While I was staring at her blankly, I have a really horrible feeling that I saved the wrong person, I mean what sane person has that reaction after they've learned they were almost raped? While we were having a standoff, she finally says something.
"Well thank you for saving me, sir. I would love to repay you, but the only thing I have is my bod-"
"Just buy something later" Her strange fixation on me wasn't making me feel any better, and when I took at closer look at her uniform, it's for one of the highest classed schools around. Only big shots went there, and I really didn't want to deal with some rich brat, my one customer was good enough.
I turn around and start heading towards the counter, when I feel that girls pulling my shirt up. What type of pervert did I pick up? I really didn't know, and I was hoping she would leave soon, and never come back. I turn around and she's looking up into my eyes.
"I'm Marcia, Marcia Rose" This name actually rung a bell, she was the daughter of my parent's boss. Whatever, I'll just use my fake ID name. I glance over onto the counter, I left it there, and the name on it was Ben Smith. The face perfectly matched, so I could easily sell the fake name to her.
"Ben" I then take my fake ID and walk out to the counter, I then find out one of the games I got for my handheld gaming system, everyone calls it the HHG. It was that or the original name of Lever, unsurprisingly, no one liked that name. I take out one of the game cartridge and find it's the newest game my parent's were working on. It was Steel Fist 7, and the daughter of the company's owner was in my bed, ironic, isn't it.
While I'm opening the game, I skip the tutorial. My parent's had sent me a demo of the game and ask for a general review of the game for family bonding, not that I was complaining, so I take the handheld controllers and start picking out my team. I hear Marcia walking out of my room, but I ignore her. While I'm practicing a combo for Master lee, I sense her sending a jab towards my right shoulder, I duck down and then stand up, unfazed I keep doing the combo. This girl had major issues, but the combo came first.
Speaking of video games, they were the only thing I would call myself talented at. It started with family bonding, but after losing my first match of ultimate smashers so horrifical to my uncle, I swore to never get my ass handed to me again, so every time he came over, I would undergo a trial by fire, and keep losing until one week, I could hold my own. Taking on grown adults in fighting games at age 6 was my greatest achievement, and why there my biggest hobby. It was the only thing I was good at and enjoyed, getting straight A's in schools just because I listened wasn't fun.
When I finish my combo, I look up I see Marcia standing at the counter, she looks wronged. Probably because I ignored her, maybe the thing she wanted most was attention because her parents were always busy. Whatever, not my problem. "What can I get for you?"
"Ramen" I shake my head, not even a thank you.
"6 dollars please" She then hands me the bills, and I put them in my pocket. I walk back to my cooking area and start cooking. 39 minutes later I walk out with some ramen, I take it to her table and when I arrive at the counter, the system had sent me a message.
[Hey me, if your reading this it's means our luck is shit. Gods focus on the world has decreased on everyone expect a certain individual. We can now have 2000SS, but in 3 months time, a transmigrator will take someone over. In simple terms, we have a protagonist on our hands, Be extremely careful, as when he transmigrates, he will come for us, probably as a quest to get stronger. We have 3 months to find the transmigrator and either stop the soul swapping or kill them after they come over. I'll have a window open and the original persons name and the name of the transmigrator and what they were in their last life. Don't mess around, were found out if god looks to closely at us, and gods going to be watching them extremely closely, meaning should we fight them, it's game over.]
This was really bad, a protagonist, and I couldn't even fight back? Well, my plans are going like this, find the protagonist and kill his soul. No reason to kill the other person, I had soul cleaving sword manual. Seems finding out how to use it was now the top of my priority list, those magic circle fragments would come in handy now.
While I'm thinking about this, I hear Marcia talking again. "Take me to school"
Well, what could I do, she seemed to be extremely easy to anger, hotheaded and vengeful from what I've gathered from family, news and personal experience. She might take my shop down, and that was not something I wanted to do deal with. So I just walk over to a open notebook and rip a page open and start writing on it. It read "Gone for a walk, be back at about 10:30 am"
I then walk outside the door, Marcia sprints because I left her alone. It was a Wednesday, so she missed the first two periods of the day, and people were probably worried as to where she was. You know, that little detail slipped my mind, but whatever, not my attendance record getting smeared, so why do I care?
When we finally arrive at the school, it's 10:45, recesses had just started. I walk her up to the gate and walk away, the shop needs me, and I still had some novel to edit, so I open up my phone and start walking back to the shop.