Kylie banged hard on the door, crying for Theresa to let her out, but Theresa was cold on it. When she got tired crying she sat before the door with her hair scattered and her eyes red and heavy.

Theresa kept her in there, giving Kylie food through the window, which she kept aside when Theresa was watching, but ate when she had left.

One night, when Kylie sensed it was time for her mother to bring food to her, she stood before the window with a knife pressed against her wrist, attempting to cut her wrist and allow herself bleed to death.

Theresa saw this and gasped in fear, then she began to beg Kylie not to to it. Kylie still kept the knife pressed to her wrist, attempting to do it. She begged and begged until Kylie gave the condition that she'd let her out and tell her the reason why she stopped her from seeing Brad. She told Kylie to gently drop the knife on the table and she'd tell her everything. Kylie did as she had said and Theresa went back into the house to open the door, and Kylie was set free. She came out while Theresa begged for her forgiveness until they both reached the living room.

"Now mother, tell me everything I need to know," Klyie demanded.

"Okay, I will," Theresa said. "I once told you of a lover I lost to the cold hands of a river tornado right?"

"Yes," Kylie said.

"That's Brad's father. He's Eric," Theresa said.

"Wait a minute. You're trying to tell me that Brad's father is my father?" Kylie said.

"And Brad is your half-brother," Theresa said.

Kylie gasped, her lips trembling. "Why didn't you say this since?"

"I just chose to keep things on the surface," Theresa said.

"Was it the tornado that --" Kylie shut her mouth. She had wanted to reveal to her mother that Eric was a werewolf, as well as his wife and Brad, but she chose not to, cause that might even worsen issues. She just sighed in frustration and left the living room.

Kylie spent the whole of the next day in her room, without wanting to see even her mother. It had been over four days she hadn't visited Brad, and she felt he must be feeling her absence. She put on the hologram on the watch and watched more passionately, how the wolves danced around in unison. She wanted to let out a smile, but a tear covered it. She dug her face in the bed and began to cry. While she cried, her phone rang and it was Brad calling.

"Hello?" She picked.

"Kylie please come, I need to show you something," he said to her.

"I'd love to come, but my mother wouldn't allow. Guess you don't know why I haven't visited since."


"Never mind," she said.

"Now you're getting me confused, Kylie."

"I just don't think I'd be able to come. I don't want more problems."

"You're serious?"

"Yes I am. Whatever you want to show me can wait for... maybe some other time."

"Oh, sad."

"Uhm...bye." she hung up.

When she was dropping the phone Theresa opened the door and sat close to her.

"I know you're really hurt knowing all these, but guess what. You're now free to visit Brad however you like. Letting you know he's related to you was the best thing to do, and now I know you're not visiting him with any intimate intentions," she said.

Kylie sat up and wiped her tears. "Are you serious?"

"Of course I am. You can go and see him today. He called right?"

"Yes...yes," she said, getting down from bed. "I think he wanted me to come see something."

"Now you can go," Theresa said.

"Thanks alot." She hugged her mother and went off to the bathroom.

Kylie later went that day to Brad's place to see what he wanted to show her. When Brad opened the door she was startled at the sight of his father. Eric was a very good-looking man, and she saw Brad's face in his. She walked nervously to the seat.

"You had always wanted to see my parents at home. Now here's my father. My mom would join us shortly," Brad said.

Eric peered at her. "How is your mother doing?"

"She's quite alright now. Sorry for what happened during the inauguration ceremony," Kylie said.

"Oh, it's nothing. Maybe she got some...just forget it," he chuckled.

Shortly, Brad's mother, Maria came out of one of the doors to meet her. It seemed she was about going somewhere due to how well-dressed she was.

"Here is Kylie, the girl you didn't get to see during the ceremony," Eric said to his wife.

Maria looked at Kylie and gave a smile. "I heard of what happened that night, and I hope she's fine now," Maria said.

"I guess Brad has told you a bit about us," Eric said. "You know he has a long mouth."

"Yes, to an extent," Kylie said.

"How much do you know?" Maria asked.


"Yeah, your likes, inventions, EEG machine," Brad cut in. It seemed he didn't want her to make mention of the werewolf part.

"Oh, that's true," Kylie said with a smile.

"Well, we're actually going for a friend's birthday party," Eric said. "Wana come?"

Kylie looked at Brad and saw him smiling. "Erm, yes. I'd love to."

"You don't need to be scared of anything," Maria said. "We just want you to get along pretty well with the family."

On their way going, Kylie was happy she made the decision of joining them to the birthday party. She enjoyed the ride in the family car. She loved the sinusoidal movements of hills and meadows while they drove to the venue.