Chapter 12 - LOST IN THE GAME

"Oh, here she is," Star said, gesturing to her.

"Someone wouldn't be playing herself to sleep anymore," Tim smirked.

"Don't think I came because I'm interested in your bogus games, I just came to make sure our new friend here is safe and protected from your roughness," Jane said, entering into the court.

"Well, Brad is here to take care of that, you can go back in now," Tim said.

"I don't think Brad is any different, and no, I wouldn't go back in." She folded her arms.

"I think she should stay with us. I'd be loving a cheer from a fellow human, cause I don't think the game would go easy on me," Kylie said.

"Well, I don't think you'd join for now. All you'd do is cheer me up while we play the game, and maybe Jane cheers Star up," Brad paused to chuckle. "Cause definitely she wouldn't be on Tim's side."

"Well I don't need no cheers to beat you both. I do well in both indoor and outdoor games," Tim said.

"I don't think so, I trust Brad so well, he'd dust you both," Kylie said.

"Then let's see. What game should we go first with?" Tim asked.

"I think Kylie here should suggest," Star said.

"The speed climbing sounds fun," Kylie said.

"Speed climbing it is, but please you have to stay at the far end of the court. We'd be using the rest of the area, as well as the perimeter for the game," Star said, taking her hand and walking her to one end of the court. "Pray I win." He winked and left.

The wink sent a chill down her spine, and she was thrown into a brief dilemma over whom she should support, but of course she should support Brad.

Jane walked to where Kylie was and stood there. "I saw how you smiled at Star, do you like him?" She spoke in a hushed tone, even while Star and the other players were far from them.

Kylie was shocked by the question. "You saw what?"

"You seem to like Star. As you can see, he's very cool and handsome, why don't you go for him and allow me occupy your place in Brad's heart?"

"Jane, you're weirdly outspoken, where did you get such balls from?" Kylie said.

"Shhh, they can hear you. Lycans are more audient than us." She looked at Star and saw how still he stood, and she suspected he was hearing something from them. "Well, to answer your question, I'm just a go-getter. I like Brad and I don't think he notices it."

"Well Brad is my boyfriend and I don't think I'm giving him away, nice try," Kylie said.

"Alright. The game is about to begin, you cheer Brad and I cheer Star." She walked back to where she previously stood.

They stood and watched them how they joined their heads together with their eyes shut.

Jane looked and Kylie and winked at her.

They separated from each other and Brad began to speak.

"Alright, the goal is to get to the top of that pine tree over there." He pointed to a very tall pine tree that stood far from the court. "Master Greg placed a ball somewhere amongst the topmost branches last night, so we go there to find it."

Kylie looked up at the height of the tree and wondered if it would be safe for them. She heaved a sigh and waited for the kick off.

"Now go!" Brad said and zoomed out of the court with an incredible speed.

Tim rapidly jumped from corner to corner within the walls of the court then he prodded himself high above the court and landed ahead of Brad. Star, on the other hand, was very good at jumps. He sprang out of the court the moment he heard 'go'.

"That's it boy, you're good," Jane clapped her hand, whistling at Star who was closer to the tree than the others.

Kylie saw that Brad was the last and she began to call his name. "You can do it Brad, show them whom you are!" It was as though her words have him more strength, he shot towards where Star was and shoved him off the way. Star somersaulted away from the tree, but sprang up again as though nothing happened.

Tim was already climbing the tree, but Brad rushed up the tree from another angle, reaching deep into the branches. It was now him and Tim that were on the tree. Star saw that he was out of the game, and he just stood there and watched them disappear into the branches.

"I got it!"

"No I got it!"

Was all they heard repeatedly from within the high branches of the tree until there was a sudden silence up there. The tree branches stopped shaking violently, and it sent a negative signal.

"What happened? Why the silence?" Kylie said to Star. Star still looked up the tree, unable to figure out what had happened.

Kylie and Jane got out of the court to go check what had happened.

"I think I should go check on them," Star said and raced up. He reached a point in the tree where he made no more noise, and it seemed he was lost too.

Kylie and Jane looked at each other's fearful faces.

"Where have they all gone?" Kylie asked Jane.

"How would I know?" Jane said.

"Have this happened before?" Kylie asked.

"If it had I wouldn't be as bothered as you are," Jane said.

"Then what has happened, what's the problem up there?" Kylie began to cry.

"And we can't club up that tree. I think I have to call Master Greg. I sense something isn't right up there," Jane said.

"Please do. Call him, or you can as well call Brad's parents. I don't want him hurt," Kylie said, panicking.

"Let us go inside. I left my cell phone in my room," Jane said.

Kylie still had her eyes up the tree.

"Are you coming with me?" Jane said.

"Okay, okay," Kylie joined Jane to the house.