Chereads / Black Exodia / Chapter 1 - Exodia 1: Schrödinger's Cat

Black Exodia

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Chapter 1 - Exodia 1: Schrödinger's Cat

«Hello everyone! It's the author here. This is a new book I've decided to publish. I'll discontinue my other books for this one. The first chapter is around 6900 words long, but my future chapters will be only 1000 or so. Have fun and enjoy the first chapter! Also, I'm not an expert in quantum mechanics.»



Where am I?

I became conscious. Upon looking around, I found myself in a familiar room. Actually, space would be a more accurate way to describe it. It was a pitch-black room, darker than any shadow and it expanded, infinitely.

The last thing I remembered was falling asleep during class, but I can't exactly figure out why I'm here. The only times I'd see this room would be in my dreams, and it would cause a nightmare. Meaning... I'm currently having a nightmare. Or so I think.

As I rose from my chair, I sauntered around, looking around trying to find something. Even I didn't know what I was trying to find but I'd feel helpless if I didn't try looking. Splatters of red randomly hit the area–it was almost like a child randomly waving a paintbrush around.

Though the red could've been anything, I instantly thought of one thing.


This was, yet, another familiar sight. The room of darkness becomes randomly painted red. Since this is the same nightmare then... THAT should be happening any moment now...

Ah, here it is.

The room turned white but the splatters of red remained. Sobbing filled the space. The sound reverberated in my ears as I looked down.

A girl, who was crouched on her knees, was crying. Another familiar sight.

I only knew three things about this girl. One, her hair was silky and black. She wore a white dress. Two, though I can't remember this girl, she seems to have met me before. I can't directly interact with her but she seems to be crying and expecting me to help.

When these dreams first started to occur, I once began walking away. In the end, she called out to me ("Big Brother! Don't go, I need you!") and I'd return soon after. Since she calls me Big Brother, I thought maybe she was a little sister I didn't know about. But I've asked my dad and read records. There's no proof showing that I have a little sister. Or had one, to be precise.

The final thing is that she'd stop crying if I patted her. As soon as I'd pat the girl on the head, the dream would be over and I'd wake up. Since I don't want to wake up in class, I'll just stay here for a while.

[Big Brother...]

My heart leapt out of my chest. I took a few steps back and looked at the girl, shocked. Other than those words to tell me to come back, she's never spoken to me. I can't talk to her but she can talk to me, I guess.

Abruptly, the tears started flooding out of her eyes, though I couldn't see her face.

[You have to believe me... I didn't do it... I didn't kill ▢▢▢▢▢▢.]

Eh? The last word was filtered out.

This is a long shot but I might as well try now.

'Who are you?'

I asked.

[What are you playing at, Big Brother? It's me, ▢▢▢▢▢▢ Sasaki...]

We're finally talking. It's no good, though, her given name is filtered while her family name, my family name, isn't.


Huh? What was that?


Ya? Who's trying to call me?



My mind exited the space and back to reality. I jumped off my chair, landing on the floor, hitting my head first. The back side of my head felt like it was burning. I could hear a couple of snickers within the class but I didn't care about what they thought.

I stood up and sat back in my chair. Turning slightly to my right, I give the girl staring at me an unappreciative look. The girl, who woke me up abruptly, was my childhood friend. She's a natural beauty–or so the boys say–and I'm the only boy she hangs around with. Her hair is short and brown and her eyes were green. Her name is Maki Homura.

'What was that for?'

I asked, still giving her an unthankful look. Though I was, I'm glad she woke me up at that time. Since the lesson is over, we get to go home since that was the final period.

'You were sound asleep. It kind of ticked me off, so I gave you a scare to wake you.'

She said, flashing her solace smile in my face.

'That's not something an honour student should be say–ing!'

I shouted near the end of my sentence and flinched. Maki had slammed her hands onto my table. For some reason, her eyes were shining brighter than the sun.

'Say, Shoya, what do you think our next year of high school will be like?!'

Gah, this girl...

'Maki. Our first year of high school has barely begun and, yet, you're thinking about next school year? That'll be in April! A whole year from now!'

Maki reeled herself back and pouted slightly.

