"Shh" he dips his fingers into the bowl of herbs and slowly massages it on me. The minty feel of the eucalyptus oil makes me tingle down there as the warm herbs numb the pain of the fresh lesion.
"Aaa." I moaned again as Giken continued to dab the medicinal waters onto me with his warm fingers. Eventually, he found the pebble again and when he did he started to move his fingers in a circular motion, teasing me with temptation and sensation. It started slow and gentle at first then became a little more forceful, making my hips move on its own.
After a little time had passed, I finally was able to murmur the words, "Giken, it feels so good. I… I… " right before my whole body trembles wildly in a climax. Giken smiles as he stands up to grab another rag to wipe his hands. His wolfish grin made me envy his joy, knowing he could inflict pleasure onto me but I couldn't return the favor to him.
His manhood stood at my eye level, hard and pushing through his loose trouser. Since he was distracted, I decided to go for it. I followed my animal instinct wanting to make him feel just as good as he had just made me.
I quickly pulled his trousers down from under his waistband, grabbed hold of his erected shaft and shoved my mouth over just the tip.
"Ahh…" he jolted into a groan as he dropped the rag onto the floor. He reached up to tug at this hair in the confusion when his eyes glanced down to meet mine. Slowly, I began to swivel my tongue around, tasting just the tip. His body's response to me excited me, telling me that I was doing everything right as his body trembles ever-so-slightly at every movement of my tongue. His breathing labors with small moans of pleasure and his pleasure ripples through his body in small quakes.
I adjust my knees, tugging the flesh of his shaft back a little and he releases a louder moan, "ahh."
Yes, he likes it.
I moved the neck of his flesh up towards my lips and back down to his pubic area and he let out a loud moan, indicating to me that his pleasure was bearable. I repeated the motion because it was MY TURN to return to him a wolfish grin.
He tastes so deliciously sweet in my mouth that I wanted to devour him. Leisurely, I pushed him a little deeper into my mouth. His girth and length is unyielding as I find myself struggling to fit its circumference into my mouth and length inside both of my hands.
Giken places his hand onto the back of my head, "don't stop," he said, so I don't.
His hips moved closer to my face as his shaft inches deeper to my mouth. His pace sped up slowly and heat emanated from between his legs. "Sereen, ahh, you feel so good." he fought to say.
Suddenly, he stops and his whole body stiffens for a moment as his manhood twitched inside my mouth. Warm liquid filled my oral cavities and the taste of him was so refreshing, like biting into a fresh and juicy cucumber on a hot summer day. Not knowing what was happening, I accidentally swallowed and immediately I coughed.
"How was that?" I asked after I cleared my throat.
"That was beautiful and wonderful. Thank you." He said as he wiped the beaded sweat off of his face and neck.
"How did you know to do that?" he asked.
"I don't know. I just thought that I wanted to taste you… ALL of you." I replied.
"You are so amazing." His dimples indented into his cheeks and it's eye candy for me. I sigh in awe of his beauty and he whispers, "Niin zaagi'neta."
I completely ignore what he says as I daze into the clouds that blurs our surroundings, focusing on just him, his speech muffled and his lips moved in slow motion.
I sigh again.
"Sereen. Sereen." His voice breaks me out of my daydream.
"Oh, uh yes?"
"How are you feeling after the rhubarb tea?"
"I am feeling quite ready for more…" I eyed his crotch, "...of the tea…" I changed my gaze to his lips, "...from your mouth…" I stuttered.
Why am I struggling to put words together? Get a hold of yourself, Sereen. I blush in embarrassment.
He places a kiss my head.
"If you're feeling better, maybe we should display the sheet."
"What? Display? The sheet? For all to see?"
Giken laughs, "No, not for all to see. What do you think we are, savages? No, we display it to the shaman. They read our future and see how far this onaabeman will be yours before you move on to another."
"What do you mean by 'will last'?"
"It means, you may find another man if you so chose. They will read how long you will choose me as your number one, before you find another."
"I really don't like this whole thing. It's preposterous to think that I will chose another mate in polygamy. I want you and only you." I said irritably.
"And I you… giineta. You don't understand the powers you have over me. I have to give you my everything."
"But you don't have to. You can choose to not give me anything." Giken looks at me in confusion.
I don't want to force him to serve me. I want him to fall in love with me, like how I fell in love with him. I don't want him to feel obligated to me because of our fate and his traditions..
"But I have to give you everything." he mumbled.
"But you don't HAVE to… only if you choose to."
Giken takes in a deep breath, closes his eyes and shakes his head. "Forget what I just said. It only makes sense if you can make sense of it, and at this point, you can't"
I nod in agreement, but was still puzzled by the whole thing. I'm so lost at the traditions of their culture and I fear I may never understand it.
