Chereads / drxxped / Chapter 27 - Sophia's Request & The Bloodsmith

Chapter 27 - Sophia's Request & The Bloodsmith

'It's time to head back. I'm sure your brother is losing his mind with you not being home."

Amara and Alixandre slowly made their way to the castle. Amara was almost shoulder to shoulder with him.

"Who goes there!" Since it was late at night, the guards couldn't see the princess in the distance.

" Jeez. I put on some makeup and the guards who watch me with those perverted eyes can no longer recognize their princess."

" We- were sorry Miss Amara! Open the door!"

The pair made their way into the castle where they parted ways. Only Amara knew of the pair of eyes watching them from the shadows.



Alixandre woke up refreshed from his date. He took a hot bath and put on his black turtle neck and red robe.

' I'm sure breakfast is going to be interesting. '

Alixandre had become the talk of the castle. Rumors of him being the one to give Queen Scarlett a child spread like wildfire. The maids gave him looks full of lust on his way to the dining room.

" Look who's here father. My sister's favorite dog," Jamie said condescendingly.


" It's okay, Amara. He has the right to talk down on me now." He made his way to the seat beside Amara without looking at Jamie." I will apologize to you in advance. I can't imagine what will happen to your brother when he talks down on me in the future."

" My god. You two don't stop going at it for a second," said Scarlett, who watched the two bickering with a smile. She was happy that a boy was willing to go so far for her daughter.

" It's not my fault that he's not good enough for her. Look at our sister Freya. The baron she's married to has her living like a peasant. I refuse to let that happen to another one of the women in our family. Marrying losers seems like it runs in our bloodline. " Jamie's eyes went to his mother. "So I'm only trying to save her from here on fate."

" Maybe you have a crush on your sister. On Earth, we call your types sis-cons."

" You wanna take this outside!"

" I thought you would never ask! I can't wait to tear your flesh off with my fangs!"

" Enough!" The two stopped bickering immediately at the sound of Sophia's voice. " I warned the both of you of what would happen if you fought in this kingdom. This is my last time saying it. If the two of you want to fight, do it outside of the castle. One more outburst." Sophia summoned purple lighting in her hand. " I'll show you both an unimaginable pain."

" I apologize Miss Sophia!" Alixandre wanted no part of Sophia. He couldn't hide the fear on his face.

" Now that that is over. Alixandre, it's time for you to make weapons for the kingdom. I don't expect you to create a lot of special-grade weapons like your swords, but I'm expecting better than what we have. The weapon room has a multitude of different weapons for you to study. There's also a dwarf to help you with inscriptions and things of the sort. I'm not rushing you or forcing you. Just get started as soon as you can," said Scarlett.

" It seems like the mutt does have talent. I noticed those swords were powerful. I thought that they were his growth weapons. Who would've thought a dog had such tricks." Alexandre didn't fall for the provocations. Instead, he turned his attention to the quiet girl beside him.

" Amara, is there something wrong?" he whispered

" He's coming. Lucas is coming here."

Alixandre's eyes widen. His jaw clenched in rage as he released his bloodlust, surprising everyone. No one understood how his bloodlust became so terrifying. The queen and Sophia were the only ones who knew his true nature. The veins under his eyes gave away who he was at his core. A psychopath.

" Calm down. It's fine. I forgave him."

" Hunny, what's wrong," said Steffon.

" It's nothing, father. I just said something to make him mad." She smiled, but everyone present knew something was off.

"Alixandre, Sophia has a request for you," said Scarlett.

" Even though I yelled at you, I harbor no ill-intent. I was hoping that you would give me the gift of childbirth."

' I'm going to test her. Let's see if she's as forceful as the others. I don't want to ruin my relationship with Amara.'

" What would you do if I were to refuse you?" he said.

" The queen explained to you how hard it is for us to get pregnant. I've been alive for thousands of years and haven't come close. Jamie couldn't even get me pregnant. You denying me means that you would be ok with me not having a family for as long as I live. If that is your choice, I would be forced to consider you my enemy and kill you for the most insignificant reason possible. The young miss gave me her blessing, so you shouldn't let it affect your choice."

"Amara, are you okay with this?

" Of course. Sophia has served my family for thousands of years. I remember her telling me many times that she wanted kids of her own. I would love to be an aunty," she said with a smile.

' Have to remember. It's a weird planet.'

"I accept your request, Miss Sophia."

" I will be in your quarters tonight."

" I'm sure he won't be better than me in bed," said Jamie.

" Alixandre is an incubus and he's a lot bigger than you. You couldn't even handle Elana. Alixandre conquered her on his first try," Sophia said.

Alixandre ate his food with a smirk while Jamie looked at him with envy.

Breakfast ended soon after the conversation stopped. Alixandre and Amara went to the weapons room.

" This is a lot bigger than the guild's weapons room." Amara walked with him in silence. Alixandre could feel that she wasn't ok.

" When will he arrive?"Alixandre studied every weapon he came across while holding a conversation with Amara.

" A few days."

" Do you want me to do something about it?"

" You aren't strong enough to fight him. He's no weaker than me."

" Who said anything about fighting him? All I need you to do is allow me to see your memories. Don't fight me. Look into my eyes."

Amara surrendered herself to him. Alixandre slowly read through her memories using divine eyes. He could see everything from her childhood until now.

" Alright. It's complete."

" What are you planning to do?" she said.

" Cause some chaos." He flashed a sadistic grin that gave her goosebumps.

" I have to go outside to create these weapons. It may take some time, so you should stay inside."

" I won't see you tonight. I want to spend some time with you before you and Sophia do it."

The two made it outside the castle and sat close to the moat full of blood.

' I've studied enough weapons. I should be able to create what I want, but where should I start?'

He sat quietly for a while before a thought popped into his head.

'Melden Ring!'

He raised his hand and the blood from the moat began to form a greatsword.

'It's a lot weaker than my Odachi.'

" Amara what grade is this sword." He turned to Amara and saw her eyes sparkle.

" What type of sword design is this!" She said, almost screaming. The greatsword was blood red with bone-like spikes across the entire blade. It looked like a giant spine.

' I'm sure she wouldn't understand if I told her I got it from a game. I'll just keep the names the same, but take credit for the design.'

" I call it the 'Sword of Milos.' You didn't answer my question though. What grade is this?"

" Grades range from S to F. This is a high A-grade weapon. Can it circulate magic through it? Try injecting your magic into it.

Alixandre held the greatsword in both hands and began to push his magic into it.

His surroundings turned black, but in front of him were skills written in golden letters.

'It's just like when I received my ability from the sphere! Can I put skills on weapons without having to draw inscriptions? My new arm is reacting! ' His left arm felt like it was vibrating. It was emitting a black aura. ' My growth weapon is fueling this place. It's amazing!'

There were three skills ahead of him;

Health Restoration: Absorbs the blood of the opponent cut by the sword and heals the wielder

Sacred Greatsword: Wielders' attacks are imbued with holy magic.

Cold Greatsword: The greatsword turns cold as it now has an ice affinity. Each attack causes frostbite to build up

" I chose the Cold Greatsword."

Amara watched as Alixandre turned silent and was stuck in place with the greatsword held in front of him. Suddenly, the sword released a terrifying cold aura. Amara jumped out of harm's way. Alixandre's hair blew violently above his head. The blood around him froze instantly.

" Holy shit Amara. Look at this!" He turned to show Amara, only to get a glimpse of her back as she headed toward the entrance of the castle.

" Mom!!!"