'There's no harm in thinking about it.'

She muttered, walking off to her desk to collect her stuff. Sometimes I wonder how a girl like this is an honour student. I always wake her up in the morning. If not for me, she wouldn't wake up on time. I have thought about purposely not waking her up but that'd just be cruel and it wouldn't really be of any use to me.

'Sasaki, that bastard.'

'He's shouting at Homura-san like he's some sort of abusive husband.'

'We should set that bastard straight.'

I heard whispers from behind me. I gave them an unnoticeable glance. Of course, it's those three: Daisuke, Ito and Kaisha. They're just perverts who admire girls from afar. I can't deny them on that part, but when they talk about setting me straight, all that they do is vandalize my desk or something similar. Each and every time, they've been found out and scolded. I'm not worried about them in the slightest.

The brown-haired girl walked up to me with a large smile on her face. Situationally, I shuddered.

'Shoya, how about we go shopping?'

Her face seemed to mean well, but her tone was another story. If I refused now, I don't know what would happen to me later.

'O-of course, let me pack up my stuff.'

I said, nervously. After I packed up my stuff and got my bag, we headed for the nearest supermarket.


'Hey, have you heard of Schrödinger's Cat?'

Maki asked, out of blue, while filling the basket–that I was holding–with groceries. I think I was only brought here as a convenient item and carrier.

'Yeah. Isn't it that one with the cat in the box?'

She nodded. We walked into the spices aisle and she started searching for spices for herself, though it'd either be me or her mother cooking.

'It's an experiment where the cat can be, practically, both dead and alive.'

'That's only if you don't open the box.'


What's she trying to play at?

The green-eyed girl took two spice packets from the shelf and put them into the basket. The weight of the basket started to inconveniently increase.

'So, let's say that we do the experiment and we have to determine whether the cat is dead or alive without opening the box. What condition would you say the cat is in?'

Other than the actual experiment, I know nothing else about the subject of Schrödinger's Cat. I have to go on pure instinct then.

'If I had to say, then I'd say the cat's alive.'

'Yes! I knew you'd say the cat would be alive.'

'How did you know?'

'Isn't it obvious? Because you're kind!'

Those words reverberated in my head. An unfamiliar, yet, familiar voice repeated those words continuously in my head. I looked at Maki intensely.

'Where'd you hear those words?'


'I'm not mad, but I just want to know where you heard those words!'

Dropping the basket, I grabbed ahold of Maki and shook her continuously. She prompted me to stop shaking her; I did so.

'If that's all you want to know, then, I guess that's fine. It was when I was little. A girl said that same words to me.'


'Do you remember how she looked?!'

I asked, rather desperately. I could tell that Maki had some questions to ask but she held them back and answered my question.

'Strangely enough, I don't remember her face but I remember that she had long black, silky hair and she wore a white dress.'

The landscape around me changed. Everything faded away into darkness and then turned my surroundings turned white. Blood then splattered everywhere. It was a lot more compared to last time.

Frantically turning my head, I finally found the girl. Unlike my dreams, she wasn't sitting down and crying but facing me, instead. Even if she was, I still couldn't see her face. It was blurred, for some reason.

[Brother, do you know of Schrödinger's Cat?]

When I was ready to answer, another spoke.

["No, what is it, ▢▢▢▢▢▢?"]

I turned around. A boy stood there. He was slightly shorter than the girl. I moved out of the way and observed the boy closely. Until I finally realized.

I know now... That boy... He has black hair and black eyes, just like me. He's me. He looks exactly like me from when I was younger. Nothing about the younger me was blurred. I could see his whole body.

The problem is that I don't know if this is a memory or an illusion. It's impossible to know without knowing who that girl is.

[We put a cat in the box and put toxins or something in it to try and kill the cat!]

The girl said happily. I looked over at my younger self. I seemed intrigued and confused.

["Kill?! Eh, but what's toxins?"]


The younger me walked over to the girl and patted her on the head with a smile on her face.

["You're a smart girl, ▢▢▢▢▢▢, even smarter than your big brother!"]

The girl started smiling and enjoyed the head patting that the younger me gave her. The boy then stopped patting. He twiddled his fingers slightly.

