Vilen didn't want to be bothered with incompetent female mates, what he wanted was her. He looked back down at the human before him. She was cute and had so many surprising secrets. His main goal was to see if she would be compatible mating wise, so that they can continue to expand their tribe. And if she were, he would then take her for himself. His eyes trailed back to the scratches on her throat. He was against her being with Cyro because he wanted her, but now seeing her fresh injuries. It made him bristle with anger. He really wasn't a bad guy, he just wanted to help his tribe. He wouldn't harm a female either. If she were fertile and not compatible, he would ask her to donate her eggs, so he can try to figure a way to make her compatible. After all beasts came from humans.
Her blood was the key to their survival, and if the radiation has had any affect on her she would, most likely, be compatible. But she could only be compatible with one species. After all those who were compatible with multiple species either died or turned to groundlings due to not seeking medical help. When he saw her grey eyes staring back up at him, he smiled. She was very unique indeed, and to be able to discover all her secrets would be amazing itself. He looked her up and down pleased with what he saw. She was beautiful in that color, more so than the black. Her wild hair made her look all the more attractive. The way it showed, not just black, but reds and browns hidden in the curls. She was a treasure indeed. If she were a fox, she'd be the most sought-after female. The darker red the better.
"Excuse me!" Her voice was surprisingly harsh for one so small.
"Oh, did I hurt the bugs feelings?" Heili taunted. He half smiled as he pictured the lizard running from Mira.
"How would you know; you don't have any feelings." He couldn't help but fine her sass cute.
He noticed Cyro glaring at him. So, him and Cyro, and her and Heili. Too bad Mira wasn't on his side, he was sure she could pull her own weight.
"How dare you speak that way too me!" She was not a good actress. "You're a filthy human, you have no rights here!"
"Actually, she does." He stepped between her and Mira, can't have an all-out brawl. "She is female, and possibly compatible."
She stepped back apologizing to him. Her look of shock told him she never expected him to step in like this. He watched her quickly retreat, glaring one last time at Mira before disappearing in the crowd. He would have to speak to Alziemar about her. He turned back to Cyro and Mira, giving them his best smile. He tried to be friendly to all his subjects, so that they would be more inclined to listen and follow. It didn't seem to work on them though. Lizard beast where always cold and calculated creatures, but to see Mira that way too. He figured she would be more emotional, like the rodent tribes.
"If you will please follow me, I would like to speak privately."
He ignored their glares and began walking to his room. He did check to be sure they were following. He didn't mind things to go as he planned, he actually preferred it. The fact that he couldn't sway Mira like the others was intriguing. Cyro used to follow orders when they were younger, so him not listening to his chief now meant Mira influenced him. His life had gotten so boring he almost forgot the joys of chasing after a mate. Now he got that little taste of what it means to be young again. Not that he wasn't young now, but he's also not a pup anymore. He opened the door to his room, waiting for them to step inside first. From the tense atmosphere and glares, he was sure this was going to be an entertaining discussion. He closed the door behind him and locked it to be sure no one would interrupt them.
"Now," he began speaking but didn't look at them. Instead, he walked over to his desk and focused on his notes. "Last we spoke, Cyro, I said I would help you if you allowed me to check her fertility."
"EXCUSE ME!" He didn't jump, nor was he shocked when she screamed it. He just smiled to himself as this was the emotional reaction he was expecting. So, she isn't cold and calculated like them.
"I told you I would ask her about it." Cyro's cold voice also didn't affect him, just irritated him.
"And now I am making the deal with her instead." He slowly turned around too them as he placed on his glasses, papers in hand. "Mira, if you help me, I will help you."
He watched her as she paused to think. Her brows doing a cute furrow as she walked to the window. He wondered what she had to think about. Perhaps their mating wasn't as set in stone as Cyro here liked to believe. Or, maybe, she was taking him up on his offer. He really hoped she let him chase her a little longer before giving in though. It would just be all the more satisfying once he did win her over.
"With anything?" She turned around to face him, their eyes meeting. For the first time she looked him in the eyes for more than a second. He could see she had a completely different agenda than Cyro.
"Yes, with anything." He couldn't help but smile when he saw Cyro tense up. Even he didn't expect that reaction, well done Mira.
"I want to go home." He looked a Cyro, who just stared shocked at her.
He did notice she was avoiding his gaze though as she looked him dead in the eyes. Her body seemed to shake with the sudden atmosphere change. Cyro's look of shock turning to one of anger and pain. He didn't know what was about to occur, but he knew this was going to create a rift between the two. Dinner time was well over and the sun would begin to set soon. They couldn't stand here all night that was for sure. He couldn't help but to get the sense he was missing something too. Another secret perhaps? If he agreed there could be a chance that there would be other humans too. Giving him more chances to make her compatible; if she isn't already.
"What?" He never heard such a cold whisper before as Cyro spoke up.
"I want to go home." Her voice cracked just a bit, he could tell this was hurting her too.