"I will take you outside later, but follow me and you die. If I find someone killed someone else, I will kill you all myself" I change my voice to be more gruff, while I don't mean the killing them all, it should put down any stray psychopaths that the group might have.
I start walking around the room and pick up all the guns, I didn't take more bags so I can't bag all the pipes, but I just have to hope my threat is enough.
While I'm walking over to the door, my vision starts to get blurry, so I close my eyes and start running forward. When I feel like I can't move my legs anymore, I collapse on the floor.
I feel like shit, that's the best way to describe it, I pull my hood back and start throwing up. This was definitely from me using to much mana and Qi. This was definitely a recoil from using both, because the backlash was never stated to be this bad for either manual. I then start absorbing some of the spiritual energy to try and to feed my body more energy, it worked as a meal supplement, so it should give me enough energy. After what feels like 20 minutes, I stand up again and start walking.
I start walking again and soon find more people walking down the hallway. As soon as they see me they pull out there guns, it being only 2 people I quickly aim at them and shoot. The bullets pierce their skulls and they slump over. I just keep walking.
After I walk for a bit longer, I hear some footsteps so I take out my guns. When they walk into view, I see them with the same black tank top with a white fang on it. They seemed to coordinate outfits so in gang wars there was no friendly fire. I shoot them in the head and keep walking.
While walking, I see a room with some doors and kick it open. I see a not so pg 13 scene, so I just close the door. When I start walking away, I hear the door burst open again, and see a man with a whip, I just shoot him and keep walking. After that incident I open the next door more carefully this time and see 4 men playing pool with metal pipes, to each their own I guess.
When they turn because of the creaking of the door, they rush towards me. I shoot three of them and dodge the last man's strike and grab him by the neck, he was going to be my map.
"Tell me where it is or you die. 5 seconds" I'm being non-specific to just get him to spill everything.
"The slave chambers are 7 doors to the left-" After he finishes the location of the chamber I shoot him. I'll just ask the next guy and use that and cross-reference. I then walk inside the door I had just kicked open. There's only one woman tied up, so I just untie her and leave.
While walking through the hallway, I find some men stationed outside a door. I can hear some muffled screaming. The guards are looking down at their pants, I'm genuinely disappointed. I then shoot the four of them dead and kick open the door, again. I'm once again greeted by a not so pg 13 scene. When I walk in, I'm greeted by someone trying to whip my face, so I shoot them. I then look around the room and see an extremely malnourished boy with marks all over his body.
"Fucking bitches" I catch myself muttering this, and my temper flares.
While I'm usually calm, shit like this would make anyone angry. I turn and see 3 more women barley dressed. I put the guns away and take out my scythe, this was going to be gruesome.
I walk up to an empty handed woman, and she falls right in her ass, so I pin her down with my foot and cut her stomach open, and start a fire inside it. I then walk up to another one and slice her arms and legs off and leave her lying on the floor. As for the last one, I take the whip from the corpse and start whipping her. All I can hear is screams, until they all slowly fade away.
After blowing off some steam, I walk over to the boy and find he's miraculously alive. Whether that's a blessing or a curse is something I haven't decided. When get over to him, I try starting a conversation and pull my hood down.
He looks to be around 10 years old, with bruises welts and cuts on every inch of his skin.
"Do you have a name?"
"Well then, do you mind if I call you little man?"
"Your still able to talk after all that, your a real man." After a few seconds of silence, he starts a conversation.
"I'm going to die, aren't I"
"Yes, I'm sorry I didn't come sooner" A minute or so silence later, he talks again.
"I don't want to die, Mr" He crying now, tears are streaming down his face.
"It's all right, little man. When you die you're going to go to heaven and spend time with other kids and kind adults, it's going to be all right." He keeps crying for a few minuets, before he talks again.
"Mr, can I call you dad?" He tries his best to look up at me, he still looks terrified and is crying.
"Sure, My little man, you can call me dad"
"Thank you, dad..." After saying that, he stopped breathing, and I can only look on, incapable of doing anything. I then decide to cremate him, so I cast a small fire circle and cut some of the wooden objects around to make a makeshift coffin and put him inside. When I light on fire, I feel something wet on my face and realize I'm crying.
"See you in heaven, little man." After saying that, I leave the coffin burning and go to finish the job.