["Umm... Why do we have to kill the cat though, ▢▢▢▢▢▢?"]

[It's a hypothetical experiment. No cat is actually getting killed. Don't worry.]

I stared at myself as he placed his hand on his chest, sighing in relief. I guess that's a natural reaction for a young boy.

[Let's say that the experiment finished and you couldn't open the box. It would be both dead and alive. But, Big Brother, if you had to choose one, what would it be?]

Since I was young, I probably took some time thinking about it. I most likely never knew about the value of death and life back then. Even if I say yes, then it'd probably be–

["The cat's alive!"]

The younger me announced almost instantly after asked the question. This left me slightly shocked. The girl smiled and hugged the boy tightly.

[Yes! I knew you'd say the cat is alive!]

She shouted happily.

["How did you know? You can't read my mind, can you?!"]

The younger me panicked and wore a dumbstruck face. This caused me to laugh along with the girl. She wiped a tear from her eye.

[No, of course not! It's just that... Well, isn't it obvious? It's because you're kind!]

The girl's face lit up even further. It was almost like staring at the sun. That exchange had a teen vibe to it, despite it being children talking. Maybe it's the subject of the matter.

[Big Brother...]

Before I realized it, the space faded back into the shadows. The younger version of me and the girl had disappeared from the area. I looked around. The girl stood far from me. I could barely make out her figure.

[You have to hurry... The cat is closer than you think.]


'Oi, what does that me–'

[Tomorrow... You'll be living in a different world compared to the ordinary.]

Suddenly, the space began shaking. It felt similar to an earthquake, but it seemed to have an effect on my head. (Maybe because this was my consciousness.) I began falling out of the space albeit it was like floating through zero-gravity.

The girl appeared before my sight, still in the space. Her blurred face now had a mouth. It was smiling, eerily. I broke into a cold sweat.

[You're truly horrible, Shoya Sasaki. You've forgotten.]



A blunt object slammed itself down onto my forehead. A stinging pain rushed through my body. I dropped off and landed on the floor, holding my head in pain.

'Gah! What the fuck?!'

Seriously, what's up with me waking up terribly?! First in class, and now in... Ah, where am I?

Upon opening my eyes, an amicable sight entertains my eyes. It was my house. But, how did I get here? The last thing I can remember was... I was at the supermarket with Maki before she mentioned a girl similar to the one in my nightmares and I entered the space, though this time, it happened while I was awake.

'If you're awake now, then how about you get up?'

Looking up, I saw big boobs and a can of beer. There's only one person in this house who has that combination. Standing up, I sat on the sofa, which I had just fallen off, and the woman sat next to me, opening her can of beer.

'So, you going to tell me what happened at the supermarket, or will you keep me in the dark?'

She's Aihara Sasaki, my real, biological, older sister. She has the same black hair as me–her's is usually in a ponytail–but her eyes are silver. Apparently, my dad says that she gained that trait from our mother. She's 26 and unmarried, though she wears a beautiful earring, which she says she got from the man she loves. (Of course, that's a lie.)

My stepsisters and I call her Ai-nee.

Ai-nee took a sip out of her beer before setting her eyes on me. It wouldn't be weird to her if I told her about my dream. Well, that's because she already knows about it. I told Dad and he didn't believe me. I wouldn't dare to tell my stepsisters and stepmother.

My stepsisters would be like "Oh, we need to deal with it as fast as possible!" and worry a lot. That's why I won't tell the older one. the younger one would be like "You're going crazy now, you pedo." She hates me, so I won't tell her.

Ai-nee's the only one who believes me, for now.

'I had that nightmare again.'

She seemed to take pay attention to my words more intently now.

'Did you say anything different this time? Maki-chan said that you suddenly fainted after hearing about a girl with black hair and a white dress.'

'Yeah. This time, I saw a scene. I don't know if it's a memory or an illusion but I saw it. It was me with the girl. We were talking about Schrödinger's Cat. It was strange though...'

'What was?'

'Ah, nothing.'

I was thinking back on it, and it seemed like she was more mature than me despite the age between us.

'Did she say anything else?'

