Chereads / drxxped / Chapter 24 - Another history lesson

Chapter 24 - Another history lesson

"Thank you for saving me." Brian bowed his head to Alixandre with his palms together.

" I'm sure you would do the same if you could, but I suggest you get up. There's more coming."

The forest ground shook. They heard the footsteps of tons of demons surrounding them. Hundreds more glowing red eyes gleamed through the cracks of the tree and leaves.

" We're all going to die!I should've listened to my wife and stayed home."

" I won't be able to see my son again."

" I don't want to die like this!"

One voice quieted the crowd. A voice that sounded as if nothing worried him.

" Can you guys stop crying? Buy me some time to take off my clothes and get out of the way. I'm going to show you something cool," Alixandre said.

He walked into the middle of the party and began to strip.

" Hell are you doing! Captain Brian, say something." The monkey-type beast-man looked at brian, who looked confused at the whole situation

' He saved my life and handled those demon beasts on his own. I have no choice but to believe in him.

" Everyone! Protect our comrade until he's ready!"

Without hesitation, everyone put their guards up.

" Akh'rak, I know it may seem bad, but I trust him. " Brian stuck his shield in the ground and prepared for the demons ahead. The team was surrounded on all sides. The beast-men had large axes, slicing deep into demon flesh. Lizardmen had bows, covering their comrades who fought up close. The humans had a mixture of swords and magic casters.

* crack*


The party was distracted by the sounds of bones cracking and shattering beside them.

" Is everyone ok!"

" Look behind you!"

They watched Alixandre's body grow large. Thick red fur replaced his skin.

" Watch out, he's big!"

In the middle of the broken team formation, a large crimson red wolf stood.

"Holy shit." Brian's eyes lit up.

All of a sudden, a deep and ominous ringed through the heads of the party members.

" Cover your ears or die." Everyone followed the order.

Alixandre howled strong enough to cause the ground to shake. Even with their ears covered, their ears bled as they fell to their knees. The demons around them cried out in pain as blood spilled through every hole in their bodies.

' It's time to end this.'

Alixandre pounced forward. His claws sliced through demons with no resistance. Their attacks were futile.

" That wolf is vicious. He's tearing their heads off with his mouth!"

" His claws go through them like they are nothing!"

The team watched the one-sided massacre as the wolf decapitated demons with every attack.

' It looks like they're picking up the scaps. I can change it back.'

Seconds later, he was surrounded by darkness.

" What the fuck is going on here?" He looked around and saw nothing but pitch-black darkness.

" Hello, successor."

" Who's there! Show yourself!"

" Look behind you."

Alixandre turned his body. His jaw dropped. It was Astus. The massive silver wolf.

" I'm guessing you're Astus. My name is Alixandre."

" I know everything about you, Alixandre Lockwood. No need for introductions or formalities. I'm here to talk to you about my inheritance and your future."

" I'm listening."

" You are going to be the omega wolf. There hasn't been one in thousands of years. I chose you because of your potential. I won't give you my inheritance until you become the ruler of the wolves in name and in status. The wolves are currently a shell of ourselves. Cowering in the presence of our enemies. Our numbers have dwindled significantly.

You might think that this isn't your issue, but when you meet another wolf, you'll realize that the people you have blood relations with aren't your only family. Wolves were always envied due to how strong our bonds were as a family. Where other races raged war on each other, we stuck with one another. We pooled our resources together and rose to power. We were the rulers of Struicia, one of the seven continents on the planet. Struicia was known for its resources and beauty. The greenery was beautiful. The trees were large and the leaves were light pink. It never got too hot or too cold. It felt like autumn all year round.

It produced magic gems and crystals twice as potent as anywhere else. Its true specialty was that it was filled with areas that granted people two times the experience.

We were a force to be reckoned with. It wasn't until I fell in love with one of our sworn enemies, the vampires, that it went to ruin.

' Looks like the vampire vs wolf beef transcends planets.'

I loved a woman named Cecilia. One of the most beautiful and powerful people to ever exist. A red-haired woman with a body that defied the heavens. Beautiful red eyes and an innocent face. You would never guess that she was called the goddess of death. Vampires ruled a continent in the eastern hemisphere called Dreitho. A very dark and gloomy place as you can guess.

We had a child, thinking it would unite the wolves and vampires, but it only made them angry. They were mad that someone from the wolf race stole their precious gem. Thus the rivalry between vampires and wolves began. Since vampires fall under the demon race, they all banned together against us.

We asked for help from the angels, beast-kin, and dragons. We asked for help from almost every race and they denied us out of greed. They wanted our territory. So, We waged war against everyone. This wasn't a battle we could win, but we are wolves. We fight for each other. Together, we can do anything. We eventually surrendered to preserve our race, but they tormented us in our weakened state. They were even more furious when we destroyed the crystal that gave Strucia its power.

You are the wolf I chose. To be frank, you are the only wolf that can contain my power. You have a duty to return the wolves to their former glory. If you don't, I'll have to go against the laws of the planet and fuse our souls. What is your answer?

' Jesus Christ He really lectured me for this long as a time, but this is a no-brainer. I've already decided to embrace whatever this world offers me.'

" Astus, I will try my hardest to return the wolves to their former glory," Alixandre said. His gaze never left Astus' eyes.

" Thank you very much, successor. I will help you every step of the way."

The darkness around him faded away. His senses returned back to the forest.

" Hey! Wolf boy. It's time to go!"

" Wake up you dog!"

' Don't they know I could kill everyone here?'

Alixandre let his murderous aura seep out.

" Shut your damn mouth before he kills us!" said Brian

" Hey, it's time to leave." Alixandre transformed back into a human and got his clothing. The team made it back into the city and Alixandre made his way toward the kingdom.

' Man, this world is beautiful.' Alixandre strolled the city, admiring the European ambiance. The night was bright and full of life. Kids played by the water fountains. There were stores that sold food, clothing, and jewelry. It was just an early version of Earth.

He made his way back to the castle. Everyone was in their quarters.

' This might be the quietest place in the kingdom.'

He opened his room door.

" I was waiting for you all this time."