Just as planned, after his mom and dad were out of the house, Brad took Kylie in his dad's car to Greg's house.

Kylie loved the journey to Greg's house because of the terrains she normally viewed while she's on the move.

They arrived the place in midday, and it was unlike what Kylie saw during the party. She was surprised over how well a jolly air could change one's perception of an environment. The house, as usual, was large, but the grassy area was a bit larger than what she saw during the party.

Brad took her into the house, and they met two brothers playing a computer game. One was black haired and the other had a flowing blonde hair. They didn't look up to see who came in because they were so submerged in the game, bragging to each other and making funny sounds.

"Is this how they normally act?" Kylie asked.

Brad shurgged and smiled.

"What's going on here, Star and Tim?" Brad said, joining them to seat and gesturing to the adjacent sit for Kylie to sit.

They still had their eyes on TV, smiling and moving side to side.

"I'm pretty sure a thief could come in here and abscond with the refrigerator and you wouldn't notice," Brad said.

They still didn't give a hoot.

Brad stood up and went to stand in front of the television.

"Come on! And I'm just about eating him up," Tim, the black haired one said.

"No, I'm the one about eating you up," the blonde one said.

"Good a thing I blocked the tv. You guys got some ill manners. I didn't just come here alone, I came with someone new and you guys didn't even pause to say hi?" Brad said.

They both turned to Kylie. "Hi," they both said.

"I'm sorry you guys would have to suspend the game for a moment," Brad said.

"Just a little killing man," Tim said, tilting his head to see the cars that had already collided against obstacles.

"A killing that would culminate to a hundred," Brad said.

They both dropped the pads in frustration and fell back to the settee.

"Okay now what?" Tim said, he seemed to be more outspoken than Star.

Brad gestured to Kylie and nodded.

"She was the one we saw at the party right?" Star said, staring at her. His deep stare made her feel uneasy.

Tim left his seat and went to her. "You saw what happened last night, didn't you?"

Kylie's mouth was kept hanging.

"Courtesy Tim, an introduction first," Brad said.

"Well I'm Tim and over there is my brother, Star -- the untwinly twins," he smirked.

Star waved at Kylie from where he sat, and Kylie waved back.

"And whom do we have here?" They heard a voice coming from the back.

It was Jane, Greg's adopted human daughter. She was about Kylie's age, a bit taller, and had an unusually long brown hair. She was holding a plate of popcorns.

"Brad's girlfriend from last night's party," Tim said.

"He never told us that though," Star said, his voice deep and calm.

Jane dropped the plate on the table and went to seat close to Kylie. "Good you're here. I've found a human just like me. I spend my time listening to the werewolf prattles of these two." She pointed at Start and Tim. "Together we could tell them that humans are as strong." She chuckled.

Kylie laughed. "I don't feel insecure being human though."

"And maybe I could burst your bubble by saying that Kylie came here to learn the ways of the werewolves."

"You know, Jane has an inbuilt inferiority complex towards us. You just need to free your mind and have fun with us," Tim said.

"What she only participates in is the realm jump game. I wish she could participate in others," Star said.

"What do you mean by realm jump game?" Kylie asked.

"A game which involves throwing a ball into a random realm and having both of them open realms of their choice to go look for it," Jane said.

"It's something I'd love to take part in," Kylie said. "When do we start?"

"Of course you would," Brad said, "but at first you need to learn the ways of the werewolves. It would give you a guide."

"And that's not a problem at all," Kylie said. "When do we begin?"

"At first we need to make your indoor stay worth the while. You play cards?" Jane asked her.

"The only thing humans are do good at," Tim said.

"Not really," Kylie said.

"Of course she can play, but I think it'd bore her. Nothing as interesting as what she'd see when she's around us. We have a lot of games," Tim said and got up. "Speed climbing, wolf range, sight traveling, and lots more. Come on." He fell back to the chair.

"And you forgot to mention sense and seek," Star said.

"They're just too many. Fun with us is alot," Tim said.

"You don't have to feel down Jane, I think a game with us is more fun," Brad said to her.

"It's okay, I'd just stay in my room and play myself to sleep," she said.

"Such pitiable whine doesn't work on us anymore Jane," Tim said.

"So, would you like to go out with us now?" Star asked Kylie.

She nodded briskly.

"So let's go!" Tim bounced up.

Where they played most of their games was at the back of the building. There looked much more spacious than the one in front. There was a large basketball court surrounded by tall coconut trees and mowed grasses.

Kylie loved the scented air she perceived while she walked around the court, towards the entry. She grazed her hand along the trees while she walked, and she saw claw markings on them. She thought to herself that maybe they used the trees for their speed climbing exercises.

They got into the basketball court, and Kylie was left wondering what they were going to do there.

While Tim and Brad deliberated on the game they should start with, Star sighted Jane coming from beside the building.