To her words, I instantly thought of the final words she said to me before the space collapsed. I opened my mouth but closed it the instant it opened.

'No, though, I wish she did.'

As I looked down, I could sense Ai-nee giving me a strong stare, but she eventually gave up and wrapped her arm around me. Pulling me in, she raised her can of beer and beamed.

'Well, when you have worries, you drink them away!'

'Did you forget that I'm 15?! I barely just started high school!'

'Who cares?! We'll drink to our hearts' content!'

The door behind us slammed. As I looked over my shoulder, a girl came through. She wore a white hoodie and was holding a plastic bag. From the way it was deformed, I could tell that it wasn't food she brought.

I noticed that her clothes were drenched.

She took off her hood and took her hair out of her hoodie. Her eyes then fell upon us.

'Oh, so you're back.'


'I was talking to Ai-nee, not you.'

'Yeah, I'm fine, Kei, don't worry about it.'

Ai-nee said.

That response felt like a bullet through my heart. The girl who responded like that is the same girl who would respond with "You're going crazy now, you pedo," if I told her my dream.

Kei Sasaki. The youngest of the two stepsisters. She's a year younger than me. Her hair is blonde while her eyes shine like diamonds. Her hair is silky and her skin is snow-white. The definition of beauty in any man's mind.

Though she's beautiful, she ruins it by being a hikikomori–a shut-in NEET. Oh, did I mention the fact that, at school, she's revered as an idol and gets perfect grades? Moreover, no one knows that we're siblings.

It's been like this for the five years we've been living together as a family. Sometimes, an older brother doesn't want to be hated.

I've kind of had enough for the day. I'll go up to my room.

I wait until Kei had gone up to her room. I made sure she closed the door before I went up. Finally, I escaped Ai-nee's grasp and went up the stairs toward my room. An unexpected figure appeared at the top of the flight of stairs.

'Ah, Shoya, I heard something happened to you, are you okay?'

'Yeah, I'm fine.'

Yuki Sasaki, my older stepsister. She'll turn twenty this year. She has the same physical feature as Kei, but what makes Yuki-nee more beautiful is her bubbly voice and behaviour. She also likes me, unlike Kei.

I walked up the stairs and went in the direction of my room.



I said, turning back toward Yuki-nee. She seemed slightly worried.

'Food will be ready in an hour, okay?'

'I'll be there.'

She gave me a bitter smile before walking off. I wonder if she's just worried sick or if something happened to her.

I left those thoughts outside of my room and entered my room. The first thing I did wasn't taking off my school uniform but, instead, jump onto my bed. I then got out my phone and checked my messages. And, of course, Maki texted me.

–Are you okay? I brought you back to your house and Aihara took you in.



She texted me. It's nearly been an hour since she sent the message. It must've been hard for her to carry me here. She must've gotten some help. Anyways, better say thanks.

–I'm fine. Thanks for that, Maki. I'll make it up to you by– bringing you some of Yuki's cooking. 5:58PM


Now that I think about it, I've been sleeping like a dog for a while. Not like I chose for it to happen. I mean, we got to the supermarket at around 4 PM and now it's 5:58 PM.

I spread myself out on my bed and stare at the ceiling. Thinking about how today was suddenly different from all of the other times I've had the nightmare frightens me slightly. Everything goes back to some of the final words the girl said to me.

'"Tomorrow, you'll be living in a different world compared to the ordinary," what does that mean?'

And then there was her calling me horrible. Saying that I forgot. What did I forget though? That's what I want to know. What am I supposed to remember?

The phone in my hand starts to constantly vibrate. I was being called.

'Is it Maki?'

I asked myself, looking at the phone screen. My eyes widen as I look at the phone screen. Surprisingly, there was someone calling me from a number I'd never seen before, but what was even more surprising was that it was named.

The name was in all capitals. I was sure that I would never name anyone this and I don't know anyone by this name.


Curious, I answer it, of course, with caution in mind.


I called out. A female voice spoke.

['At 6:01 PM, Aihara Sasaki knocks on your door and asks you for money.']

After I heard that, I instantly cut the call.

Who was that? Some sort of prophet? It's exactly 6 PM right now, so the caller can't actually be able to know what's going on. Nevertheless, why did they know my sister's name? What's more, why did they decide to call me?

