Chereads / Rare among the Rare / Chapter 5 - City

Chapter 5 - City

"Podoz(Hold on)", this time i didn't understand but as soon as he spoke he spread his wings and jumped so hard it left huge cracks in the ground, i was holding on to one of his horns but we were going up very fast and the wind pressure was so strong that made me fall, when I let go of the horn immediately the wind stopped and I hit my back on a kind of green glass that threw me back to the top of the head of what I assumed was my father, this glass formed a dome that protected me from the winds, I touched the glass and realized that it was very elastic while my claw I sank into it, but no matter how hard I pushed it never broke.

As i was looking at the glass it disappeared and again i felt the wind on my scales but this time the wind was not strong, instead it was a gentle breeze that passed giving a comforting feeling, i looked back and saw a sky orange fading as the sun set on the horizon, i looked up and saw the sky splitting in two an orange part and a dark and starry part, it was almost night and two moons coming from the right and left, one was purple the size one fist while the other was blue and huge looking like a deep lake, I looked down and saw that we were above the clouds as my father beat his wings and cleared the field of vision, my brothers and what I assumed was my mother went up with my father and started talking again.


'Mom':"How was it?".

'Dad':"He lasted much longer than i expected, he sure is a strong little guy.".

Lon:"Hey dad,what about his magic? How we measure it?".

Tay:"This will be at the mana awakening ceremony 2 months from now.".

Lyra:"Do we have to do that with him? I feel very sorry for him already.".

Tay:"I will do it, and this will be for his own good.".

Lon:"Yeah i guess that is right...".

'Mom':"We arrived.".


I was paying close attention to the conversation memorizing every word and trying to understand them, they stopped talking and started to descend slowly, i looked at where we were landing, at first i thought it was an island covered by clouds as we closer and closer they dissipated revealing something I hadn't expected.

It was a city with hundreds of much larger dragons than me but still smaller than my parents and brothers, hundreds of rustic houses but big compared to those of my past life, all of them were surrounded by a kind of wall and iron bars forming a dome, in the middle of the city there was a house much bigger than the others and also much more elegant, I heard stories in which dragons lived in caves with mountains of gold but it seems that this was wrong, as we landed at what appeared to be the entrance another dragon the same size as my father stopped us.

Guard:"Halt! Identify yourself!".

'Dad':"Come on Krom, you know me, quit playing.".

Krom:"Ok ok ugh you are boring.".

Lyra:"Hey Old Krom how's your work today?".

Krom:"Hey little Lyra, you know boring as ever, sometimes i really wish an invasion would take place, but in the last four hundred years nothing happened, I'm dying in this boredom.".

'Mom':"Hey don't say that! We are in peace for four hundred years, don't ask for something like that just because you are bored!".

Krom:"Ok i'm sorry,just chill out a bit.".

'Dad':"So, can we pass already?".

Krom:"Ah sure.".

He opens the way and lets us through, I take a peek at him from behind my dad's horns praying to not be found but in vain.

Krom:"Hey, who's that little guy?" He says while pointing at me, i hide behind the horns again.

'Dad':"Ah, that's my youngest, he was born today.".

Krom:"What?! Another son?! AND IT'S A WHITE DRAGON?!?! How are you so luck???? I've been trying to have a son for the last thousand and yet you have four?! Are you robbing eggs???".

'Dad':"No?! What the heck?! What kind of psycho you think am i?!".

Krom:"Oh, sorry i didn't want to sound rude, it's just a little frustating, only two dragons can be born each century but you had four on the last millennium, ahhhh life is unfair i guess.".

'Dad':"Yeah i was just really really luck, your time will come don't worry Krom.".

Krom:"I hope..... well happiness for the newborn, pleasure to meet you little boy, i'm Krom.".

Lon:"you know he can't understand and much less talk, rig-".



I say intrigued by the first one to attempt a conversation with me as everyone falls into deathly silence and stares at me, instead of hiding again I get confused by the situation and stare back.

Lon:"........ did he just speak?".

Krom:"It wasn't some other dragon trying to play a prank, right?"

Lon:"Just to check" He pick me up and place me on his other palm.

Lon:"My name is L O N" He speaks slowly while pointing to himself.

"Lon!" I speak happily.