I can't out run him, not with this size, i have to hide before he catches up with me. I reached the main street, i turn for the nearest street to me and hide in a gap between two houses, i put a stone wall to cover the gap, i covered my mouth to drown out the sound of my heavy breathing, i could hear his foot steps coming closer and closer until he stopped just outside the gap, he stood there for a minute before walking away his foot steps going with him, i inhaled again and sighed out of relieve.
I closed my eyes to concentrated for a minute, my body started to get bigger to help me carry Synn, four meters should do, after that i should be able to out run him if he doesn't grow in size, i made a hole in the wall to look at the outside, i think its safe for now, i undo the stone wall as i started to run again, but as soon i got out a fire ball came to my face, i tried to evade it but at the speed i was it was impossible, the fire ball hit as it scorched my scales, i closed my eyes to not burn them as a hit in the guts sent my flying to a wall.
"I don't believe you fell for this." He laughed.
I managed to get Synn out of my back in the last second before i hit the wall, i got to my feet and put him again in my back, i growled at the green dragon.
"So scary." He rolled his eyes "Give me the hatchling." He was starting to get irritated.
"As if!" I started to run again, he sent another flame ball but i blocked with a barrier, he is holding himself to not damage Synn, i might be able to use this, he didn't increased his size either, maybe he doesn't want to be seen. I kept running and blocking his fire balls for some time, i'm almost there, just a little longer.
"F*ck it!" He cursed me as he grew in size "You are not getting away!" He yelled almost reaching me.
I dodged one of his hands when he slammed then on me, i tried to turn around again to hide only to be blocked by a wall made of fire, he trapped me.
"You brat!" His yell made my ears rang "Give me him now! That is my last warning!".
"Never!" I grew my side too almost reaching his size, i put Synn in another gap with my tail as i got ready to fight.
"Then die!"
He coated his claws in fire and slashed them at me, i coated my arm in stone as well, the attack landed and the stone was destroyed and some of my scales were crumpled, we may have the same size but he is far more powerful as a adult. He went for the same attack but without his fire, i tried to dodge this time but he was faster than me, his claws teared my scales from my arm that i barely had managed to put to guard my chest as blood flowed down, i have to drag this fight next to the wall, if i'm lucky someone might see it.
He fired two fire balls to me this time way more powerful, i put up a stone wall covering my whole body, i made a tunnel using magic and leaped quickly covering the entrance, i could feel his footsteps on the earth so i knew exactly where he was, he rushed to where i've been, i started to dig my way to the wall, suddenly the opening to the tunnel opened and fire lit it up in a second, i dig up quickly trying to get out of my own tunnel, i got out only to be slammed back in by his tail, the fire caught me and scorched every single scale a have, i was shot out from the tunnel by the force, i landed head first in the ground but i didn't have to pick up my breath as his tail wrapped around my neck and lifting me up, he growled while growing in size again.
Menf's POV:
I've been fighting for quite a while, the easthern city has sent us a reinforcement but i don't think it was necessary, the southern city is the weakest city out of the kingdom and they knew it, so why come here if they knew they would lose? Not that they have much to lose since we can't kill each other, but that will only get themselves weak for a period of time.
Two adult dragons rushed to me, i dodged them and used my tail to slam them on the ground, the difference from an elder to an adult was like earth and heaven, they went numb after that slam. What are they thinking? Even if they don't know we found the drakes that wasn't going to do nothing against us, are they trying to get us kill one of them to get the kingdom punish us? It's unlikely. So what is it?.
Suddenly a fire wall appeared in the middle of the city and burned all the houses around it, what? There's a fight in the middle of the city? Sh*t Glyn!
I rushed to the city only to be stopped by several dragons. So that was their plan, i shoved the dragons to the ground trying to get past them, the fight was a distraction? They want Synn? But how do they know about him? I thought about it while i was knocking out the dragons in my way.
"THAT SON OF A B*TCH!!!" I roared as it hit me.
The easthern city was on their side! I growled at one of the easthern dragons, he flinched and looked confused, what? He don't know? And why are they fighting the southern city? I shook my head to get rid of the thought. I don't have time for this, i will figure that out later, i need to get to the city.
I roared again, more dragons going down and more coming. There's a light element in their side? The dragons i knock out are getting up way too fast, we need to find it.
"Menf!" Tay showed up looking more worried than i am "There's something happening in the city, but there's way too many dragons to get past them."
"They might have a light dragon in their side!" I yelled as i dodge another dragon "He's healing the ones that go down, find it and knock it out!"
He nodded and flew away, he have more chance at finding it than me, i slammed my tail at another dragon and another one take its place, i clicked my tongue, their power wasn't big, even Lon and Lyra aren't having problem with them, but the sheer amount is ridiculous, this shouldn't be possible, only two dragons are born in each city in each century, the amount of dragons in here are at least beyond the six digits.
I flew a little higher to catch my breath, they were slow, way too slow even for a young dragon. Wait, there's a light element in their side? Then.
I used my dark element to break the light mana in the air, suddenly all the dragons in here lost their wings and their arms extended, so that's why there's so many, they were drakes, the light element was using a ilusion.
"Shit, Tay!" If the light dragon is powerful enough to cast a spell in all the drakes then he must be a elder.