Eh, it's fine. I won't be calling that number again, anyways. I should probably block it befor–

There was a knock at my door. Instinctively, I checked the clock. It said 6:01 PM. I started to break into a cold sweat.

Even if someone does knock at my door, I bet it won't be Ai-nee. I mean, it's probably Yuki-nee telling me that the food is ready early. God, why am I actually starting to reassure myself?

'Come in.'

I said, sitting up on my bed. The door opened, revealing my older sister, Ai-nee. She looked slightly nervous. Swiftly, she fell onto her knees and bowed to me.

'Shou, please, lend me some money!'

What the...

I pointed over at my desk.

'Y-yeah... Just go over to my desk. There should be a 10,000 yen bill in there...'


She smiled at me. Ai-nee got up and rummaged through my desk. Once she found the 10,000 yen bill, she left and closed the door behind her. I was too shocked to say anything. All I did was watch her as she left.

'What the hell just happened?!'

I scream to myself.

My finger scrolled through my phone and went onto my recent calls. the ULTIMA contact was there. I instantly clicked "Call." After a few beeps, she picked up.

['Do you finally get it now, Shoya Sasaki?']

'Who're you and what do you want? Also, tell me where all of the wiretaps and secret cameras are!'

I bellowed at my phone.

['Relax, Shoya Sasaki. You know that I'm not listening to you or watching you. You already know what I did.']

'You say that, but you could be some sort of bullshit prophet. Prove it to me, and I'll listen to what you have to say.'

There's a possibility that she's listening in, somehow. The question is, when did she put all of the wiretaps?

['"Big Brother." It was a part of your dream you never told your older sister, despite telling her almost every other detail.']

I froze.

['Maybe you really have "forgotten."']

The woman highlighted the word, "forgotten." Maybe the "Big Brother" thing isn't good enough proof, but there's no way she should know about the final words that girl said to me. I don't ever remember saying it out loud.

'Who the fuck are you?'

['Seems like you're willing to cooperate. I don't think you're ready for my real name yet, so just call me, ULTIMA, for now. I'll be your guide to the future.']

My guide to the future? Is she trying to say that she'll control my life? But this could also be a way of saying that she'll help me. If she is saying that, then it will definitely not be for free. She's expecting something from me. Perhaps results in something.

Before I got the chance to ask her, she started talking.

['Tomorrow, at 10 AM in the park near your school, you will find the Cat.']

The girl also mentioned something about a cat.

'What cat?'

I could hear ULTIMA's quiet chuckles from over the phone.

['Schrödinger's Cat.']

Oi, why the fuck is that being mentioned now? Besides, isn't that experiment just a mental hypothesis?

'There's no way there's a cat who's dead and alive.'

['Oh, it seems you're mistaken.']


['Schrödinger's Cat may be a cat, but that cat has a human form. You'll know the moment you set your eyes on her.']

'You shoul–'

['If you meet that cat, she'll help you throughout your life. She'll either become your pet or your partner.']

ULTIMA interrupted me, but I decided to move on with that matter.

'What do you mean by "either?"'

['It means that you will be the one who decides how the experiment ends.']

I felt confused.

'Excuse me?'

['You will be the one to decide how the experiment ends.']

'Ah, no, I heard that.'

I said, indifferently.

['You will choose whether the cat is dead or alive. Depending on that, the cat will be your pet or your partner. Though–here's a hint–Schrödinger's Cat will kill you if you make her your pet, so choose wisely.']

'Hey, who said you could decide this?!'

['I didn't say it. And it's also not my choice. You choose. The first step is to go to the park at 10 AM tomorrow.']

'There's a catch to me not going tomorrow is there?'

She laughed slightly.

['There is no catch although I believe it would be in your best interests to comply with me. If you want to know more about that nightmare of yours.']

I'll get to know more about... that girl and my nightmare, huh.

['That's all from me. I'll call you tomorrow after 10 AM and if you don't pick up, I'll assume you've died and all hopes of knowing what your nightmare is, close off. Good luck, you'll need it, Shoya Sasaki.']

ULTIMA cut the call.

