"This is Glyn?" I asked in disblief.
They only nodded, when they did the air became heavy that even breathing was hard, i looked at the source of the pressure, Menf was walking to glyn, each step made the pressure heavier, he touched him making a scale fall to the ground and turning to ashes leaving just flesh behind but even it was scorched. Menf just stood there looking at Glyn, every minute the pressure getting heavier and heavier, Lon and Lyra already hd dropped to the ground and i was almost falling too.
"Calm down Menf" Plut arrived "He's alive, just by a thin line but he is"
The pressure dropped when he said but not entirely gone, Menf looked at Plut with rage in his eyes.
"Who did this?" He said it low but just the tone of his voice made me shiver.
"We didn't found yet, but i think you already have a idea who might be."
"That green dragon right?" He frowned.
"Yes, he's the only one from outside that knew about Synn, the westhern city dragons are outside the city, what do you want to do with them?"
"lock them up until the we find the guilty, that will happen when Glyn wake up again." He didn't even thought about it a second time.
"Why don't we kill them already?!" Reng arrived giving a snort to Menf "Look at what they did to our city! They almost killed your son! And you want to just lock them up?!".
"Something isn't right.". Menf clicked his tongue in annoyance.
"What isn't right here is your head!" He went face to face with Menf "You want to give them a chance to escape after what they did? You sure are a cowa-" Before he could finish Menf grabbed his throat.
"You think i'm a coward? maybe i must remind you why i'm in charge of the city "he pierced his claw in his throat a little "we may live in cities now but that doesn't mean that the old rule disappeared. Dryg is more powerful than me but i'm just a step behind him, i'm in my edge so don't push me." He dropped him in the ground, he coughed and decided to not argue.
"Plut, gather all elders." He didn't bother to explain nothing and Plut didn't dared to complain.
Menf flew to the town hall as we stood there without saying anything, Plut broke the silence with a sigh before flying too with Reng following him. We stood there for hours lost in thought, i remembered that gray dragon's words, weak, i was really weak, if i was stronger that wouldn't happen.
I sighed and took off to home, it was in ashes but that was still my home, i landed in the ruins as the wood broke beneath my feet turning in to ashes, i walked to the middle of what used to be the living room. If i was stronger Glyn wouldn't be scorched. I picked a piece of the table. Our home wouldn't be burned.
Everybody arrived at home, i didn't look at them, the piece turning to ashes as the wind hit it. If i was stronger. The wind dragged the ashes with him. Synn wouldn't be missing, i turned to them.
"I need to get stronger." Determination in my eyes as well in the eyes of Lon and Lyra, looks like i'm not the only one.
"I knew you would say this." Father nodded "I know where you can do it, but before that we have to rescue Synn, he must be at the easthern city." he frowned "But Menf won't let us do it until he's certain that the easthern city is the guilty".
"So what do we do?" Lyra asked "Sit here and wait them do whatever they want with Synn?"
"We don't have a option, they won't kill him nor do anything harmful to him, we have to focus in the city for now."
Lyra didn't say anything more but she clearly didn't agree, i didn't agree either but we can't do anything.
We went to the main center for a warning from the elders, every dragon stood there waiting Menf to get started, after what he did to Reng nobody wanted to say anything.
"As you can see, our city was destroyed by an unknown fire dragon who attacked us while we defended from the southern city, houses were turned to ashes in just a few moments of distraction, one of our hatchilings was almost burned to death and the other who was a dual winged dragon was kidnapped.
We are unsure of where this unknown dragon belongs." He paused for effect "But that's a problem to be solved in another day, for now we are in critical state, we need to rebuild our city as fast as we can, for that we elders can't do that alone, so we ask anyone that can help please stay here so we can discuss it." He waited for five minutes for anyone that wanted to leave but nobody moved, he smiled at the sight.
"Good, then lets get started." He stepped forward as the elders steped away to his side, he pointed at Reng "Everyone will be divided in groups, the first group will be lead by Reng, he will be in charge of hunting food, everyone that has experience in this area must talk to him."
He pointed at Cenn "The second group will be lead by Cenn, she is in charge of collecting materials to the city, if you are strong physically talk to her."
He pointed at Dryg "The third group is lead by Dryg, he is in charge of guarding the city, if you are up to talk to him".
He pointed at Plut "The fourth group is in change of the city construction, Plut is in charge of this group. Again talk to him if you want to enter his group."
He steped forward "Finally my group, we will be in change of collecting information about other cities, if you think you are capable talk to me. Understood?!"
"Understood!" Everybody yelled in union.
"Then you are dismissed.".