"We should still display it." he said. I give him a reluctant smile as he scoops the sheet off the ground, crumbling it into his arm.
Mooji had already taken the liberty of calling for a Shaman from a neighboring tribe to the west of us. A teepee was made just for the shaman lady to have her space. Once she was settled, we handed her the sheet.
A small fire sat in the middle of the room. Four women pulled the sheet from each corner of the fire and the stains on the sheet is portrayed like a shadow story.
Every now and then the shaman lady would say, "Ao…" and "hmmm".
Finally, when she was done reading the sheet, the four women tossed each of their corners into the fire, burning it away.
"What do you see?" Giken asked, but she didn't say anything.
"What did you see?" Giken asked again, but no answer.
Without saying a word, I reached my hand over and grabbed the shaman lady's hand, expressing in my eyes my need to know.
"Four men, you will share, but the most devoted is the one standing right before you." She said, peering deep into my soul.
"Of the four, only two are true. Of the two, you will have to choose which one lives and which one dies." She turns her attention to Giken. "Gikendaaso, your ancestors are truly looking down on you. The path to the new alpha is right under your feet. You just have to start walking and everything will fall into place."
As she speaks to Giken, I see a shadowy figure from the corner of my eyes. I quickly turned my head to look at it and the ghastly woman figure disappeared like a wind blowing through fog.
The shaman lady stops talking and studies me.
"What is it you saw, just now?" she asked me. I shake my head, pretending to not understand her, but she continued to speak to me, "I sense something about you, woman. You are hiding so well that I can not read you. I would love to see what it is you're hiding." She reaches her hand to me and grabs hold of my wrist.
I tried to pull away, but she held on tightly.
Then I saw her. My eyes see right into her soul and I see her talking to another tribesman. They are planning something big, something dangerous. Who is that man? I see Niiganii, being attacked as this woman watches from afar. Time races and she is invoking the blood moon.
A black wolf howls up to the blood moon, but it beams away from the wolf. It turns to look at me with its bright yellow eyes. The black wolf transfigures into a man. He walks over to me and grasps my throat. I hear his voice.
"You said, I would be alpha. You LIED!" his voice echoed in my ears and the shaman lady released me from her hold, gasping for air.
"What is this? What are you? Are you a witch?" She stands up and cowers away, mortified.
I speak to her, but completely in English, so that no one can understand me. " You have conspired to kill the alpha and replace her. You failed, for you had invoked the new alpha to be born instead. You killed the Alpha that was Niiganii."
When she heard Niiganii's name she bowed down and beg for forgiveness. I am overtaken by an overwhelming load of unexplained emotion and tears start to trickle down my face.
Giken stands up and whispers into my ear, "Ikwaanamo… take a deep breath. Calm your nerves and let us leave here." He takes my hand into his hand and leads me out of the teepee, while the shaman lady keeps her head down, pressing into the earth.
We are met with Mooji outside, "How did it go?" Her gleaming smile slowly shifts into a puzzled look, "Sereen? What happened?"
"The reading went well, but something unexpected happened. Sereen spoke in her native tongue, so I couldn't understand her. But she mentioned…" Giken move in closer to Mooji's ear and whispers, "she mentioned Niiganii."
"I'm suddenly so hungry." I said to Giken and Mooji. "I would like some food." My knees start to weaken and my hands start to shake. I feel like there was no energy left in my body to sustain me.
"Najimiijime… someone get some food for us." Mooji yelled out. Giken hoisted me up and quickly ran me into our hut. Mooji follows.
Giken sits me on the ground, leaning my back onto him and Mooji places her palms, one on my chest and the other on hers. She closed her eyes for a moment and then the shot opened.
"Gikendaaso, I can't feel anything."
"What do you mean you can't feel anything?"
"There is no aura there. It's like she's dead… but she's very much alive. Something is blocking it."
"I'm hungry. Please, get me some food." I begged.
A woman walks in with poultry soup. I quickly gulped it down, requesting for more.
After my fourth bowl, I closed my eyes and seemed to transcend into a world full of stars in the black sky and beneath my feet, I walked on black waters that reflected the stars above. I am in a red dress and my long hair swayed down my back and into the dark waters like a train.
Where am I? How did I get here? Why am I dressed like this and how did my hair get so long?
The waters quickly formed a person standing in front of me. It was me. The me that I knew myself to be. She promptly started to speak.
"The alpha has already been decided. Fate and destiny have aligned itself. The clash of the pact will begin and the fight for power will end it all. You must choose which path to tread on. But before you choose, I must give you this." She hands me a small twig in the shape of a key.
"You must find the door and open it. There, you will be given answers to all your questions. And remember, I am no longer you as you are no longer me."
She then let out a resounding laughter that traveled the surface of the water and blew into me like a gust of wind. I fall backwards onto my bottom and I twitch awake.