That was... different. I still don't know if I believe ULTIMA or not, but I guess I have to do it. I've been having these nightmares from as far back as I can remember. I'd say it's been ten years now. If I could get rid of them and find out who that girl is, then I'd feel like I've been relieved of a tiresome task.

She said 10 AM tomorrow, right? Today's Friday so tomorrow will be a weekend. The 13th of April will be tomorrow. It's getting close to that date...

The best choice will be to go to the park if it means that I'll gain more information about my recurring nightmare though, I guess, I'm risking death.

I guess... I'll think about it tomorrow. I can't keep my eyes open. Damn... Yuki-nee's going to be mad at me...


I woke up at 9 AM and had breakfast. As soon as I arrived at the table, Kei started scolding me since I didn't stay awake for dinner. If it was any other girl, I'd start throwing insults and retort back but she's my younger sister.

After I finished breakfast, I got dressed and ran out of the house. I walked to my school and then took a detour to the park near it. To be honest, I rarely ever go to the park and the only way I know how to get there is from the school and train station.

It took about five minutes and I was at the park. Conveniently, I was here at 9:59 AM. (There was also no one here.) Feels like I was set up. I bet she said 10:00 AM since she can "see" the future. I still think that part is a whole lot of bullshit.

But if she can, then I guess that she saw me coming here one minute before the allotted time. Instantly, chills overcame my entire body. It was spring but the cold felt like we were at the apex of winter.

Wind pooled in from around me and rushed toward the small sandpit at the furthest edge of the park. It was like it was making a mini tornado. I tried walking toward it but the wind was too strong. Instead, I slowly started to edge backwards.

The colour of shadows slowly painted the wind as it formed the silhouette of a human. A small one. I couldn't tell what gender from the silhouette alone. Once the shadows melded in with the silhouette, they exploded outward, revealing a girl. A girl, unlike anything I've seen before.

Opening her eyes, she slowly tilted her head towards me.

The girl's frame was small. Probably the same as an eight-year-old child. She has long black hair though it wasn't your typical Japanese black hair. It was completely black. Just like an abyss or a starless night.

She began to walk toward me.

Her scarlet eyes bore through me, almost like she was staring at my soul. She wore a black dress, matching her shadowy hair.

This... wasn't a cat though. I know ULTIMA said in human form, but... shouldn't she at least have ears?

'Who are you?'

The girl asked.

That should be my question. And are we just going to ignore the fact that she just materialized from black wind? Today and yesterday have been something else...


I said nervously. The girl gave me a stern stare.

'Well, who else would I be asking?'


That was dumb. Who else would she be asking?! Me, of course!

'I'm Sho–'

Her eyes seemed to drift off of me.

'Actually, I have someone else to ask.'

Gah! Rude, much? Wait, there wasn't anyone in this park when I came here, so does that mean people are suddenly coming now?

The black-haired girl walked past me, with a triumphant smirk on her face, I turned my body and watched her walk toward a man. That man gave me dangerous vibes.

First of all, he looks like a crazed murderer, wanting to kill more. Second of all, he looked extremely jacked and was covered in all sorts of scars. (You'd think someone would tell him to put a shirt on.) And third, he was carrying some sort of sword on his back.

Is she really going to ask for his name when he looks like that?

'Uh... Hey–'

I don't know her name.

'I don't think you should go to him.'

I said, raising my arm toward her. I knew she heard me since she looked back at me, but the girl continued walking while smiling.

'I think it should be quite the opposite, actually.'


'I think you should not go near him.'

What's she trying to–

I couldn't finish that thought. Something else surprised me.

From the girl emerged features that you'd only see in anime or manga. Things that people often think are cute. To be honest, whenever I saw them, I never thought "cute," or anything of the like. But seeing it in real life is different.

Cat ears sprung from the top of the girl's head, while a tail appeared from under her dress. She swiped out her hand–her nails elongated and darkened. They were like thin sharp knives. So...

'Oh, missy, seems like you understand my mindset.'

The man said, creepily sneering. Though the girl was walking toward him like that, he only smiled. Maybe he really is a crazed murderer.

The girl stopped two steps short of the man. She looked up at him with a menacing glare.

'What's your name?'

'Elude. Your killer.'

Almost instantly, she swiped at him; the man was already bent down. He was able to dodge the strike. The girl's next attacks were fluid, though the man was able to see through each one of them. He then gained distance between them.

'Such a bad kitty... I guess I'll have to get the knife out...'

He reached out for his back. As he swung his arm out forward, the sword became unsheathed. It was just a handle. Definitely not a knife. It looked slightly weird though. I thought it was some sort of greatsword from fantasy games, but it was just a sword handle.

'Let's see how you do against my heat, kitty!'

The man swung the handle toward the girl. She didn't move. She stared intently at the sword handle. Abruptly, she moved backwards. Blue flames formed from the handle and shaped into a blade, striking down at the ground, barely missing the girl.

When did reality turn into a fantasy game? Gah, what the hell, man?! First, some self-proclaimed prophet calls me and says I can learn more about my dream and then all of this?! What's going to happen to me?!

I saw the girl continuously dodge the man's attack as they travelled across the park.

Maybe this is my chance. I should get out of here before I get killed. I know I said that I was going to be risking my life, but now that I'm actually in a life and death situation, my value of life has risen considerably.

Slowly, I began slipping away.

[Will you really do that, Big Brother?]


The area changed within an instant. It was so fast. Too fast, in fact. It's the same as before, but slightly different. I've never entered this place instantly.

The black-haired girl was in front of me. Though I couldn't see most of her face, I could see her frowning mouth.

'Do what?'

[Run, of course, when you're fully capable of beating that man.]

Me? Beating that guy... I've had just about enough of this shit.

'Look! I don't know who you are and I never will! I'm just an ordinary human being, not some magician! I don't even know if everything that's happened today and yesterday has been all real! I'm just going along with the flow! So could you just shut the fuck up?!'

I lost it. Nothing made sense at this point. As much as I felt like screaming more, the next events haunted me.


Surprisingly, the girl's frown turned upside down. It became a stomach-churning grin.

[Thank you for releasing your superfluous feelings.]

That's fucking rude.

She raised her arm out and opened her palm. It was like she was asking for a handshake. I slowly raised my arm towards her–with slight hesitation–and grabbed it. Suddenly, light surrounded us both. My body started to feel different. I couldn't feel my own weight and I... well, how do I explain it? I feel smarter, I guess.

Slowly, the light faded and the girl let go of my hand.

'What... happened?'

[I merely released your ability.]

'Ability?! I have an ability?!'


That's impossible! How deep into sleep am I?

[Your ability is called Black Exodia.]

'Black Exodia? That's a weird name. What does exodia even mean?'

[That I do not know. But what I do know, is that you can help the Cat and stop that man.]

'Oi, tell me, what does it even do and how do I–'

I was back to reality. The feeling of lightness still stayed, even after coming back to the real world, meaning that whatever the girl was saying was true. If I actually do have an ability, then how do I use it?

I can't do anything until I know. The thing is... it doesn't look like the cat girl's doing well over there.

She was being pushed back. I could see several cuts run across her arms and tears in her dress. There were light burn marks on her body too. From the looks of it, she was exhausted from dodging so much.

'Good... Now, stay there, kitty cat.'

The man, who called himself Elude, swung both his arms behind him; the sword of blue flames exploded and expanded. Replacing his flaming greatsword was a flaming pillar, at least five times the size of his sword.

Judging from the size of the flaming pillar and the distance between the girl and him, she wouldn't be able to dodge it in time with her stamina.

I couldn't watch anymore. On instinct, my legs moved and began running toward the girl. I felt light on my feet. Running like this, I'd barely make it if he–

'Here it comes! Hellfire Avalanche!'


Elude swung his sword from above him, downwards at the girl. As I approached, skidding, I stopped in front of the girl. I didn't have time to think. The flames were coming down on me like a gavel. My hands went in front of me as I closed my eyes.

God. I'm dead.

I waited and waited. Waiting for something to happen, for some sort of pain to engulf my entire body. The only thing that I felt was slight warmth at my sides. I opened one eye and then opened the other. The blue flames were scattered across the ground around us.

Did I...

I looked over at the man. For some reason, he was cowering in fear. He didn't look like the crazed murderer he looked like but instead like a swine. Elude struggled to raise his arm. He eventually pointed at me though his arm was continuously shaking.

'Y-you... That Singularity... The next coming o-of the B-Bla–'

Before he could finish, his head was lopped off. Blood sprayed everywhere as his head landed in the sandpit. I felt the need to throw up but I held back the urge as the girl walked toward me. Though, was it really necessary to kill him?

'You. Boy.'

'U-uh, y-yes?!'

I took my eyes off of the body and put them on the girl.

'I don't want to be Schrödinger's Cat anymore. I want to be at the side of someone I can trust. So, please tell me, am I dead or alive?'

Ah, it's that question that ULTIMA said I should decide. If we're going like this, then the obvious answer is to choo–. No, that's not it. Alive would be the easiest answer but it's not the right answer. I don't want to die, so...

'You're dead.'

I said. My heart was racing. If this was the wrong answer, then I'd die, for sure.

'Well then...'

She smiled.

'Please, Master, tell me my name.'

That was the right answer!

I silently celebrated on the inside while I thought up a name for the girl. I thought up something almost instantly after seeing her. Yes, I choose...

'Kuroha... But I'll call you Kuro for short, is that fine?'

Kuro's scarlet eyes lit up and glistened as she grinned in solace.


It was a beautiful smile.

Albeit my time for admiration ended when I got a call. I took out my phone and answered the call, without looking after the person's number. I could already guess who it was.

'ULTIMA. Explain this all to me.'

It was silent for a few seconds before...

['I see you've reawakened, Shoya Sasaki.']

'Cut the bull and explain what I am now. Explain what'll happen to me too, while you're at it.'

I could hear the devious chuckle of ULTIMA from the phone. Seems like she's amused by this situation.

['Okay, okay. Let me start by explaining what you are.']

Kuro edged closer to try and hear who I was talking to but she couldn't hear. I took the phone off of my ear and put speaker mode on, then, uniformly, increased the volume to max.

['You, Shoya Sasaki, is what is called a Streia. Streia is still the plural, if you were wondering.']

I don't think I needed to know that last part.

['Streia are like, what you would call, mages or magicians from video games. Streia has three levels of magic.

Spells can be used by anyone. Then we have Incarnation, which can be used by select individuals or inherited by hereditary. And finally, Singularities, which are unique abilities only available to one person in the world.

Not everyone has Singularities. For example, those blue flames were Incarnation while your Black Exodia is a Singularity.']

Elude did spout something about a Singularity before he died.

['Now, onto the main course of the conversation.']

'"Main course?"'

Kuro echoed. We could hear another one of ULTIMA's chuckles.

['You will be applying for Altheria Academy. A school for Streia.']

'Oi, I didn't agree to that!'

['But your parents did. Of course, we hid the fact that it's a school for superhumans.']

I don't think my stepmother would be swayed so I'm guessing it's my dad's doing. He just had to be gullible.

['Of course, you can decline admission, but know this. If an unregistered Streia tries to live among the ordinary, they will die.']

'Thanks for the warning. I have no choice but to join, do I?'

Since she said "we," earlier, I'm guessing she works for some sort of secret organization or something. Meaning that her last statement may not be a bluff.

['It'll be a boarding school and you will be transferring into it on Monday. Get ready at 6 AM on Monday; I'll send you the uniform. Oh, and, your partner will also be going. She'll be registered as a familiar. Don't worry, she'll have the same pleasures as a student.']

Familiar? Like those magic animals in RPGs and everything. Cool.

['Ah, look at the time. It's nearly a quarter past. I'll have to cut the call now, Shoya Sasaki. I'll be looking forward to seeing what results you bring in Altheria Academy, Black King.']

ULTIMA then cut the call. I shoved my phone into my pocket and looked around.

Everything's going too fast. From yesterday after school until now. I really still barely understand anything. Well, at least I have a partner who'll be going through everything with me. I'm surprised she isn't the least bit rebellious though.

Looking around, I spoke.

'I've been thinking this for a while. No one will come here, right?'